(School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Changsha University of Science and
Technology, Changsha 410114, China)
(Department of Information Technology, Hunan Police Academy, Changsha 410138, China)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Scan design, noninvasive attack, crypto chips, low overhead
Some emerging technologies, such as wireless sensor networks and internet of things
(1-5), have been developed quickly in recent years and their security has been seriously
concerned. Simultaneously, the security issue of the underlying hardware has also
received more and more attentions (6-9). Scan-based design is one of the commonly used Design-for-Testability (DFT), which
has significantly simplified the process of manufacturing test. However, due to its
high controllability and observability, secret information inside chips may be stolen
through this structure. Recently, the scan-based side-channel attacks have shown that
attackers can analyze intermediate data to get important information inside chips
through the scan design (10,11). Studies in (12-15) have shown that keys stored in chips with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), RSA,
Elliptic Curve Crypto systems (ECC) and Data Encryption Standard (DES) have been cracked
successfully. To eliminate this potential crisis, many methods have been proposed.
A thorough way to defend against scan-based attacks is to cut off the polysilicon
fuses after the test of the chip has been finished, which makes further access unavailable
(16). However, this significantly compromises the testability because the scan chain is
also used to connect to an external five-pin joint test action group (JTAG) interface
which makes it capable to debug infield (17). BIST proposed in (18,19) does not need users’ test data and thus prevents attackers from accessing the secret
key, but the fault coverage got compromised compared with the levels of scan test
and ATPG.
Mirror Key Registers proposed in (14) is to isolate the key to an additional register to prevent it from entering the scan
chain under test mode. Although simple and effective, the scheme considerably influences
the test procedure. The method needs a separate test procedure in which the large
part related to the key is tested in secure mode while another small part independent
of the key is tested in insecure mode. The large test cost in secure mode adversely
affects the test time and coverage. Advanced industrial DFT structures, like decompressors
and X-masking in (21) which are considered firmly secure against scan-based attacks (22), still have been attacked shown in (23).
Instead of directly preventing from accessing the key information, Virtually Impervious
Scan (VIm-Scan) (20) uses an additional test key to realize the authentication before the data can be
scanned out. It introduces a “pattern matching block” which stores a set of M N-bit
test keys. Users must firstly input correct keys, otherwise the output will be all
zeros. The main overhead of the scheme is dependent on the length and number of random
test keys. The security of the scan design provided by this scheme relies on the probability
of matching M N-bit test keys with input patterns loaded into the scan chain. The
scheme can provide high security when M*N is enough large, but the scan-out data being
all zeros when all test keys have not been matched may give attackers an obvious signal
and there is no input restriction that allows attackers to wildly input. This may
increase the possibility to crack the test keys.
In (25), the authors propose a solution of obfuscating scan data to prevent attackers from
analyzing the output data. The unauthenticated users should also firstly input an
N-bit additional test key. After the N-bit test key has been loaded into SR (an additional
chain designed to store the test key), the input of SR will be locked. When the test
key is not correct, N scan flip-flops (SFFs) of scan chain randomly selected will
dynamically change their mode between normal and test, which may fail attackers to
analyze from the output data. The overhead of the scheme will increase with the increase
of the length of the test key. When the length of test key is short, the time used
to crack the test key will also be short. The similar schemes based on data obfuscation
are also presented in (24,25,32).
In this paper, we will propose a new solution for obfuscating scan data with higher
security and lower overhead. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section
II, we present the proposed technique. In Section III, experimental results are presented
to analyze the proposed scheme. In Section IV, we will discuss an improved scheme
against certain attacks. We conclude in Section V.
The proposed secure scan design uses test authorization mechanism to protect the chip.
It makes full use of the scan chain itself to store the test authorization key, i.e,
some scan cells in the scan chain are chosen to serve as test authorization key storage
units. If the users can not load the correct test authorization key at the beginning
of testing, then the test input data can no longer enter the scan chain while the
test output data will also be confused. The proposed secure scan design requires very
low overhead, which is the most significant advantage compared with the existing similar
The proposed secure scan design is shown in Fig. 1. It separates the scan chain into three parts. The first part is used to store test
authorization key, the third part is used to obfuscate scan data and the second part
is used to generate the end flag while completely inputting the test authorization
key. The secure scan design introduces N NAND gates which are hard-wired with the
$Q$ or $\overline{Q}$ output of N randomly chosen scan flip-flops (marked as test
key cells key[i]) among the first part of the scan chain. All the output of the N
NAND gates are connected to a multiple-input AND gate G1, and the output of G1 is
used as the clock signal of D1 which can lock the control signal EN to high level
with a rising edge. The inverse of EN (i.e. $\overline{EN}$ ) is also wired to an
input of each NAND gate. The value of key[i] (1≤i≤N) is decided by the connection
style, i.e, key[i]=0/1 if the $Q$ /$\overline{Q}$ output is connected to the NAND
gate. When the circuit is reset, $EN$=0 and $\overline{EN}$=1. After the right test
key is loaded, $EN$ should become ‘1’. Otherwise, $EN$ keeps zero. The output of N
NAND gates are also connected to some AND gates randomly inserted among the third
part of the chain to obfuscate scan data when the inputted test key is incorrect.
The End_Flag signal, which is the $\overline{Q}$ output of an SFF (named flag scan
flip-flop) randomly selected among the second part of the chain, is used to judge
whether the test key has been delivered completely. When the circuit is reset, End_Flag=1.
Once the scan test starts, a transition from low level (‘0’) to high level must be
sent via SI as Start Signal. As SI transitions from ‘0’ to ‘1’, the $Q$ output of
rising-edge flip-flop D2 becomes ‘1’. At this situation, input_lock signal (the output
of AND gate G3) becomes ‘1’ since the output of D3 is 1 at the beginning. The tri-state
buffer G4 is enabled, so the test key can be delivered. The test key should pass through
the first part of the scan chain in which the authentication is performed.
Fig. 1. Proposed scan design with low overhead for obfuscating scan data.
When the Start Signal arrives in the flag scan flip-flop, End_Flag changes to low
level (‘0’) which means the loading of the test key has been finished. Then the low-level
value of End_Flag will be transmitted to the input restriction circuit between SI
and the first SFF of the scan chain. If the loaded key is right, $EN$ should be changed
from ‘0’ to ‘1’ before the Start Signal has been transmitted to the flag scan flip-flop.
In this case, the output of NOR gate G2 will remain low level (‘0’) although the value
of End_Flag changes later. So, the clock of D3 will never be activated, and input_lock
will keep ‘1’. Then the scan chain will always work normally. If the loaded test key
is wrong, $EN$ is still in low level (‘0’) when End_Flag changes to low level (‘0’).
In this case, the output of NOR gate G2 will generate a transition from ‘0’ to ‘1’.
So, the clock of D3 is activated, ‘1’ will be locked into D3, and input_lock will
become ‘0’. The test data cannot be delivered from SI. The data of the first part
of the chain will be shifted circularly to dynamically obfuscate the scan out data
in the third part of the chain. Because the big AND gate G1 is also driven by input_lock,
the test authorization key can be no longer checked for match after input_lock changes
to ‘0’.
The timing diagrams of the signals during authentication process are shown in Fig. 2. M and P are the length of the first part of the scan chain and the location of flag
SFF, respectively. In the figure we can see that End_Flag, input_lock and $EN$ are
initialized to ‘1’, ‘0’, and ‘0’, respectively. The first “0®1” transition inputted
from SI causes input_lock signal becoming high level to enable the input from SI.
After M clocks, if the inputted test key is right, the $EN$ signal will change to
high level and the input_lock will remain in high level. When the inputted test key
is incorrect, the $EN$ signal will remain in low level and the input_lock signal will
change to low level to switch the input of the scan chain from SI to End_Flag.
Users who want to correctly input the test key should firstly send a high level to
enable the tri-state gate G4 connected with SI, which will also finally become the
end flag signal outputted from the flag scan flip-flop mentioned above. Before End_Flag
changes to low level, the right test key should be inputted. Otherwise, the SI of
the chain will be locked and the data in the first part of the scan chain will be
shifted circularly clock by clock. One input of the AND gate inserted in the third
part of the chain is fed by a test key cell via a NAND gate. If the input is 0, the
adjacent SFF can only receive zero. The scan-out obfuscation arises if the real value
is ‘1’.
Fig. 2. Timing diagram of the signals in authentication operation.
The proposed scheme just introduces the input restraint circuitry, a multiple-input
AND gate and some NAND gates which brings slight impact on the chip implementation
flow. Details will be discussed as follows. Because we just use some outputs of scan
cells among the first part of the scan chain as signals to realize authentication,
and insert some AND gates on scan path in the third part, there will be no impact
to the design and layout of the original design. After the secure scan design insertion
and placement, the tests will be performed by fab, assembly and other testers in supply
chain. These authorized testers just need to input test patterns generated before
and analyze the responses.
In addition, the proposed scheme can also be used to strengthen the security of the
scan-tree in (33). We can randomly choose a scan path in the tree to serve as the scan chain in Fig. 1. Once the test key is wrong, the input of the root node will be disabled and the
data obfascation will occur at leaf nodes of the tree.
In this section, We will analyze the testability, security and overhead of the proposed
design. Then we will compare our design with some other countermeasures.
1. Analysis of Testability
Once the test key has been input correctly, the $EN$ signal will be locked to “1”
forever. The output of NAND gates of the first part of the scan chain will be all
high levels and the obfuscation function of the third part of the chain will be no
longer in force. The input of the scan chain will be stuck at SI forever. The scan
chain will finally work normally which means test vectors and test responses will
finally be inputted and outputted normally.
The circuitry introduced by the proposed design can not be tested and should not be
testable. But it is easy to judge the correctness of this part of the circuitry by
just loading the correct test key to see if the scan chain is working normally. If
the output of the scan chain is incorrect when the correct test key has been inputted,
the circuitry is wrong, otherwise the circuitry is correct.
2. Analysis of Security
Supposing that the length of the first part of the scan chain is M and the length
of the test key is N(N <= M),adversaries who know the exact number and position of
the N-bit test keys should have 1/2$^{N}$ probability to input the correct test key.
However, if they don’t know the details of the test key, the probability should be
less than 1/2$^{N}$ because the test key is randomly distributed in a longer scan
chain. When N = 100 and M = 200, the probability will be less than 7.89e-31 and should
be closer to 6.22e-61 depending on the randomness of the distribution of the test
key. For the data in the scan chain having been shifted circularly in the first part
and obfuscated in the third part, it should not be able to analyze the positions of
certain SFFs through the output of the scan chain. As the input is blocked in the
middle and the output will be changed in an unknown way before the correct test key
has been inputted, any malicious data will finally be obfuscated into an unpredicted
state and adversaries should not be able to build association between the input and
output. Based on the advantages mentioned above, the scheme can excellently resist
such attacks like differential attack (23), reset attack and test mode only differential attack (31), etc.
3. Analysis of Overhead
The proposed scheme, called LOOS (Low-Overhead Obfuscating Scan) for convenience,
costs a very low overhead. The experiment is conducted on scan designs for pipelined
(26) and iterative AES circuits with Key scheduling(KS) (27) and the result is shown in Table 1. The suffix 64 and 128 in column two are the length of the test key implemented.
In column three, there are four sub-columns which respectively show the area cost
of the original design, scan design, proposed security scan design and the increment
of the proposed scheme compared to the scan design. We implemented the netlists of
the original designs with Synopsys Design Compiler and added the scan chain by using
Synopsys DFT Compiler. After that, we inserted the proposed part of the circuit into
the netlists and then synthesized them with Synopsys Design Compiler. The costs of
the area are represented by square micrometers (µm2).
The additional part of the circuit is inserted in the scan path, rather than the functional
path. Consequently, no timing overhead will be caused in the functional mode.
What’s more, the proposed scheme is also compared with some other countermeasures
which include MKR (14), mode-reset (28), SOSD (29), DOSD (25), DOS (32), PUF (24) and SDSFF (30) and the results are shown in Table 2. The test key of the proposed scheme can be placed in the first set of the test stimuli
used in the normal test so there will be no extra time overhead used to realize authentication.
While other countermeasures like SOSD (29) and DOSD (25) shown in the last column of Table 2 need extra time to input the test key before the normal test. In addition, the online
test of MKR (14) scheme is not available though it is secure. In this case, the proposed scheme should
be better. The area overhead is calculated by the standard as same as what is used
in Table 1, typified by the pipelined AES core. We can see that the proposed scheme cost relatively
low compared to other countermeasures in Table 2. The mode reset (28) countermeasure costs a lot but still being incapable to resist test-mode-only attacks.
Although secure, SDSFF (30) is not practical for its inevitable defects. The scheme can’t maintain the original
fault coverage when any fault occurs in the circuit under test.
Table 1. Area overhead of the proposed scheme
∆A (%)
What’s more, there are also some other ways to realize the protection, such as the
secure JTAG proposed in (34). However, the protection circuit in the proposed scheme is inside the chip, and it
can achieve higher security because attackers can never bypass the protection circuit.
As mentioned above, the proposed scheme is better not only because it incurs low time
and area overhead but also because it should be more secure than many existing countermeasures.
In some situations, adversaries may know the exact positions of critical registers
in the scan chain. With the information of these positions, they can construct a specific
set of sequences and analyze from the primary output response to steal secret information.
As such attack is based on the knowledge of the positions of critical registers in
the scan chain, with our design, such attack will take effect only when these critical
registers are all distributed among the first part of the scan chain. To eliminate
such potential crisis, we can use the structure shown in Fig. 3 in some critical registers
to resist such attack. We use an OR gate with input of the inverse of $EN$ and TC
to lock some critical registers’ mode to normal mode. When $EN$ is in low level, the
output of the OR gate should always be in high level. The inputs of these registers
are bypassed by additional registers which can also be used as test key registers.
When $EN$ changes to high level, the output of these 2-to-1 multiplexers controlled
by $EN$ will change to the original SFFs’ output and the scan chain will work normally.
Table 2. Comparison with some other countermeasures
testability influence
test time influence
key cracking probability
≤1/2128, related to the key distribution range
MKR [14]
can not test secret key registers in test mode
Online test is not available
Mode reset [28]
Test-mode-only attack
SOSD-128 [29]
needing N clocks to input test key before normal test
DOSD-128 [25]
PUF-128 [24]
DOS [32]
memory attack
SDSFF-100 [30]
Influenced by existing faults in the circuit under test
Notes: m and n denotes the number of and the length of scan chains in [32].
Fig. 3. Improved secure scan design against certain attack.
These 2-to-1 multiplexers are located in the scan path. When the circuit is working
normally, the additional logic will keep inactive because the signal will no longer
go through these 2-to-1 multiplexers. Thus, no extra timing overhead is increased
in the normal mode
In this paper, we have illustrated a simple and effective scheme with very low overhead
and enough security for obfuscating scan data against scan-based side-channel attacks
in cypher chips. The method provides security by restricting the input and dynamically
obfuscating scan-out data to prevent attackers from wildly inputting data and analyzing
secret information from the output data. The proposed solution costs significantly
low overhead compared to existing schemes and can easily improve the security by adding
test key length with just some NAND gates.
This work was supported in part by the Open Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Key
Laboratory of Network Investigational Technology under Grant No. 2018WLZC002, the
Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province under Grant No. 2020JJ5604 and 2020JJ4622,
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 61702052, adn the
Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department under grant No.18A137.
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Xiong Zheng is a student at College of Computer and Communication Engineering, Changsha
University of Science and Technology.
His research interests include design for testability, hardware security.
Zuoting Ning received the Ph.D. degree of computer science from Hunan University in
2017, He is a lecturer in Hunan Police Academy.
His research inerests include machine learning, network security and hardware security.
Weizheng Wang received the Ph.D. degree in computer application technology from Hunan
University in 2011.
He is currently an associate professor in Changsha University of Science and Technology,
His research interests include hardware security, design for testability, and artificial
intelligence security.
Yang Peng is a graduate student at College of Computer and Communi-cation Engineering,
Changsha Uni-versity of Science and Technology.
His research interests include design for testability, hardware security.