The video streaming applications develop rapidly between mobile devices and TVs, especially
for the next generation TFT-LCD devices with Ultra HD (UHD) 4K2K (3840 ´ 2160) resolution.
As a result, high-speed interface becomes a critical design. For example, Fig. 1 shows the UHD display system with intra-panel interface, where the length and width
are two times of the FHD resolution. As the TFT-LCD panel becomes larger, the transmission
distance between timing controller (TCON) and column drivers (CD) becomes longer.
Thus, the dielectric loss and skin effect results in much more serious in high-speed
transmission, which will cause inter-symbol interference (ISI) issue. In order to
solve above problems, an adaptive equalizer is indeed for the display system.
Fig. 1. Display system with intra-panel interface.
Several adaptive methods for the continuous time equalizer (CTLE) have been proposed.
The conventional architecture with two high-pass filters (HPF) will cause an unbalancing-swing
problem between input and output of the slicer[1]. Although the enhanced low-frequency gain method with two low-pass filters (LPF)
can adjust the low-frequency gain of the equalizer[2]. The highfrequency gain tuning range will be limited because the trade-off between
high frequency and low frequency compensations in the equalizer filter. In order to
solve the unbalancing swing problem, the spectrum balancing technique has been proposed[3,4], which removes the slicer and sensing the energy of equalizer’s output directly with
HPF and LPF for lower power applications. However, this method works only if the data
is random and fixed data rate. For the intra-panel interface of the display system,
we must find a more robust design for the equalizer.
In order to solve the problems above, an adaptive equalizer with swing control technique
was proposed[5-7]. In this work, we adopt a dual control technique using a swing-matching balancer
for the slicer and an adaptive controller to tune the gain and bandwidth for the frontend
equalizer. By generating swings that match the equalizer output swings, it won’t have
the unbalancing swing problem. Furthermore, in order to overcome the various transmission
distance between TCON and CD of UHD 4K2K large display panel. We add a fine tune loop
to adjust the low-frequency gain by 3-bit resistor-string DAC, which can not only
ensure the equalizer have an enough wide bandwidth for various loss but also overcome
the variations of process, voltage, and temperature (PVT).
Section II presents the architecture and operation of the proposed adaptive equalizer.
Section III describes the circuit in detail. Section IV and V show the measurement
results and conclusion, respectively.
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the proposed adaptive equalizer, where the equalizer’s
filters followed by a slicer[7]. The high-frequency compensation is sensing signal X and Y by two pairs of band-pass
filters (BPF), which measuring the energy in a narrow range of frequencies to promote
the accuracy. Then the rectifiers extract the high-frequency power. After that, the
difference between these two signals is amplified by the error amplifier to generate
a feedback signal (Vctrl_High) for the equalizer filter. In order to eliminate the
unbalancing swing problem that cause by the signal level and circuit differences between
signal X and Y, we generate a feedback signal (Vctrl_Swing) to control slicer tail current. Besides, another signal (Vctrl_Adj) is generated to overcome the various loss cause by different lengths of FR4 board
(from 23 cm to 123 cm) and PVT variations by a 3-bit resistor string DAC.
Fig. 2. Architecture of proposed adaptive equalizer.
In order to prove the system stability, we assume there is only one compensated loop
to adjust the equalizer by BPF. At the stable condition, we can find out the spectrum
at X and Y as blow:
where KX and Ky are the scaling factors of the signals X and Y, and Tb is the bit period. As shown in Fig. 3, it measure the energy in narrow range of $f_{1}$ and $f_{2}$ by BPF, and we can
express as:
Fig. 3. Spectrum of the equalizer (a) without; (b) with the swing controller.
In this condition, the output of X and Y carry similar spectra, which will cause poor
adaptation, even if the error in the adaptive loop is approach zero. Because the spectrum
of X between $f_{1}$ and $f_{2}$ is determined by the voltage swing of X. Besides,
the voltage swings between X and Y must be different, which cause by characteristics
of different length of transmission line and TX driver circuit.
The unbalancing problem can be alleviated by adjusting the equalizer low-pass frequency
gain directly, but it will limit the high-frequency gain relatively[2]. Increasing a swing control loop as the architecture in Fig. 2. We assume the low-pass characteristics of the signal X and Y is also captured in
(1) and (2), which have the - 3-dB frequencies of $f_{p1}$ and $f_{p2}$ , respectively. Thus,
for the swing control loop it can be expressed as:
where $f_{0}$ is the -3-dB frequency of the “assumable” LPF. When the stable state
satisfy the following conditions, $K_{X} \approx K_{Y}$ , and $f_{p 1} \approx f_{p
2}$ . We can modified (4) as blow:
As shown in Fig. 3(b), the result shows the signal X (after equalizer) smoothly than in Fig. 3(a). In this way, we can achieve the same goal without LPF for saving chip area and power
consumption. Furthermore, it won’t limit the tuning range of high-frequency gain,
which can improve the accuracy of the adaptation[5].
Unlike the conventional spectrum-balancing technique only works for random and fixed
data rate. In the proposed architecture, the control for the high-frequency gain won’t
interfere by unbalancing swing problem, but also suits for any coding scheme at the
transmitter including the clock-embedded coding technique for intrapanel interface.
As the advantages above, the architecture is very suitable for the next generation
UHD 4K2K display panel, which have a various transmission distance.
1. Equalizer Filter
The equalizer filter is composed of three cascaded filter cells to obtain enough high-frequency
gain and bandwidth. Fig. 4 shows the schematic of single-stage equalizer filter, where the controlled voltage
of Cvar, Vctrl_High, is used to provide boost tuning range. Unlink the conventional equalizer[2], in Fig. 4 the controlled voltage of M3 , Vctrl_Adj, is used to adjust low-frequency gain of equalizer filter. In [5][5] and [6][6], the feedback architecture was adopted to effectively compensate power loss of incoming
data. The received input data goes through an equalizing filter and the equalizing
filter roughly compensates for power loss at high frequencies with the initial filter
gain. In this work, we improve the equalizer in [5][5] and [6][6] by adding a 3-bit DAC in Fig. 4 for course tuning to enhance the tuned bandwidth for various loss and PVT variations.
As a result, the proposed circuit can mitigate the trade-off between high-frequency
and low-frequency gains of the equalizer filter. Fig. 5. shows the frequency response of the 3-stage equalizer filter by controlling the
voltage (Vctrl_High) when the 3-bit code is 1-0-0. The boost tuning range can achieve from 22.58 to 9.4
dB at 1.5 GHz when the controlled voltage is from 0 to 1.8 V.
Fig. 4. Circuit-level schematic of equalizer filter.
Fig. 5. Boost tuning range of the equalizer filter.
2. Control Loop with Rectifier and Error Amplifier
The detector plays a critical role at adaptive adaptation loop. The conventional rectifier
will have errors cause by the common-mode mismatch and the different input swing.
In order to solve these problems, two rectifiers share the same current source ( Iss ). Besides, we use fixed resistor ( Rs ) at source-coupled node, as shown in Fig. 6, which has the advantage that the mismatch between the two paths is minimized even
if the common mode is different. After rectifying the differential outputs of the
two band-pass filters, the signals are then averaged by low-pass filter, which prevents
slewing of the error amplifier and hence helps maintain a relatively high loop gain[5], while averaging the rectified signal. Moreover, the corresponding difference between
the two paths is amplified by a two-stage error amplifier, which uses the negative
resistor of Mn2-Mn3 source-coupled pair. It can reach to the better loop gain, approximately equal to
51 dB.
Fig. 6. Architecture of rectifier and error amplifier.
3. Slicer
The slicer is the limiting amplifier (LA) composed of cascaded amplifiers, illustrated
in Fig. 7. The slicer can sharpen rising and falling edges of data from the equalizing filter.
The slicer generally requires high gain and wide bandwidth characteristics. The natural
bandwidth of the designed amplifying stage decreases when stages are cascaded[6]. As a result, we choose a three-stage differential amplifier as the slicer according
to above considerations. The output swing can be adjusted by the tail current Itail, which is controlled by the feedback voltage Vctrl_Swing.
Fig. 7. Slicer following the equalizing filter.
The adaptive equalizer was fabricated in 0.18-μm CMOS technology. The die photograph
of the chip is shown in Fig. 8. The total chip area is 0.47 mm2, and the core area is 0.12 mm2. The S21 parameters of various lengths of FR4 board are shown in Fig. 9, from - 6 dB to - 24 dB at 1.5 GHz. Fig. 10 shows the simulated frequency response of the whole system, the - 3 dB bandwidth
from 225.6 MHz to 1.5 GHz after equalization. To evaluate the circuit performance,
the prior work using the die on package can reach to 1.5 Gb/s[7]. Alternatively, we adopted the die on PCB to reduce the parasitic effects of interface
and the data rate of the proposed equalizer can achieve to 3 Gb/s. The test channel
was a 1.23-m trace on the PCB with 24-dB loss at 3 Gb/s. Fig. 11(a)-(d) show the measured eye diagrams before and after equalization at 1.5-, and 3-Gb/s
27 -1 PRBS pattern for 0.56-m and 1.23-m channel lengths, respectively. The measured
equalized signals have only 0.356-UI peak-to-peak jitter at 3-Gb/s. The equalizer
chip consumes 27-mW with 1.8-V power supply at 3-Gb/s, excluding the output buffer.
Table 1 shows the performance summary and the comparison with the prior works[2-4,6,8-11].
Fig. 8. Die photograph of adaptive equalizer.
Fig. 9. Channel loss in different length of FR4 board.
Fig. 10. Simulated frequency response of adaptive equalizer.
Fig. 11. Eye diagrams of (a) 1.5-Gb/s, (b) 3-Gb/s 27 -1 PRBS pattern of a 0.56-m channel length, and eye diagrams of (c) 1.5-Gb/s, (d)
3-Gb/s 27 -1 PRBS pattern of a 1.23-m channel length.
Table 1. Performance summary and comparison
This work
2004 [2][2]
2009 [3][3]
2014 [4][4]
2012 [6][6]
2012 [8][8]
2017 [9][9]*
2018 [10][10]
2018 [11][11]
Technology ($\mu$m)
0.18 CMOS
0.18 CMOS
0.5 SiGe
0.13 CMOS
0.18 CMOS
0.13 CMOS
0.18 CMOS
0.09 CMOS
0.13 CMOS
Supply voltage (V)
Channel loss (dB)
-24@1.5GHz ; -13@0.75GHz
Power consumption (mW)
Data rate (Gb/s)
Jitter (UI)
Area (mm2)
Efficiency (pJ/bit)
* including the equalizer and clock and data recovery (CDR)
An equalizer with adaptive swing controller for the next generation 4K2K resolution
TVs has been presented. It can improve the adaptation accuracy without degrades the
boost tuning and input swing ranges. Furthermore, adding a 3-bit resistor string DAC
for the equalizer filter is not only able to compensate for wide range of various
lengths, but also immune from the PVT variations. The chip was fabricated in 0.18-μm
CMOS process. The proposed adaptive equalizer shows the output peak-topeak jitter
is 0.356-UI at 3-Gb/s of 24-dB channel loss (1.23-m PCB length).
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology (MSOT) and
the ILI Technology Corp., Taiwan (ROC), for the financial support, and the National
Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Taiwan (ROC), for the infrastructure support.
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was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1991.
She received the B.S. degree from National Yunlin University of Science and Technology,
Taiwan, in 2013, and the M.S. degree from the National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,
in 2016.
She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Graduate Institute of Electrical
Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
Her research interests include phase-locked loop and clock and data recovery circuits.
was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 1993.
He received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Tunghai University, Taichung,
Taiwan, in 2015, and the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from the National Chung
Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, in 2018.
His research interests include phase-locked loop and high-speed interfaces.
was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, in 1992.
He received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from National Yunlin University
of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan, in 2015, and the M.S. degree in electronic
engineering from the National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, in 2018.
His research interests include phase-locked loop and high-speed interfaces.
was born in Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1974.
He received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from National Chung Cheng University,
Taiwan, in 1996, 1998, and 2002 respectively. During 2002-2007, he was with Infineon
Taiwan, engaged in the mixed-signal designs, which including E-PHY, USB, Wireless
LAN, and DDR.
He joined ILITEK in 2007, working on display driver related circuits, where he is
currently a Deputy Director.
His research interests include high-speed and low-power digital integrated circuits,
analog integrated circuits, high speed serial interface and display related circuits
was born in Taiwan, in 1993.
He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Chung Hsing University,
He is currently studying for M.S. degree in National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
He currently researches on high-speed interface transmission system.
was born in Taipei, R.O.C., in 1994.
He received the B.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from TamKang University,
Taipei, R.O.C., in 2017.
He is currently working toward the M.S. degree in the National Chung Hsing University,
Taichung, R.O.C.
His research interests include clock and data recovery circuits and phaselocked loop.
received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Tatung Institute of Technology,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1990, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1996 and 2000, respectively.
During 2000–2002, he was on the faculty of Huafan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Since 2002, he has been on the faculty of National Chung Hsing University, Taichung,
Taiwan, where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering.
His research interests are in the area of mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems
for highspeed wireline and wireless communications.