Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Bootstrap, CMOS, fully differential, mirrored-cascode, TIA
Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been attracting great attention because
of many potential applications: healthcare, manufacturing, environmental monitoring,
and agriculture (1-3). In WSNs, a large number of wireless sensor terminals are installed to gather various
kinds of sensing data: temperature, pressure, acceleration, and so on. Increasing
the number of the sensor terminals working for WSN applications, however, causes increasing
the total power consumption. Therefore, reducing power consumption of each RF component
consisting of the terminals is necessary.
A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is the first active block of the RF front-end in a wireless
receiver (4,5). In WSN applications, low power consumption, wide bandwidth, and small chip area
are required. In general, LNAs using on-chip inductors obtain gain and high-frequency
operation because of the resonance characteristics. On the other hand, the frequency
bandwidth is much narrower than other types of amplifiers. Also, it is not suited
for miniaturization because the inductors occupy huge area on a CMOS chip. Inductorless
amplifiers achieve wide bandwidth while occupying small area, although their gain
is not so high. For these reasons, inductorless amplifiers are preferable from the
viewpoint of saving chip area.
Various topology of inductorless LNAs has been proposed and developed (6-15). For examples, a resistive shunt-feedback type (7), an inverter-based type (8), common-gate (CG) types using the transconductance enhancement technique (9,14) were reported. As a candidate of LNAs for WSNs, an active-shunt-feedback type LNA
was reported (11). In this LNA, both low power consumption (0.4 mW) and the occupation of small chip
area (0.0052 mm$^{2}$) were achieved by utilizing current-reuse and active-shunt-feedback
techniques in a 0.13-μm CMOS chip. The obtainable bandwidth, however, was up to 2.2
GHz, so the conventional active-shunt-feedback type LNA was not available for 2.4-GHz-band
applications: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee. One of the possible solutions is use of
a shorter-channel CMOS process (15). Although the intrinsic gain becomes lower as channel length is decreased, use of
the shorter-channel CMOS leads to reduction of the occupied chip area as well as higher
frequency operation.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of fabricated LNA.
Fig. 2. (a) Basic structure of fabricated LNA (feedback transistor and coupling capacitor
are removed from original LNA), (b) and (c) are schematic diagrams of NMOS and PMOS
amplifiers corresponding to upper and lower part of (a), respectively.
In this paper, we demonstrate an active- shunt-feedback type LNA using a 65-nm CMOS
process. We propose a design method focusing on the intermediate-node voltage in the
LNA, and we clarify the influence of the intermediate voltage upon the gain and noise
characteristics. The coupling capacitance for effective noise-cancelling is examined
by circuit simulations. On the basis of our design method, the active-shunt-feedback
type LNA is fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS chip, and its characteristics are evaluated.
It is confirmed that our LNA has better figure-of-merit in comparison with the conventional
types for WSNs.
This paper is organized as follows. In section II, the circuit configuration and operating
principle are presented, and we point out how important the intermediate-node voltage
is for designing the focused LNA. Section III shows analysis and simulation results
based on the proposed method. Section IV and V show the measurement results of the
fabricated LNA and conclusions.
1. Circuit Configuration and Operating Principle
A schematic diagram of the fabricated LNA is shown in Fig. 1. This LNA is composed of two CG amplifiers using NMOS (M$_{1}$) and PMOS (M$_{2}$),
a common-source (CS) NMOS (M$_{3}$) for active-shunt-feedback, and a capacitor ($\textit{C}$$_{\mathrm{C}}$)
between nodes 1 and 2 for noise-cancelling. The feedback transistor works to decrease
the input impedance and enlarge the bandwidth. Also, a back-gate voltage for the feedback
transistor, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$, enables to change the amount of feedback
current and adjust the input impedance to source impedance, $\textit{R}$$_{\mathrm{S}}$
(50~$\Omega$ in most cases). The noise voltage at node 3 derived from the noise current
of M$_{1}$ and M$_{2}$ is amplified by the other MOSFET. Since the phase of the noise
voltage at node 1 is opposite to that at node 2, the coupling capacitor combines the
noise voltages of nodes 1 and 2 and can be partially cancelled.
2. Importance of Intermediate-node Voltage
Fig. 2(a) shows a basic structure of the fabricated LNA, where a feedback transistor and a
coupling capacitor are removed from the original LNA shown in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the focused LNA can be considered as the structure stacked with NMOS and PMOS amplifiers
vertically. Hence, we can design an NMOS amplifier and a PMOS amplifier separately
as shown in Fig. 2(b) and (c), where $\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{in}}$ is a small-signal voltage source; $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{GS}}$$_{i}$,
$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DS}}$$_{i}$, and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$$_{i}$ are gate-source,
drain-source, and supply voltages, respectively; 1 and 2 stand for NMOS (M$_{1}$)
and PMOS (M$_{2}$), respectively; $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$$_{i}$ satisfies $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$
+ $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$ = $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the drain current drawn by the NMOS and PMOS amplifiers is the almost same. Therefore,
the drain current of the amplifiers, $\textit{I}$$_{\mathrm{D}}$, in Fig. 2(b) and (c) should be same so that the operating condition would not be drastically changed
after stacking the amplifiers.
An intermediate-node voltage between the NMOS and PMOS amplifiers, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$,
is related with $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$ as
Although larger $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$$_{i}$ leads to higher gain of the amplifiers,
the trade-off relation between $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$
exists as shown in Eqs. (1a) and (1b). The value of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ may affect not only the LNA gain but
also the noise-cancelling effect since a PMOS amplifier works to cancel the generated
noise. Therefore, the intermediate-node voltage should be considered carefully for
designing the fabricated LNA.
1. Designing NMOS and PMOS Amplifiers
As mentioned in the previous section, we can consider NMOS and PMOS amplifiers separately.
Then, we examine the effect the intermediate voltage on the gain of each amplifier.
The input impedance of the basic structure shown in Fig. 2(a) is given by
where $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$ is the transconductance of M$_{i}$, $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{o}}$$_{i}$
is the output conductance of M$_{i}$, and $\textit{R}$$_{i}$ is the load resistance
for M$_{i}$, respectively. Assume that the value of $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{o}}$$_{i}$
is small enough, the input impedance can be expressed approximately as
To satisfy the input matching condition, $\textit{Z}$$_{\mathrm{in}}$ = $\textit{R}$$_{\mathrm{S}}$
= 50~$\Omega$, the total transconductance, $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m1}}$ + $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m2}}$,
should have ~20 mS. Therefore, the input impedance is close to the matching condition
when each MOSFET has ~10 mS. Note that the input matching condition does not need
to be satisfied strictly in this step since a feedback transistor will be added to
this structure later.
To evaluate the dependence of the intermediate-node voltage upon the characteristics
of the amplifiers, we considered three cases: (i) $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ >
$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$/2, (ii) $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$/2,
and (iii) $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ < $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$/2. The gate-source
voltage, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{GS}}$$_{i}$, was set for $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$
= 10 mS, and the load resistance for each amplifier was determined as
The characteristics of the amplifiers were examined by using circuit simulators (HSPICE
and Spectre) with the parameters of the TSMC 65-nm CMOS process. The supply voltage
was set to $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$ = 1.2 V; $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$ and
$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$ were set to 0.5 V and 0.7 V for the case (i), 0.6 V
and 0.6~V for the case (ii), and 0.7 V and 0.5 V for the case (iii), respectively.
Figs. 3-5 show the dependences of the approximate voltage gain calculated from $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$$\textit{R}$$_{i}$
upon drain current for each case, where the filled and open symbols signify the results
of NMOS and PMOS amplifiers, respectively. The data of MOSFETs operating in a saturation
region are shown in Figs. 3-5. Reducing the drain current corresponds to increasing the gate width since $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$
is fixed at 10 mS. In the case (i) shown in Fig. 3, the gains of NMOS and PMOS amplifiers are the highest at |$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DS1}}$|
= 0.20 V and |$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DS2}}$| = 0.25 V, respectively. The gain of PMOS
is higher than that of NMOS by ~1 dB for every $\textit{I}$$_{\mathrm{D}}$. In the
case (ii) shown in Fig. 4, the highest gains are obtained by setting |$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DS}}$$_{i}$| =
0.20 V. The gain of NMOS amplifier is higher than that of PMOS by ~1 dB. In the case
(iii) as shown in Fig. 5, the gains of NMOS and PMOS amplifiers are the highest at |$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DS1}}$|
= 0.25 V and |$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DS2}}$| = 0.20 V, respectively. The gain of NMOS
amplifier is higher than that of PMOS, and the gain difference is ~4 dB, which is
larger than that for cases (i) and (ii). From these results, we found that the intermediate-node
voltage affected the gain of NMOS and PMOS amplifiers, and that the drain-source voltage
to maximize the gain existed for each $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$$_{i}$.
2. Analysis of Stacked Structure
Fig. 3. Dependence of voltage gain, $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$$\textit{R}$$_{i}$,
upon drain current for case (i): $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$ = 0.5 V, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$
= 0.7 V.
Fig. 4. Dependence of voltage gain, $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$$\textit{R}$$_{i}$,
upon drain current for case (ii): $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$ = 0.6 V, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$
= 0.6 V.
We examined the characteristics of the stacked structure shown in Fig. 2(a). Based on the analyses shown in Figs. 3-5, the parameters of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{GS}}$$_{i}$, $\textit{R}$$_{i}$, and the
gate width of M$_{i}$ were chosen so that the NMOS and PMOS amplifiers could draw
almost the same current. Then, the NMOS and PMOS amplifiers using the obtained parameters
were stacked. Here, the intermediate voltage, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$, is almost
as same as $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$. The drain current was set to 0.8 mA to obtain
higher gain and operation in 2.4-GHz band. The load capacitance of the amplifier was
set to 100 fF. Fig. 6 shows the voltage gains, $\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{out}}$$_{i}$$_{\mathrm{/}}$$\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{in}}$,
against the frequency for each intermediate-node voltage, where the solid and dashed
lines signify $\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{out1/}}$$\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{in}}$ (NMOS amplifier
side) and $\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{out2/}}$$\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{in}}$ (PMOS amplifier
side), respectively; the blue, red, and green lines signify the results of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$
= 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 V, respectively. The intermediate-node voltages, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$
= 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 V, correspond to the cases (i), (ii), and (iii) in the previous subsection,
respectively. As shown in Fig. 6, the magnitude relation between the gains of the NMOS and PMOS amplifiers has good
agreement with that of the results shown in Figs. 3-5. The obtained bandwidth is around
3 GHz, which is enough for the 2.4-GHz-band applications.
3. Adding Feedback Transistor and Adjusting Input Impedance
Fig. 5. Dependence of voltage gain, $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$$_{i}$$\textit{R}$$_{i}$,
upon drain current for case (iii): $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD1}}$ = 0.7 V, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD2}}$
= 0.5 V.
Fig. 6. Voltage gain, $\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{out}}$$_{i}$/$\textit{v}$$_{\mathrm{in}}$,
against frequency after stacking NMOS and PMOS amplifiers.
As shown in Fig. 7(a), we add a feedback transistor (M$_{3}$) to the previous structure. The gate terminal
of the feedback transistor is connected to the output terminal of the PMOS amplifier,
and the transistor draws feedback current from the intermediate node. In this structure,
the feedback current is reused by the NMOS amplifier, therefore it leads to reducing
power consumption.
The input impedance can be rewritten by
where $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{m3}}$ and $\textit{g}$$_{\mathrm{o3}}$ are the transconductance
and output conductance of the feedback transistor, respectively. In comparison with
Eq. (2), the input impedance can be decreased by the effect of the feedback transistor as
shown in the third and fourth terms of Eq. (5).
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram after adding feedback transistor and coupling capacitor
to basic structure.
Fig. 8. Frequency response of input impedance. Dashed and solid lines signify results
without and with feedback, respectively.
Fig. 8 shows the frequency response of the input impedance in the case (ii) ($\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$
= 0.6 V), where $\textit{W}$ is the gate width of the feedback transistor, dashed
line and solid lines signify the results without and with the feedback, respectively.
Although the impedance without the feedback is slightly higher than the matching condition,
the matching condition can be satisfied by adding the transistor with appropriate
gate width ($\textit{W}$ = 8~μm). The intermediate voltage corresponds to the gate
voltage of M$_{3}$, the gate width of the case (i) or (iii) should be smaller or larger
than that of the case (ii) to satisfy the matching condition, respectively.
Fig. 9. NF and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$ against coupling capacitance. Solid and dashed
lines signify results of NF and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$, respectively.
Fig. 10. Frequency response of NF. Dashed and solid lines signify results without
and with capacitor of 2 pF, respectively.
4. Adding Coupling Capacitor and Examining Noise-Cancelling Effect
As shown in Fig. 7(b), we add a coupling capacitor ($\textit{C}$$_{\mathrm{C}}$) to the basic structure.
To evaluate $\textit{S}$-parameters and noise figure (NF), a buffer circuit (CS amplifier)
with a 0-dB gain for the output matching is connected in this simulation. Fig. 9 shows the simulation results of NF (solid lines) and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$ (dashed
lines) against the coupling capacitance for each $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ at
2.4 GHz, where the blue, red, and green lines signify the results of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$
= 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 V, respectively. The NF is reduced as the capacitance is increased.
Although larger capacitance is required to obtain lower NF, increasing the capacitance
results in occupying large chip area. Then, we chose 2 pF from the viewpoint of both
reducing NF and saving chip area.
Fig. 10 shows the frequency response of NF without the capacitor (dashed lines) and with
the capacitor (solid lines). Although the NF without the coupling capacitor was around
10 dB, the obtained NF was reduced to around 6 dB by adding the capacitor of 2 pF.
As shown in Fig. 10, lower NF can be achieved by setting $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = 0.6 V over the
entire frequency band.
5. Effect of Back-gate Voltage
Fig. 11. Dependences of $\textit{S}$-parameters upon back-gate voltage, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$.
Solid and dashed lines signify results of $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$,
Fig. 12. Dependences of NF upon back-gate voltage, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$.
Fig. 13. Linearity of proposed LNA. Solid and dashed lines signify fundamental and
IM3 powers, respectively.
We examined the effect of the back-gate voltage of the feedback transistor (M$_{3}$).
The simulation results of $\textit{S}$-parameters against the back-gate voltage are
shown in Fig. 11, where solid and dashed lines signify the results of $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$,
respectively. As shown in Fig. 11, the value of $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ can be minimized by adjusting the back-gate voltage.
The value of $\textit{S}$$_{21}$ is increased as the back-gate voltage is decreased,
it reaches ~8 dB under $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ < ${-}$20 dB at $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$
= ${-}$0.5 V in the case (ii). Therefore, we can adjust the input impedance or the
gain by changing the back-gate voltage.
We also examined the effect of the back-gate voltage upon the noise characteristics.
Fig. 12 shows the simulation results of NF against $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$ for $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$
= 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 V. As shown in Fig. 11 and 12, lower NF is obtained by decreasing $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$ although $\textit{S}$$_{11}$
gets worse. This is because the noise matching condition is slightly different from
the impedance matching condition.
6. Linearity Characteristics
We examined the linearity of the proposed LNA by calculating the fundamental and third
order intermodulated (IM3) component powers around 2.4 GHz. Fig. 13 shows the output fundamental and IM3 component powers against input power. This result
shows that the highest input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) is obtained
in the case of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = 0.7 V. However, the gain ($\textit{S}$$_{21}$)
and NF for $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = 0.6 V are better than that for $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$
= 0.7 V as shown in Fig. 9. Also, the output-referred IP3 (OIP3) of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = 0.6 V is
same as large as that of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = 0.7 V.
We designed and fabricated the LNA using the TSMC 65-nm process on the basis of the
proposed method. We chose the case (ii) for high gain and low NF, and readjusted the
component values after post-layout simulation (PLS) as shown in Table 1. A die photograph of the fabricated LNA is shown in Fig. 14. The designed circuit consists of an LNA core circuit and a buffer circuit (0-dB
gain) for output-impedance matching. The LNA occupies the area of 129 ${\times}$ 92
μm$^{2}$. The $\textit{S}$-parameters of the LNA were measured by a vector network
analyzer. Fig. 15 shows the PLS and measured results of $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$.
As shown in Fig. 15, the measured value of $\textit{S}$$_{21}$ had good agreement with the PLS value.
The frequency bandwidth (BW) was around 3 GHz, which is sufficient for 2.4-GHz-band
applications. The measured $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ shows good reflection characteristics
(< ${-}$10 dB) over the entire measurement range. The effect of applying the back-gate
voltage to the feedback transistor (M$_{3}$) was examined. Fig. 14 shows the effect of the applied voltage $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$ on $\textit{S}$$_{11}$
and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$. As shown in Fig. 16, the $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ and $\textit{S}$$_{21 }$can be changed by applying externally
controlled voltage. Thus, the feedback transistor can work to compensate for the divergence
of the matching condition derived from the process variation.
Table 1. Device dimension and component values
Gate Width / Length
Resistance, Capacitance
32 μm / 60 nm
64 μm / 60 nm
8 μm / 60 nm
2 pF
Fig. 14. Die photograph of fabricated LNA.
Fig. 15. Dependences of $\textit{S}$-parameters of fabricated LNA upon frequency.
Solid and chain lines signify measured and PLS results, respectively.
Fig. 16. Measured $\textit{S}$-parameters against back-gate voltage, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{BG}}$.
Dashed and solid lines signify results of $\textit{S}$$_{11}$ and $\textit{S}$$_{21}$,
Fig. 17. Output power against input power. Solid line and circles signify PLS and
measured results, respectively.
We examined the linearity of the LNA. The relationship between the input and output
powers at 2.4 GHz is shown in Fig. 17. The measured values of the output power had good agreement with the PLS values.
The input-referred 1-dB compression point (IP$_{\mathrm{1dB}}$) of the fabricated
LNA was ${-}$10 dBm, which was higher than that of the conventional 0.18-μm CMOS type
by 10 dB (11). Next, to examine intermodulation distortion characteristics of the LNA, two-tone
waves of 2.40 and 2.41 GHz with the same power were input to the LNA. The output powers
of the fundamental components (2.40 or 2.41 GHz) and the IM3 components (2.39 or 2.42
GHz) were measured by a spectrum analyzer. Fig. 18 shows the measurement results of the IP3. The IIP3 value of the fabricated LNA was
${-}$1 dBm.
Furthermore, we evaluated the noise characteristics of the fabricated LNA. The noise
powers at hot and cold states were measured by a simple experimental setup using a
noise source and spectrum analyzer, and the noise figure was obtained from the noise
powers by the Y-factor method. The frequency dependence of NF is shown in Fig. 19. The measurement result generally agreed with the PLS one. It is supposed that the
peaks at 2.1- and 2.4-GHz bands were arisen due to insufficient shield from wireless
signals of 3G, LTE and Wi-Fi bands.
The chip performance is summarized and compared with that of state-of-the-art LNAs
for WSNs in Table 2. The figure-of-merit (FoM) is calculated from following equation (13),
Table 2. Performance summary and comparison
T. W.
BW [GHz]
0.4 ~ 1
0.1 ~ 2.7
0.1 ~ 2.2
0.1~ 3
S21 [dB]
15.5 ~ 18
NF [dB]
4.9 ~ 6
IIP3 [dBm]
-21 ~ -14
-11.5 ~ -9.5
Area [mm2]
Power [mW]
Fig. 18. Output fundamental and IM3 component powers against input power. Filled circles
and triangles signify measured fundamental and IM3 powers, solid and dashed lines
signify PLS fundamental and IM3 powers, respectively.
Fig. 19. Frequency dependence of NF of fabricated LNA$\textit{.}$ Solid and dashed
lines signify measured and PLS results, respectively.
where $\textit{F}$ is the noise factor and satisfies NF = 10 log $\textit{F}$. As
shown in Table 2, the peak gain is not so high and the NF is relatively high in the proposed LNA.
One of the reason is using a short-channel CMOS process. We used the 65-nm CMOS for
improving the bandwidth. However, the amplifiers using shorter-channel MOSFETs suffer
from low intrinsic gain since the output conductance is smaller than that of longer
channel ones. Also, it is known that the noise excess factor (NEF) becomes larger
as the channel length decreases. Therefore, the NF became worse in comparison with
that of the longer channel type. In spite of these difficulties, the obtained FoM
is better than that of state-of-the-art LNAs since the BW became larger and the linearity
was improved by using the proposed design method.
We demonstrated active-shunt-feedback type inductorless low-noise amplifier based
on the proposed design method considering an intermediate-node voltage in 65-nm CMOS.
It is found that the intermediate voltage affected both the amplifier’s gain and NF,
and that $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{MID}}$ = 0.6 V (= $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$/2)
was appropriate for high gain and low NF. Based on the proposed method, the active-shunt-feedback
type LNA was fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS chip. The measured frequency response and
linearity characteristics had good agreement with the PLS results. The FoM improved
in comparison with that of the conventional 0.13-μm CMOS type and the other types
for WSN applications.
This work is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS). This work is also supported by VLSI Design and Education
Center (VDEC), the University of Tokyo in collaboration with Cadence Design Systems,
Inc. and Synopsys, Inc.
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Toshiyuki Inoue received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Electronic
and Information Engi-neering from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan in 2010, 2012 and
2015, respectively.
He joined the Depart-ment of Electronic Systems Engineering, The University of Shiga
Prefecture, in 2017, and has been an Assistant Professor since 2017.
His research interests include RF circuits for wireless communication, wireless sensor
networks, radio-over-fiber technique and optoelectronics.
Dr. Inoue is a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers (IEICE) of Japan and the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP).
He received the Paper Award in 2013 from IEICE.
Akira Tsuchiya received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Commu-nications and Computer
Engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 2001, 2003, and 2005, respectively.
Since 2005, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications
and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
Since 2017, he has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Systems
Engineering, the University of Shiga Prefecture, Shiga, Japan.
His research interest includes modeling and design of on-chip passive components of
high-frequency CMOS, and high-speed analog circuit design.
He is a member of the IEEE, IEICE and IPSJ.
Kishine Keiji received the B.S., and M.S. degrees in engineering science from Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan, and Ph.D. degree in informatics from Kyoto University, Kyoto,
Japan, in 1990, 1992, and 2006, respectively.
In 1992, he joined the Electrical Communication Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and
Telephone Corporation (NTT), Tokyo, Japan.
He has been engaged in research and design of high-speed, low-power circuits for Gb/s
LSIs using Si-bipolar transistors, with application to optical communication systems
in NTT System Electronics Laboratories, Kanagawa, Japan.
From 1997, he has been worked on research and development of over Gb/s Clock and Data
Recovery IC at Network Service Innovation Laboratory in NTT Network Innovation Laboratories,
Kanagawa, Japan.
He worked at Ubiquitous Interface Laboratory in NTT Microsystems Integration Laboratories,
Kanagawa, Japan. Since 2008, he had been an Associate Professor, and now he is a Professor
with the school of engineering, the University of Shiga prefecture, Shiga, Japan.
Dr. Kishine is a member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) and Circuits
and Systems (CAS), the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
(IEICE) of Japan, the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ).