(Kihwan Kim)
(Saeroonter Oh)
(Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanyang University)
(Division of Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Gate-all-around, nanosheet, straineffectiveness, sub-7 nm CMOS
Device density has improved through relentless device scaling and innovative advances
in material, process, and device structure. FinFET devices have good electrostatic
control over the channel to allow enough drive at limited gate overdrive and off-state
current. However, further scaling requires tighter fin pitch and higher fins, that
will eventually be limited by increased parasitic elements. Gate-all-around (GAA)
field-effect transistors (FETs) that covers all four sides of the channel is advantageous
due to its ultimate electrostatic integrity and reasonable compatibility with the
FinFET process. Therefore, GAA FETs are attracting attention as a strong candidate
to succeed FinFETs in sub-7nm CMOS technology.
Both FinFETs and GAA FETs can increase the drive current for a given footprint by
expanding in the vertical direction. Recent experimental results show promising demonstrations
of short gate length (LG < 15 nm), tight pitch GAA FETs with multiple stacked channel
layers [1,3]. However, this is accompanied at a cost of increased parasitic capacitance that will
eventually limit the circuit performance. Hence, it is becoming difficult to improve
the drive current of Si(Ge) channels without sacrificing circuit speed. Strain has
been a performance enhancer for many technology nodes to boost the carrier mobility.
Strain is incorporated in a GAA device by multi-layered epitaxy of alternating Si/SiGe
layers, source/drain regrowth epitaxy, and stressor deposition[4]. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the strain effectiveness of GAA devices is necessary.
Few simulation studies have been performed on strained GAA devices in prior art[56]. Particularly, there are not much studies of strain effectiveness that depend on
surface orientation, channel direction, and cross-section of GAA devices.
In this paper, we investigate the strain effect on GAA FETs with various channel directions
and cross-sections under uniaxial compressive and tensile stress. For a rectangular
GAA FET that has four channels, the sidewall surface orientation changes with channel
direction resulting in different stain-induced current enhancement factors. Furthermore,
the improvement of the strained GAA channel depends on the areal ratio of top and
bottom surfaces to the sidewalls. Finally, we find the strain requirements for GAA
FETs with various cross-sectional widths to meet the drive current specification for
a given footprint presented in the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS)
for 7 nm technology[7].
1. Device Structure
Fig. 1 shows three device configurations used for simulation using Synopsys SentaurusTM
Device[8]. The crystal orientation of the top/bottom surface is fixed at (001) and the channel
directions < 100 > and < 110 > are used.
Fig. 1. Illustration of the three configurations of GAA FETs used in this work. Surface
orientation and channel directions are denoted. Case 3 differs by having a tall cross-sectional
shape. EOT = 0.8 nm is used, and ohmic contacts are used for the source/drain electrodes.
The sidewall surface orientation depends on the channel direction. Cases 2 and 3 have
the same surface orientations but have different top/bottom-to-sidewall areal ratios.
Case 2 has a wide cross-sectional shape with a width of 30 nm and a height of 10 nm,
while Case 3 has a tall channel with width and height of 10 nm and 30 nm, respectively.
The dominant channel surfaces are the top/bottom for Cases 1 and 2, while it is the
sidewalls for Case 3. Table 1 shows the combinations of surface orientation, channel direction, and cross-sectional
Table 1. Device configurations used for simulations
Channel Direction
Sidewall Orientation
Cross Section
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
2. Physical Models
For stress conditions, uniaxial tensile and compressive strain were applied up to
±2 %. The direction of the applied stress is parallel to the channel direction. For
the strain models, a multi-valley analytical k ×p band structure and deformation potentials
are used. Degeneracy of the bands are lifted by uniaxial strain, and strain-dependent
effective mass and density-of-states are captured through occupancy-weighted band
minima parameters. Quantum effects are also considered to capture the quantization
of energy levels due to spatial confinement and selfconsistent confined carrier distributions.
3. Model Verification
Transport model parameters, i.e. fitting parameters for phonon and surface roughness
scattering, for different surface orientations were calibrated to match the electron
mobility of experimental results[9,10]. Then, we compare the mobility enhancement factor ($\mu_{strained}$/$\mu_{unstrained}$)
due to uniaxial tensile stress with that in the literature. Table 2 juxtaposes the results from Ref. [11][11] and that of this work. The stress-dependent electron mobility values are in good
agreement for three different surface orientation/direction combinations at two different
stress values.
Table 2. Comparison of the strain-induced mobility enhancement factors ($\mu_{strained}$/$\mu_{unstrained}$)
Crystal Orientation
Channel Direction
Tensile 0.5 GPa
Tensile 1.0 GPa
Ref. [11][11]
This Work
Ref. [11][11]
This Work
< 100 >
< 110 >
< 110 >
1. Strain Effectiveness of GAA FETs
Due to strain, two main differences in current-voltage ($I_{D^{-}} V_{G S}$) characteristics
are manifested: threshold voltage
shift ($\Delta V_{t h}$) and change in drive current. Both have a
significant implications to the system, where the $V_{t h}$
affects the off-state power consumption while the drive
current directly affects the device and circuit
Fig. 2 shows the $\Delta V_{t h}$ of GAA FETs as a function of
strain. For both compressive and tensile strain conditions,
the $V_{t h}$ shifts in the negative direction. Uniaxial strain
lifts the energy degeneracy of the band minima valleys.
The increase (or decrease) of the valley energies depend
on deformation potentials, crystal orientation, channel
direction, tensile/compressive, and stress amount. As
some valley energies are increased, others are decreased
which generally leads to a decrease in the band gap due
to the lowered valley energies. Previous analytical work
show the strain-dependent $\Delta V_{t h}$ can be expressed by the
following expression[12,13]:
Fig. 2. Threshold voltage shift due to compressive and tensile strain obtained (a)
via simulation (this work), (b) analytical expression given by Eq. (1)[12].
where m is body effect coefficient, $N_{v}$ is the effective
density of states in the valence band, and e is the strain
amount. Eq. (1) suggests that although present, the $\Delta V_{t h}$
due to strain-induced change in density-of-states or
mobility ($\mu_{e}$) are minimal. Fig. 2 shows that the $\Delta V_{t h}$
result obtained by using Eq. (1) agree with that from the
simulation for various strain values.
Fig. 3 shows the variation in drive current ($I_{O N}$) as a function of the applied strain.
Since electrons redistribute to increase the occupancy of lower energy valleys, strain
conditions can be optimized to reduce the valleyaveraged effective mass. Furthermore,
due to the energy split, inter-valley scattering is reduced[14]. Fig. 3(a) includes the effect of both $\Delta V_{t h}$ and $\Delta \mu_{e}$, while Fig. 3(b) excludes $\Delta V_{t h}$ effect and solely shows the transport aspect as the $I_{off}$
is fixed for all devices. For Case 1, the average effective mass saturates to the
transverse effective mass ($m_{t}$ = 0.19 $m_{0}$) as the occupancy of ellipsoidal
conduction band valleys with $m_{t}$ dominates. Hence, the mobility saturates at strain
values larger than 1%. On the other hand, for Cases 2 and 3, the total effective mass
in the transport direction continues to increase due to the band warping via shear
strain and reduction of $m_{t}$ in the direction parallel to the applied strain[15]. As a result, the mobility of GAA devices of Case 2 and 3 exceed that of Case 1 at
high strain values, and hence exhibit higher drive current. As for the differences
between Cases 2 and 3, the smaller top/bottom-to-sidewall areal ratio provides a slight
advantage for Case 3 devices in the tensile strain range.
Fig. 3. Drive current of devices with different configurations, with from compressive
-2% to tensile 2% uniaxial strain. All drive currents are normalized to the unstrained
GAA device of Case 1. Two scenarios are shown (a) $I_{off}$ is fixed only for the
unstrained cases, so the strain-dependent $\Delta V_{t h}$ is accounted in the current
values, (b) $I_{off}$ is fixed at 100 nA/μm for all devices, to ignore $\Delta V_{t
h}$ effects and show only the influence of the straindependent mobility.
2. Impact of GAA Device Width
Previous studies have shown wide nanosheet structures that fully utilize the device
footprint and maximize the effective width $W_{eff}$[1,2]. In this section, we highlight the importance of the nanosheet width for a given
device footprint. As in the case of FinFETs, multiple GAA FETs can be placed provided
that the specified device footprint is sufficiently wide. Fig. 4 shows a cross-sectional diagram of multiple devices, and the notations used for this
work. Only the width of the device footprint (FW) and the cross-sectional width of
the nanosheet (WNS) are varied. The device-to-device spacing (S) is expressed as S = [FW – (N × WNS)] / (N - 1), where N is the number of GAA FETs, and is fixed at 10 nm[16,17]. Hence, NS of the GAA FET determines how many devices can fit in the FW. To investigate the
quantized nature of the drive current ($I_{ON}$) of GAA FETs, we compare the $I_{ON}$
for a given FW of uniaxially-tensilestrained GAA FETs with various different WNS and FW. WNS of 10, 20, and 40 nm are used based on recent experimental studies[3]. Device dimensions and conditions are taken from 7 nm technology of the IRDS: $L_{G}$
= 14 nm, $V_{DD}$ = 0.7 V, $I_{OFF}$ = 100 nA/μm. To compare the intrinsic device
performance, external series resistance effects are not included.
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of multiple GAA FETs within a given device footprint (FW).
Cross-sectional width (WNS) and height (HNS), spacing (S) are denoted.
Fig. 5 shows the $I_{ON}$ for GAA devices with a channel direction of < 100 > and < 110
> , under tensile strain values of 0, 1, and 2 %. Single-stack GAA FETs are used to
focus on the effect of strain and choice of WNS, since gains in drive current of multi-layered GAA do not directly translate to increase
in circuit speed due to worse parasitic capacitance. The solid line indicates the
NMOS drive current requirement, based on the IRDS[7]. Fig. 5 shows that depending on the WNS and FW, devices may or may not meet the $I_{ON}$ requirement. Choice of device width
is crucial in maximizing the effective width of the GAA device for a given footprint.
In most cases, $I_{ON}$ is higher for larger WNS devices, but in terms of layout design flexibility smaller WNS devices are preferable. Strain boosts the $I_{ON}$ of a single-stack GAA device without
suffering from a trade-off with increased parasitic capacitance. The < 110 > channel
direction has a larger current than the < 100 > direction at higher strain values
($\varepsilon$ = 2%), since the mobility saturates for the < 100 > direction devices.
Fig. 5. GAA NMOS drive current $I_{ON}$ against the device footprint width (FW). Device
conditions are $L_{G}$ = 14 nm, $V_{DD}$ = 0.7 V, $I_{OFF}$ = 100 nA/μm (a)-(c) Surface
orientation/channel direction of (001) / < 100 > , (d)-(f) (001)/ < 110 > . Solid
line is the specification from the IRDS[8]. FW = 10 nm is denoted by a dotted line.
This work studied the strain effectiveness of GAA FETs with various surface orientations
and cross-sections. A negative Vth shift is caused by a decrease in bandgap via either
compressive or tensile strain. Uniaxial tensile strain shows the highest drive current
for (001)/ < 100 > configuration up to 1% strain, while the (001)/ < 110 > configuration
has the drive current for higher strain values. For GAA NMOS to satisfy the drive
current requirements, choice of device width is crucial to fully utilize the entire
device footprint. For a given layout, effective strain incorporation enhances the
drive current of a single-stack GAA FET to satisfy drive current requirements without
introducing limitations of increased parasitic capacitance.
This work was supported by the research fund of Hanyang University (HY-2016-N, HY-2017-N).
The EDA tool was supported by the IC Design Education Center (IDEC), Korea.
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received the B.S. degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering from Korea Polytechnic
Univeristy, Korea, in 2017.
He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree in the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering from Hanyang University, Korea.
His interests include high-performance nanoscale devices, oxide thin-film transistors,
and synaptic devices.
received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2004, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 2006 and 2010,
He joined LG Display, Paju, Korea, in 2010. In 2016, he joined Hanyang University,
Ansan, Korea, as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Electrical Engineering.
His research interests include device physics and modeling of low-dimension nanoscale
devices, and metal-oxide thinfilm transistor technology for flexible electronics.