ChenXing Bi
(The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated
Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054,
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
High-k dielectric, power MOSFET, silicon-on-insulator
The lateral double-diffused MOSFET (LDMOS) has a wide application in smart power integrated
circuits, and the silicon-on-insulator technology is attractive for its inherent characteristics
of the effective isolation and lower leakage current (1)-(3). For a semiconductor device, a low conduction loss and a high breakdown voltage (BV)
are always crucial design targets. However, for an LDMOS, there is a compromise relationship
between them, which has a close affinity with the surface electric filed along the
drift region. A uniform distribution of the surface electric field yields a high BV,
which is thus desired (4),(5). A modulation on electric fluxes, by a field plate, can enhance the strength of local
electric field for improving its distribution (6)-(8), and it is an effective method to improve the compromise relationship between the
BV and the specific on-resistance ($R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$).
In this paper, based on the idea of modulation on electric fluxes, an SOI LDMOS with
three-section high-k dielectrics placed over the drift region is proposed and investigated
by TCAD simulations. Local electric field strength is enhanced in the drift region,
which achieves a larger average strength of the electric field, with a higher BV.
The $R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$ is decreased in the meanwhile, since the high-k dielectric
provides a preferable path for electric fluxes flowing through (9),(10), and the dose of the drift region is possible to be increased.
Fig. 1. Device structures of (a) conventional SOI LDMOS, (b) proposed SOI LDMOS with
variable-k dielectric.
Device structures of a conventional LDMOS (11) and the proposed LDMOS are schematically shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, the proposed device features a three-section variable-k
dielectric placed over the drift region. The dielectric constants are increased from
the drain side to the source side. Based on the theory of electromagnetics, the electric
flux is continuous. As for the specific case of the proposed device, the electric
fluxes flowing into the dielectric ($D_{x-i n}$) are equal to the electric fluxes
flowing out of the dielectric ($D_{x-out}$ + $D_{y-out}$), where $D_{y-out}$ represents
extra electric fluxes introduced into the drift region by high-k dielectrics. $D_{y-out}$
is caused by the potential difference between the high-k dielectric and the surface
of the drift region. From the source side to the drain side, namely form the high-potential
side to the low-potential side, the dielectric constants for high-k dielectrics need
to be accordingly decreased, to math this condition, for achieving a more uniform
distribution of the electric field and a higher BV.
The advantage of the utilization of high-k dielectrics is not only an enhancement
on the BV but also a decrease in the $R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$. A medium with large permittivity
has a nature of highly polarization under the force by electric field, which means
most electric field lines prefer to flow through a high-k dielectric compared with
a low-k dielectric. Fig. 2(b) and (c) schematically illustrate the influence of a high-k dielectric on the electric fluxes.
In the drift region, the electric fluxes caused by the ionized impurity ions would
like to flow through the high-k dielectric rather than the silicon. In other words,
the distribution of the electric field is barely affected by an appropriate increment
in the dose of the drift region, since the high-k dielectric provides a preferable
path for electric fluxes flowing through.
Fig. 2. Mechanism of proposed LDMOS. (a) Relationship of electric field in two different
mediums. (b) Schematic electric flux lines in a conventional device. (c) Schematic
electric flux lines under the influence by high-k dielectric.
The proposed device is investigated by TCAD simulator Synopsys Sentaurus. In the simulation,
the thicknesses of the BOX and the SOI layer on it are 3 ${\mu}$m and 2.5 ${\mu}$m,
respectively. The drift region length is 20 ${\mu}$m. The doping concentration of
the n-well is 2.5 ${\times}$ 10$^{16}$ cm$^{-3}$. The dose of the p-drift region is
4.4 ${\times}$ 10$^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$ for the previous structure, and it is 5.2 ${\times}$10$^{12}$
cm$^{-2}$ for the proposed device. The dielectric constants for HK1, HK2 and HK3 are
20, 100 and 200, respectively. Referring to the reported researches (12)-(14), these high-k dielectrics could be HfO$_{2}$, SrTiO$_{3}$, Ba$_{\mathrm{1-x}}$Sr$_{\mathrm{x}}$TiO$_{3}$,
et al.
Fig. 3 shows the distribution of equipotential contours for the conventional LDMOS and the
proposed device. In the conventional LDMOS, equipotential contours concentrate at
both ends of the drift region, which indicates that there are high electric field
strengths at these places. In comparison, a more uniform distribution of equipotential
contours is achieved in the proposed device with the help of high-k dielectrics, which
also indicates a more uniform distribution of electric field. Fig. 4 compares the flowing directions of electric flux for the conventional LDMOS and the
proposed device at their respective BVs. It can be seen in the figure that more electric
fluxes prefer to flow, upwards, into high-k dielectric, which directly verifies that
the high-k dielectrics have an effect of modulating the distribution of the electric
Fig. 3. Equipotential contours at BV for (a) conventional LDMOS and (b) proposed LDMOS.
Fig. 4. Streams of electric flux at BV for (a) conventional LDMOS and (b) proposed
The profile of electric field ($E$) along the surface of the drift region in the proposed
LDMOS is shown in Fig. 5, including values of the $x$-component ($E_{x}$) and the $y$-component ($E_{y}$)
of $E$, corresponding to the direction shown in Fig. 1. The comparison with the conventional device, depicted in dashed lines, is also shown
in the same figure. Due to the variation in the permittivity of high-k dielectric,
the electric field forms steps at the interfaces of HK1/HK2 and HK2/HK3, where the
permittivity is not continuous. The introduction of extra electric fluxes by high-k
dielectrics optimizes the distribution of electric field, and the average electric
field strength and the BV of the proposed LDMOS are finally enhanced.
The high-k dielectric not only enhances the BV but also provides a preferable path
for electric fluxes flowing through (as shown in Fig. 4(b)). An appropriate increment in the dose of the drift region is thus possible to reduce
the $R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$. In the meanwhile, the BV is not sacrificed, as the reason
discussed in Section II. Simulation results indicate that, at the gate-source voltage
of -15 V, the BV increases from 304 to 400 V by 31%, and the $R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$
decrease from 71.8 to 62.3 mΩ·cm$^{2}$ by 13%. Judging by BV$^{2}$/$R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$,
the figure of merit (FOM) increases approximately 2 times.
Fig. 6. Dependence of the breakdown voltage on key parameters. (a) The BV as a function
of the permittivity of the high-k dielectric. (b) Influence of the dose of the drift
region on the BV.
Fig. 6 presents the relationship between the BV and the dielectric constants of high-k dielectrics,
and the effect of the dose of the drift region on the BV. In Fig. 6(a), high-k dielectrics with different dielectric constants would affect the distribution
of electric field, since different amounts of electric fluxes are introduced into
the surface of the drift region. The BV increases first and then decreases with the
increase in the permittivity of HK2, under the condition that the dielectric constants
for the other two high-k dielectrics are keeping constants. The BV has a similar variation,
with an increase in the permittivity of HK3. In Fig. 6(b), compared with the conventional device, the deviation on the dose of the drift region
does not greatly affect the BV in the proposed device, and it is possible for the
proposed device to have a larger process window.
Fig. 7. Capacitances of LDMOS versus source to drain voltages.
Fig. 7 shows the capacitances between the gate G and the other two terminals, the source
S and the drain D. Due to a large permittivity of the high-k dielectric, the capacitances
between the gate and the drain ($C_{GD}$) and between the gate and the source ($C_{GS}$)
both increase approximately one order of magnitude. An obvious increment in the gate
charge is thus required for the switching process, as shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Comparison of gate charge between the conventional and the proposed LDMOS.
Fig. 9. Switching performance. (a) Turn-on process. (b) Turn-off process
Fig. 9 compares the switching performances for the conventional LDMOS and the proposed device.
Due to the increased capacitances, the turn-on process is delayed slightly. For the
turn-off process, the increment in the dose of the drift region in the proposed device
makes the turn-off time larger than that of the conventional device, since it takes
more time to drain away these increased carriers.
Fig. 10. Output characteristics of the proposed LDMOS at different temperatures.
Fig. 10 illustrates the DC output characteristics of the proposed device at different temperatures.
As the current, flowing through an LDMOS, is of negative temperature coefficient,
a higher temperature leads a smaller current. Thermal dynamic simulations of $I_{SD}$-$V_{SD}$
for the conventional LDMOS and the proposed device are compared in Fig. 11. Compared with the conventional LDMOS, due to a large current capability, much heat
is generated during the conduction in the proposed device, and the current degradation
is slightly heavy for the self-heating effect, which is characterized by a large slope
of the $I_{SD}$-$V_{SD}$ curve.
Fig. 11. Thermal dynamic simulation of \textit{I}$_{\mathrm{SD}}$-\textit{V}$_{\mathrm{SD}}$.
Fig. 12. Fabrication process for variable-k dielectric layer.
Fig. 13. Influence of interface charges on the breakdown voltage.
Fig. 12 depicts a possible fabrication process for the variable-k dielectric layer over the
drift region. The other processes are same to those of the conventional device, which
is not detailed in this paper. The oxide over the drift region is first etched to
form a trench, and then filled with a high-k dielectric. The high-k dielectric can
be fabricated by a method called as “Sol-Gel” (15),(16) that is compatible with IC manufacturing process.
In the actual fabrication, different process would affect the amount of interface
charges, which has a close relationship with device characteristics, especially the
breakdown voltage. These charges exist at the interfaces of different materials. Fig. 13 shows the influence on the breakdown voltage by interface charges. When the density
of interface charges is small, e.g. from 5 ${\times}$ 10$^{10}$ to 1 ${\times}$10$^{11}$
cm$^{-2}$, the breakdown voltage almost remains constant. When the density of interface
charges is larger, the electric fluxes caused by these charges are stronger enough
to affect the distribution of the electric field, and the breakdown voltage is thus
In an application, although it is possible to fabricate materials with demanded dielectric
constants (10),(12)-(14), for a certain specific case, there may be a limitation or a difficulty to obtain
three different demanded dielectrics together. For addressing this problem, an alternative
structure is proposed in this paper as an alternative plan, which is schematically
illustrated in Fig. 14(a). Compared with Fig. 1(b), the feature of the alternative structure is that HK2 is replaced by HK1 and HK3,
which forms an overlap region. Fig. 14(b) shows the influence of the heights of HK1 and HK3 on the BV, and the alternative
structure has the highest BV of 392 V, which is almost the same with the structure
in Fig. 1(b).
Fig. 14. The second proposed LDMOS. (a) Schematic device structure. (b) Influence
of key parameter on the breakdown voltage.
In this paper, an improved SOI LDMOS with high-k dielectrics is proposed and investigated
by TCAD simulations. Beneficial from high-k dielectrics, the BV has been enhanced
by the introduction of extra electric fluxes in the drift region to optimize the distribution
of the surface electric field. Moreover, the $R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$ has been reduced
by an increment in the dose of the drift region, since the high-k dielectric provides
a preferable path for increased electric fluxes flowing through. To address the difficulty
in fabricating three different dielectrics with demanded dielectric constants, a structure
with two high-k dielectrics is proposed in the meanwhile, which can also achieve the
same design targets. Based on a simulation comparison with the previous LDMOS, the
BV of the proposed LDMOS increased by 31% with a decrease of 13% in the $R_{\mathrm{on,sp}}$,
and FOM increased approximately 2 times.
This work was supported in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
51607026, the Youth Fund of Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant 61604030, and the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
under Grant ZYGX2016J048
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Songnan Guo received the B.E.
degree from the University of
Electronic Science and Technology
of China, Chengdu, China, in 2014,
with which he is currently pursuing
the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics
and solid-state electronics.
current research interests include power devices and
smart power ICs.
Junji Cheng received the Ph.D.
degree in microelectronics from the
University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Chengdu,
China, in 2013, where he is currently
with the State Key Laboratory of
Electronic Thin Films and Integrated
His current research interests include power
device and smart power ICs.
Xing Bi Chen received the B.E.
degree in electrical engineering from
Tongji University, Shanghai, China,
in 1952.
He is currently a Professor
with the University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu, China, and an
Academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, China.
His current research interests include
power devices, smart power ICs, and device physics.