Afif Bimaridi1iD
Jeong Minkyung2iD
Oh Seunghee2iD
Park Junyoung1iD
Jo Uhyeon1iD
Handito Ragil1iD
Shin Woocheol1iD
Kang Hyoungku†iD
(Master course, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Korea National University of Transportation,
(Ph.D. course, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Korea National University of Transportation,
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
Cryogenics, Electrical breakdown, HTS Wires, Liquid nitrogen, Superconductor
1. Introduction
Superconducting materials have the potential to revolutionize various industries due
to their ability to carry significantly higher current densities than traditional
conductors, enabling the development of compact and efficient devices. Furthermore,
the absence of electrical resistance in superconductors reduces energy loss, leading
to substantial cost savings during long-term operations. The evolution of high-temperature
superconducting (HTS) tapes has seen the emergence of first-generation (1G) HTS tapes,
which primarily consist of Bismuth compounds (Bi-2223 or Bi-2212) in a silver matrix,
and second-generation (2G) HTS tapes, predominantly featuring Yttrium Barium Copper
Oxide (YBCO) or Rare Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) compounds that are deposited
as thin films on a flexible metal substrate[1]. The superior characteristics of 2G HTS tapes, such as increased critical current
density, enhanced performance under the influence of magnetic fields and strain, and
more efficient, scalable manufacturing processes, have led to their growing popularity
for various applications, including power transmission and medical superconducting
accelerators. For example, a resistive 220kV high-temperature superconducting fault
current limiter (HTSFCL) has been industrialized and opeational at Russia's Mnevniki
substation since 2019, and a resistive 154kV HTSFCL has been undergoing field tests
in Gochang, South Korea since 2016[2, 3]. In addition, commercialization of 23kV distribution HTS cables between the Shingal
and Heungduk substations has already taken place[4, 5].
In superconducting power equipment, research on the electrical breakdown characteristics
of liquid nitrogen (LN2) is crucial, as high voltage is required for its operation.
Larger scale superconducting apparatuses require larger LN2 gaps of electrical insulation.
However, previous research has only analyzed the electrical breakdown characteristics
of under small LN2 gap conditions[6, 7]. Research on the electrical breakdown characteristics of LN2 in long gap conditions
is lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the electrical breakdown characteristics
of LN2 in long gap conditions.
2. Experimental Set-up
To analyze the dielectric characteristics of LN2, electrical breakdown experiments
were conducted at an environmental pressure of 0.1MPa. A sphere-to-plane electrode
system was utilized to create several long gap conditions, which were then submerged
in LN2. To reduce errors, the experiment was replicated five times under identical
The sphere electrode was connected to a high voltage power supply (AC or lightning
impulse), while the plane electrode was grounded. The electrode system was installed
vertically to prevent bubbles from occurring between the sphere and plane electrode.
In order to minimize bubble formation, the system had a stabilization time of 15 minutes.
The AC voltage gradually increased at a ramp rate of 1kV/s until electrical breakdown
occurred in the system. The experimental specifications are presented in Table 1., Fig. 1 illustrates the experimental schematic diagram.
Table 1. Specifications for electrical breakdown experiments
Saturated LN2 (77K)
Sphere (diameter: 4mm) to plane (diameter: 200mm)
Electrode Material
Stainless steel 304cd
AC: 8 - 350mm
Imp.: 9 - 18mm
5 times
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of electrical breakdown experiment
3. Experimental Result
The breakdown voltage (VBD) measurements conducted under alternating current (AC)
conditions at varying gap distances are presented in Fig. 2. The red data points correspond to measurements obtained from previous research,
which covered gap distances ranging from 1 to 4mm[7]. As depicted in Fig. 2, the VBD saturates at 140kV and does not increase further even when the gap is increased.
Fig. 3 presents the relationship between the VBD and gap distance under lightning impulse
voltage (Imp.) conditions. It is evident from the graph that the breakdown voltage
remains dependent on the gap distance. To analyze and calculate the electrical breakdown
characteristics of LN2, the Weibull distribution is employed[8]. The Weibull distribution is commonly used in reliability studies of equipment because
of its capability to identify random and wear-out failures using scale and shape parameters.
Equation (1) illustrates the formula for a two-parameter cumulative distribution function (CDF),
where α and β represent the scale and shape parameters, respectively.
In the case where the electrical breakdown probability follows an exponential distribution
with a constant distribution that is not influenced by the duration of operation,
the shape parameter β takes on a value of 1. When the time and scale parameters are
equal, as in (2), the resulting value is 0.632, indicating that the probability of electrical breakdown
is 63.2%.
This characteristic is employed as a lifetime parameter in the industry.
Fig. 2. VBD according to gap under AC voltage
Fig. 3. VBD according to gap under Imp. voltage
4. Analysis
Simulation using Ansys Maxwell software was conducted to calculate the mean (Emean,1kV)
and maximum (Emax,1kV) electric field intensities with a input voltage of 1kV. To
obtain the electric field intensity at electrical breakdown, the acquired electric
field intensity calculated from the simulation was multiplied by the experimental
breakdown voltage, as illustrated in (3) [9].
To determine the reference electric field for insulation design, a simulation of an
electrode system with varying electric field concentrations is necessary. Due to differences
in electrode shapes, the concentrated electric field also varies. By considering the
electric field utilization factor, which represents the degree of an average electric
field with the concentrated electric field, the reference electric field can be derived.
Fig. 4 displays the dependence of the mean electric field intensity at sparkover with a
probability of 63.2% (Emean,63.2%) at the applied gap distance. For the long gap configuration
in AC condition, a significant decrease in Emean,63.2% was observed due to the presence
of a large area with very low electric field intensity between the two electrodes.
On the other hand, Fig. 5 demonstrates that the correlation between Emean,63.2% and the field utilization factor.
Additionally, as depicted in Fig. 6 and 7, the Emean,63.2% was found to be independent of both the gap distance and the
field utilization factor under the lightning impulse voltage.
In previous studies, the AC long gap condition showed a relatively low Emean,63.2%
and field utilization factor range in comparison to the small gap condition, as illustrated
in Fig. 8 [10]. Additionally, Fig. 9 and 10 present the maximum electric field intensity (Emax,63.2%) at sparkover with
a probability of 63.2% as a function of the field utilization factor.
As shown in Fig. 9, Emax,63.2% was observed to be higher than 50kV/mm under AC voltage and decreased
as the field utilization factor increased. Similarly, Emax,63.2% for the lightning
impulse voltage was greater than 60kV/mm if the range of the field utilization factor
less than 0.2 and had an exponential function similar to that of AC voltage.
Table 2 shows the empirical formulae to calculate Emax,63.2% according to the field utilization
Table 2. Empirical formulae for calculating Emean,63.2%
Empirical Formula
Fig. 4. Emean,63.2% according to gap under AC voltage
Fig. 5. Emean,63.2% according to utilization factor under AC voltage
Fig. 6. Emean,63.2% according to gap under lightning impulse voltage
Fig. 7. Emean,63.2% according to utilization factor under lightning impulse voltage
Fig. 8. Emean,63.2% comparison with previous research under AC voltage
Fig. 9. Emean,63.2% according to utilization factor under AC condition
Fig. 10. Emean,63.2% according to utilization factor under lighting impulse voltage
5. Conclusion
In this study, the elelctrical breakdown voltage characteristics of LN2 under long
gap conditions was investigated. Experimental results show that under AC voltage,
the electrical breakdown voltage of LN2 saturates at 140kV, even with increasing gap,
up to 350mm. On the other hand, under lightning impulse voltage, the electrical breakdown
voltage increases linearly up to 300kV for gaps below 18mm. Electrical breakdown
characteristics of LN2 were analyzed under AC and lightning impulse voltages by examining
the functional relationship between Emax,63.2% and Emean,63.2% with respect to the
field utilization factor and gap distance.
As a result, experimental formulas for the Emax,63.2% and Emean,63.2% were derived
for each voltage type. The empirical formulae predict the electrical field value using
the utilization factor value. For future designs, the utilization factor can be detemined
once design is complete. That value to can be used to predict whether the design
is safe or if it may experience an electrical breakdown.
Further investigation on the electrical breakdown voltage characteristics of LN2 under
various impulse voltage magnitudes is planned.
본 논문은 2022년도 교육부의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 지 자체-대학 협력기반 지역혁신 사업의 결과임. (2021RIS-001(1345341783))
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He received Bachelor’s Degree in Physics Engineering from Telkom University, Indonesia
in 2016. He is currently in the master’s course in Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
Korea National University of Transportation. His research interests are high voltage
engineering, power asset management, and applied superconductivity.
She received a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea National University
of Transportation in 2020, and is currently, attending a Ph.D. course in Electrical
Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation. Her research interests are
high voltage engineering and power asset management.
She received a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea National University
of Transportation in 2022, and is currently, attending a Ph.D. course in Electrical
Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation. Her research interests are
high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied superconductivity.
He received Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea National University
of Transportation in 2022. He is currently i a master’s course in the Dept. of Electrical
Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation. His research interests are
high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied superconductivity.
He received Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea National University
of Transportation in 2022. He is currently attending a master’s course in the Dept.
of Electrical Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation. His research
interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied superconductivity.
He received Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Jenderal
Achmad Yani in 2020. He is currently attending the a master’s course in Dept. of Electrical
Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation. His research interests are
high voltage engineering, power asset management and applied superconductivity.
He received Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea National University
of Transportation in 2022. He is currently attending a master’s course in the Dept.
of Electrical Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation. His research
interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied superconductivity.
He received a Doctor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Yonsei University
in 2005. He is currently a professor in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Korea
National University of Transportation. His research interests are high voltage engineering,
power asset management, and applied superconductivdkfity.