HanDong Chang1
JangDeok Jin1
LeeJae Yoon2
Cho,Il Hwan1,*
(Department of Electronics Engineering, Myongji University,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17058, Korea)
(Department of Electronics Engineering, Gachon University,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13120, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
1T DRAM, tunnel FET (TFET), localized partial insulator (LPI), reliability
Dynamic random access memories (DRAM) have an
important role in various microelectronic systems such as
computer and mobile phone. As the size of a DRAM cell
is scaled down, it becomes more difficult to integrate a
capacitor with a transistor. Thus the capacitorless one
transistor (1T) DRAM cell has attracted much attention,
thanks to its merits over a conventional one transistor and
on capacitor (1T1C) DRAM cell (1-3). However, the
limitation of retention time makes the applicability of the
1T DRAM cell narrow. In the past ten years, various
device structures attempting to overcome the retention
time degradation due to silicon film thickness
downscaling such as ZRAM, A2RAM, and twin gate
tunneling field effect transistor (TGTFET) were
proposed for the 1T DRAM (4-6). Within various
structures, TGTFETs have attracted attention due to their
high retention characteristics in 1T DRAM (6). The goal
of this paper is to propose a novel 1T DRAM cell based
on TGTFET for the further improvement of data
retention characteristics by adopting localized partial
insulator (LPI) structure (7). Insertion of the LPI can
enhance retention time due to the large energy barrier. In
addition, optimization method with proposed is
introduced with variation of LPI parameter.
The schematic diagram of the proposed 1T DRAM is
shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of proposed 1T DRAM.
Proposed device has the p-I -n channel and twin gate
structure. Intrinsic channel forms virtual junction by two
different gates which have different dopants. Each gate
consists of N + poly silicon and P + poly silicon.
Each of gate length (LG1, LG2), source and drain length
(LS, LD), and silicon body thickness (Tbody) are 100 nm,
50 nm and 20 nm respectively. Silicon dioxide is used as
the gate dielectric and its thickness (Tox) is 3 nm.
Doping concentration of source and drain region is 1 ×
1020 cm-3 and intrinsic channel region is 1 × 1015 cm-3 respectively. Three LPIs are located at the center of
channel and source/drain junction area. Barrier oxide
length (Lbarrier) and barrier oxide thickness (Tbarrier) are 15 nm and 4 nm.
Since the proposed device has an asymmetric gate, it is
difficult to manufacture it with a conventional MOSFET
fabrication process. In order to fabricate the proposed
device, a fin-type silicon channel must be fabricated as
shown in Fig. 2(a). The n type silicon gate and the p type
silicon gate are sequentially formed through separated
photolithography processes as shown in Fig. 2(a) to Fig. 2(e). Although omitted in the Fig. 2, the gate dielectric
must be additionally formed through the atomic layer
deposition (ALD) process after etching the gate
formation region. The LPI structure can be formed by
silicon nano trench etching, filling the dielectric and then
planarization process. Specific process sequences and
confirmation of feasibility can be investigated with
further studies.
Fig. 2. Key process sequence of proposed device (a) Channel formation, (b) N poly
gate patterning, (c) N poly gate filling, (d) P poly gate patterning, (e) P poly gate
filling, (f) LPI etching and filling.
Before analyzing the characteristics of 1T DRAM,
basic electrical characteristics of transistor operation
were confirmed as shown in Fig. 3. A number of physical
models including non local band-to-band tunneling,
carrier mobility models, Auger recombination model,
Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination model have
been applied simultaneously in cooperation for more
accurate simulation results. When a current flows in the
channel region, current does not flow in a portion where
LPI is inserted. It is possible to predict that the presence
of LPI can cause the on-current difference of 1T DRAM
by the difference of the current conduction region.
However, the on-current level is different due to the
difference in the current conduction region, but the
difference is not significant. A set of bias schemes for the
memory operations of the proposed 1T DRAM is
provided in Table 1. The change in memory state is made
by the modulation of barrier heights of the channel
segments restricted by the LPIs, by VGS1, VGS2, and VDS.
Fig. 3. Transfer characteristics of 1T DRAM with and without LPI.
Table 1. Memory operation bias conditions
VGS1 [V]
VGS2 [V]
Time [ns]
Fig. 4. Lateral direction of energy band diagram in the channel
region with (a) zero bias, (b) program bias, (c) erase bias.
Fig. 4(a) shows lateral energy band diagram in the
channel region with zero bias condition. Due to the
different workfunction in the twin gate region, virtual
junction is formed in the channel region. The region
under the n+ poly gate (gate 1) contains electron and
another region (gate 2) contains hole respectively. The
energy band diagram is extracted from program
operation and shown in Fig. 4(b). Electron tunneling occurs through narrow energy barrier between the
channel region under gate2 and drain region.
As a result of the electron tunneling, holes accumulate
in the channel area under gate2. When the holes
accumulate, the energy barrier decreases when electrons
injected from the source move to drain during read
operation, resulting in an increase in read current.
Fig. 4(c) shows the energy band diagram which is
extracted during erase operation. The energy band is
flattened by the positive bias applied to Gate 2, causing
the stored holes to exit the drain region.
As a result, the energy band diagram of the channel
goes back to its initial state.
Fig. 5. (a) channel energy band diagram of initial, hold1 and hold0 state, (b) hole
concentration of channel region under gate 2.
Fig. 5(a) shows the channel energy band diagram with
initial state and hold states. In the hold 1 state as shown
in Fig. 5(a), Energy barrier under the gate 2 region
maintains low height that allows a large current. On the
contrary, in the state of hold 0, it can be seen that the
channel maintains a curved energy band where a current
is prohibited.
The program - hold - read - hold - erase - hold - read -
hold sequence used for the ‘1’ and ‘0’ states in the
proposed 1T DRAM memory operation is provided in Fig. 6. Detailed bias conditions for memory operation are
listed in Table 1. The change of the memory states is
performed by modulation of virtual junction with twin
gate bias.
Fig. 6. Dynamic operation including program, hold, read and erase of 1T DRAM with
and without LPI. Drain current characteristics over 3 cycles.
In the proposed memory, '1' state is defined as the state
where holes are stored in the hole storage region and the
barrier under gate 2 is lowered. When the read bias is applied, a current level is
Conversely, in the '0' state, holes are not stored in the
hole storage region, so that the original junction is
As a results a current level maintains low level.
Without the LPI structure, the current on / off ratio of
read 1 and read 0 is 1.46 × 104 A/A. If there is an LPI
structure, the current on/off ratio of read 1 and read 0 is
5.65 × 105 A/A.
In the proposed 1T DRAM, the insertion of LPI also
improves the on / off current ratio.
LPI can reduce the amount of holes lost in the hole
storage area. This amount of hole dissipation is related to
the retention characteristics of the device. A method of
measuring retention characteristics is provided in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Transient characteristics of read current in 1T DRAM (a) without LPI, (b)
with LPI.
The retention time of the proposed 1T DRAM is defined
as the time it takes for the I1 / I0 ratio to become 10 times
when a hold bias is applied after a program or erase
operation. Retention time of suggested device with LPI
records 547 ms which is significantly increased value
compared with 104 ms in the 1T DRAM without LPI. The
effect of LPI on retention time is enhancement of hole
storage capability. When holes are stored in 1T DRAM,
hole leakage can occur between hole storage region and
drain region. Large energy barrier provided by silicon
dioxide in LPI effectively prohibits hole leakage current
between hole storage region and drain region. Fig. 8 shows
hole leakage current distribution of hold 1 state. Most of
hole leakage are concentrated in surface area of the
junction. As shown in Fig. 8, there is no current in LPI
region and relatively small amount of hole leakage current
flows on the top surface of LPI region.
Fig. 8. Conduction current distribution of hold 1 state in the hole storage region
and drain junction.
Fig. 9. (a) Retention characteristics with body thickness variation, (b) read 1 current
and retention time with LPI length variation.
In order to optimize the effect of LPI, the results of
retention time with body thickness and LPI length
variation are presented in Fig. 9. In the case of reducing
the body thickness from 20 nm to 10 nm, retention
characteristics increased with LPI as shown in Fig. 9(a).
Considering this result, the optimization according to the
LPI length variation was investigated with the 10 nm
body thickness.
As shown in Fig. 9(b), the retention time increases
until the barrier length increases to 8 nm. However, if the
barrier length increases above a certain value, the read current cannot be extracted.
As the LPI length
approaches the channel thickness, the current conduction
region decreases. As a result, read 1 current is also
drastically reduced, and normal DRAM operation is not
available. Therefore, holes cannot be accumulated, and
thus retention time is also close to zero. As can be seen
from the above results, increasing the barrier length helps
to increase the reliability of the device but should be
performed within a certain range.
reliability characteristics in 1T DRAM device with
TGTFET. Insertion of LPI in the boundaries of junction
area has its advantages of the fact that it prohibit
movement of stored charge. Retention time of suggested
device with LPI records 547 ms which is significantly
increased value compared with 104 ms in the 1T DRAM
without LPI. The optimization of the device has been
studied with LPI length variation. As the length of LPI
structure increased, retention time increased up to certain
value. Increasing the LPI length beyond a certain level
interrupted the current flow, resulting in deterioration of
the device's operation. The proposed device is considered
to be a strong candidate for low power, high reliability
This work was supported by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Economy of Korea (MOTIE) with the
Korean Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC)
through the program for development of future
semiconductor devices (Grant No. 10080513) and was
also supported 2019 Research Fund of Myongji
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Dong Chang Han was born in Osan,
Korea, 1995.
He will receive the B.S.
degree in Electronic Engineering
from Myonggi University, Yongin,
Korea, in 2020.
He is currently
working towards the M.S. degree in
the department of Electronic
Engineering at Myongji University, Yongin, Korea.
He will receive the
B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering
from Myonggi University,
Yongin, Korea, in 2020.
He is
currently working towards the M.S.
degree in the department of
Electronic Engineering at Myongji
University, Yongin, Korea.
Jae Yoon Lee received the B. S.
degree in electronic engineering from
Gachon University, Seongnam, Korea,
in 2018, where he is currently
pursuing the M. S. degree.
research interests include 1T DRAM,
resistive-switching random-access
memory (ReRAM) and its array architecture, and devicecircuit
co-optimization of emerging memory devices.
is a Student Member of the Institute of the Electronics
and Information Engineering of Korea (IEIE).
Seongjae Cho received the B. S. and
the Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea, in 2004
and 2010, respectively.
He worked as
a Postdoctoral Researcher at Seoul
National University in 2010 and at
Stanford University, CA, USA, from 2010 to 2013.
He is
currently working as an Assistant Professor at the
Department of Electronic Enigineering and at the
Department of IT Convergence Engineering, Gachon
University, Seongnam, Korea.
His research interests
include nanoscale CMOS devices, emerging memory
technologies, optical devices, and CMOS-photonic
integrated circuits.
Il Hwan Cho received the B.S. in
Electrical Engineering from Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Korea,
in 2000 and M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering from Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea, in
2002, 2007, respectively.
From March 2007 to February
2008, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea.
In 2008, he joined the
Department of Electronic Engineering at Myongji
University, Yongin, where he is currently a Professor.
current research interests include improvement,
characterization and measurement of memory devices
and nano scale transistors.