Due to advances in process technologies, low-power successive-approximation register
(SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) primarily based on digital circuits are
increasingly used in high-resolution applications where pipeline and oversampling
structures have been commonly employed (1-4). However, in SAR ADCs, when the number of processing bits increases, the required
number of unit capacitors likewise increases exponentially, thus lowering area efficiency.
To overcome this disadvantage, there have been active efforts to develop a variety
of custom capacitors smaller than the minimum capacitor provided in the process. However,
it is difficult to guarantee the matching accuracies of unit capacitors, leading to
a deterioration in linearity.
Capacitor trimming is widely used as an intuitive and effective method to ensure high
linearity. In the case of previously reported trimming methods, (5-9) require a separate calibration digital-to-analog converter (DAC) or physical trim
capacitors to compensate the nonlinearity of the DAC, and (10) requires a separate resistive DAC. There have been studies on various capacitor calibration
schemes to secure the linearity of high-resolution SAR ADCs. However, such methods
have been limited by various obstacles: need for an additional calibration DAC with
custom calibration capacitor arrays smaller than the unit capacitor, or a complicated
calculation that makes system application difficult. In addition, if it is difficult
to secure a separate calibration cycle in an application system, a high-resolution
specification may not be achievable (11-13).
Fig. 1. Proposed 14-bit 10 MS/s 28 nm CMOS SAR ADC.
Meanwhile, even if the capacitor array secures linearity, when limited by a low supply
voltage and small input signal range, the comparator noise becomes one of the major
restricting components in the performance of the SAR ADC. Methods such as majority
voting that averages the noise with additional conversion cycles have been suggested
to overcome these limitations (14-17).
This work proposes a calibrated 14-bit 10 MS/s 28 nm CMOS SAR ADC which reuses segmented
reference voltages. In the proposed calibration scheme, there is no need for extra
calibration DACs or custom calibration capacitors that are commonly smaller than the
unit capacitor, thus reducing the complexity of the calibration circuit. The comparator
with a noise-reduction capacitor achieves low-noise performance with low-power.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses the overall architecture
and calibration scheme of the proposed ADC. The detailed circuit techniques are illustrated
in Section III. In Section IV, the measured results of the prototype ADC are summarized.
Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section V.
II. Proposed ADC and Calibration
1. Proposed SAR ADC Architecture
The overall structure of the proposed 14-bit 10 MS/s 28 nm CMOS SAR ADC is shown in
Fig. 1. It is composed of a capacitor-resistor (C-R) hybrid DAC with a calibration scheme,
a comparator, a SAR logic, a calibration logic, and control and timing circuits. The
proposed C-R hybrid DAC with common-mode voltage (VCM)-based switching determines
the upper 9 bits using the binary-weighted capacitor array. The remaining lower 5
bits are determined by using the unit capacitors and the reusable segmented reference
voltages divided from a simple binary-weighted resistor string (18,19). Since only 520 unit capacitors are used to implement a 14-bit DAC, the proposed
DAC structure can reduce the number of unit capacitors required.
In the C-R hybrid DAC, the unit capacitance is determined to be 10fF based on the
input signal range of 2.0V$_{\mathrm{P-P}}$, kT/C noise, and capacitor matching characteristics
(1,2). The resistor string used to determine the lower 5 bits has a binary-weighting structure.
The capacitor calibration is applied to the uppermost 4 capacitors -128$C_{\mathrm{U}}$,
64$C_{\mathrm{U}}$, 3$2C_{\mathrm{U}}$, and 16$C_{\mathrm{U}}$ -which have the biggest
impact on the linearity of the capacitor array, minimizing performance degradation
that may result from capacitor mismatch. The proposed calibration scheme, instead
of using an additional calibration DAC or a custom calibration capacitor smaller than
the unit capacitor, reuses the segmented reference voltages, reducing the complexity
of the calibration circuit. The comparator with noise-reduction capacitors is employed
not only to determine the 14-bit digital code during SAR operation but also to measure
the abnormality of the capacitor array during calibration.
Fig. 2. Flow chart of the proposed capacitor algorithm.
Fig. 3. Implementation example of the proposed capacitor calibration.
The resistor string used to determine the lower 5 bits has a binary-weighting structure.
The segmented reference voltages are not highly accurate due to mismatches between
resistors. These non-ideal reference segment voltages can affect the linearity of
the C-R hybrid DAC. However, the non-ideal components of the resistor string are attenuated
at the DAC output by a ratio of the unit capacitance to the total capacitance of the
DAC. As a result, the required matching accuracy of the resistor string is reduced
to approximately 7 bits (19). Meanwhile, since the resistance of the R-DAC determines the current between VREF+
and VREF-, it affects the settling behavior of the reference voltages. Given the required
accuracy and the settling time of the segmented reference voltages, a unit resistance
of 400Ω is used. Based on Monte Carlo simulation, the estimated matching accuracy
of the designed resistor string for the given process satisfies over 7 bits, which
meets the required matching accuracy sufficiently. In addition, since the noise of
the resistor string is also attenuated at the DAC output, it hardly contributes to
the performance degradation of the entire C-R hybrid DAC.
The glitches in the reference voltages due to R-DAC switching kickback noise occur
periodically. During the lower 5-bit conversion cycles using R-DAC, the reference
voltages are only connected to the 10fF unit capacitor through the resistor ladder,
so the glitch size of the reference voltages are small and the reference voltages
stabilize within a given time.
2. Proposed Capacitor Calibration Scheme
The flow chart of the capacitor calibration algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. The proposed capacitor calibration scheme is applied to the most significant 4-bit
capacitors. The calibration target capacitors are assigned in order from the fourth
uppermost capacitor, 16$C_{\mathrm{U}}$, where N is 0, to the first uppermost capacitor,
128$C_{\mathrm{U}}$, where N is 3. The objective for calibration is to transform the
DAC into an ideal binary-weighted capacitor array. The difference, E, between the
capacitance of the calibration target capacitor, $2^{N+4}$$C_{\mathrm{U}}$, and the
total summed capacitance of the lower capacitors, $\sum _{\mathrm{k}=0}^{3- \mathrm{N}}2^{\mathrm{k}}C_{\mathrm{U}}$
+ $C_{\mathrm{U}}$, is compared. Depending on the comparison result, the value of
$2^{N+4}$$C_{\mathrm{U}}$ is adjusted to be bigger or smaller. The implementation
example, where N is 0 or 1, is shown in Fig. 3, respectively.
Fig. 4 shows the procedure for the proposed capacitor calibration in a simplified single-ended
version where the calibration target capacitor is 16$C_{\mathrm{U}}$. As shown in
Fig. 4(a), during the reference sampling phase, 16$C_{\mathrm{U}}$ and the lower capacitors
sample the complementary reference voltages each other, and all upper capacitors than
16$C_{\mathrm{U}}$ are reset. Then, the capacitance of the calibration target capacitor
and the total summed capacitance of the lower capacitors are compared during the comparator
decision phase. Depending on the comparison result, the capacitance of the calibration
target capacitor is adjusted using the combination of external digital codes, $D_{\mathrm{X}}$<2:0>,
as shown in Fig. 4(b).
Fig. 4. Capacitor calibration procedure (a) reference sampling, comparator decision,
(b) variable capacitor adjustment.
Fig. 5. Conventional calibration circuit based on custom-built capacitors.
Fig. 6. Proposed calibration circuit based on reusable segmented reference voltages.
III. Circuit Implementation
1. Calibration Reusing Segmented Reference Voltages
Fig. 5 and 6 show the calibration circuit based on a capacitor array. When the calibration target
is the k-th weighted capacitor, assume that $C_{\mathrm{N,k}}$ = (1/2)·$C_{\mathrm{U}}$
is a parasitic component of the ideal capacitance, $2^{\mathrm{k}}$$C_{\mathrm{U}}$,
and the target capacitor is connected to the reference voltage VREF-. In the conventional
capacitor calibration scheme, as shown in Fig. 5, the complementary reference voltage, VREF+, will be connected to the additional
custom-built capacitor (1/2)·$C_{\mathrm{U}}$ in the calibration capacitor array to
compensate for the non-ideal value of the calibration target capacitor.
In the proposed calibration scheme, as shown in Fig. 6, the non-ideal value can be compensated for by connecting (1/2)·VREF+ to the unit
capacitor in the calibration capacitor array. The proposed calibration circuit in
this work does not need extra custom-built capacitors and the calibration capacitor
array can be laid out together with the sampling capacitor array, reducing the required
chip area and the circuit complexity. The expected maximum mismatch range is determined
based on the Monte Carlo simulated maximum capacitor mismatch range, the parasitic
components between the adjacent capacitors, and the design margin.
2. Low-noise Comparator with a Noise-reduction Capacitor
Fig. 7. Low-power low-noise comparator with noise-reduction capacitor.
Fig. 8. Simulated power consumption and noise performance of the comparator corresponding
to noise-reduction capacitor.
Fig. 9. Layout and die photo of the prototype ADC.
Fig. 10. (a) Power distribution, (b) noise contribution of the prototype ADC.
To apply the proposed calibration scheme, it is necessary to have a process to compare
the capacitance of the calibration target capacitor and the sum of the lower capacitors.
For this process, a low-noise comparator with 14-bit accuracy is required. As shown
in Fig. 7, the proposed SAR ADC employs a noise-reduction capacitor-based comparator. The proposed
comparator attenuates noise using the noise-reduction capacitors, $C_{\mathrm{LP}}$
and $C_{\mathrm{LN}}$, connected to the first-stage latch output terminals (20). The simulated noise performance and power consumption of the proposed comparator
corresponding to the noise-reduction capacitor is shown in Fig. 8. In the proposed comparator, given the required noise performance, power consumption,
and chip area, both $C_{\mathrm{LP}}$ and $C_{\mathrm{LN}}$ are selected to be 400
IV. Measurement Results
The prototype 14-bit 10 MS/s SAR ADC reusing segmented reference voltages is fabricated
in a 28 nm CMOS process. Fig. 9 shows the layout and die chip photo with an active die area of 0.062 mm$^{2}$. Fig. 10(a) shows the power distribution of the ADC. It consumes 351 μW at 10 MS/s with a 1.0
V supply voltage. The power consumption of the reference buffer and digital output
buffer is not included. The comparator consumes the most power (58%) to achieve target
speed. Fig. 10(b) shows the simulated noise contribution of the ADC. The kT/C noise occupies the highest
proportion (46%) of the total noise.
Fig. 11 shows the test board and measurement setup. The DC bias voltages are provided by
the power supply. A fully differential sinusoidal input signal and a clock signal
are applied using signal generators. The output data is collected by the logic analyzer
and analyzed using MATLAB.
Fig. 11. (a) Test board, (b) measurement setup.
Fig. 11. Measured static performance of the prototype ADC.
Fig. 12. Measured FFT spectrum of the prototype ADC ($f_{\mathrm{IN}}$ = 1.1 MHz).
Fig. 13. Measured FFT spectrum of the prototype ADC ($f_{\mathrm{IN}}$ = 4.8 MHz).
Before calibration, the measured differential non-linearity (DNL) and integral non-linearity
(INL) are within 1.87 LSB and 3.95 LSB, respectively, and after calibration, the measured
DNL and INL are within 1.59 LSB and 2.92 LSB, respectively, as shown in Fig. 11.
The measured FFT spectrum at 10 MS/s with a 1.1 MHz sinusoidal input is shown in Fig. 12. Before calibration, the maximum signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) and
spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) are 65.4 dB and 72.2 dB, respectively. They are
improved to 70.0 dB and 85.0 dB, respectively, with the proposed calibration.
The measured FFT spectrum at 10 MS/s with a Nyquist input is shown in Fig. 13. Before calibration, the maximum SNDR and SFDR are 64.3 dB and 69.5 dB, respectively.
After calibration, the maximum SNDR and SFDR are 67.8 dB and 77.6 dB, respectively.
As illustrated in Fig. 14(a), the SNDR and SFDR are measured with sampling rates ranging from 2 MS/s to 10 MS/s
for a 1.1 MHz sinusoidal input signal. When the sampling rate increases to 10 MS/s,
the SNDR and SFDR are maintained above 65.1 dB and 70.8 dB, respectively, before calibration;
they are maintained above 69.9 dB and 83.9 dB, respectively, after calibration. Fig. 14(b) shows the measured SNDR and SFDR with increasing input frequencies at an operating
speed of 10 MS/s. As the input frequency increases to the Nyquist frequency, the SNDR
and SFDR are maintained above 64.3 dB and 69.5 dB, respectively, before calibration;
they remain above 67.8 dB and 77.6 dB, respectively, after calibration.
Fig. 14. Measured SNDR and SFDR performance of the prototype ADC versus (a) $f_{\mathrm{S}}$,
(b) $f_{\mathrm{IN}}$.
Table 1. Performance summary and comparison of recently reported ADCs
This work
Resolution [bits]
Speed [MS/s]
Supply [V]
Input range [VP-P]
-0.84 /
-0.82 /
-0.78 /
-0.88 /
-0.42 /
-3.95 /
-2.88 /
-2.38 /
-2.00 /
-0.53 /
-8.30 /
Power [mW]
*FoMW [fJ/conv.]
13.6 (@LF)
17.5 (@Nyquist)
**FoMS [dB]
171.5 (@LF)
169.3 (@Nyquist)
Process [CMOS]
28 nm
40 nm
40 nm
65 nm
40 nm
65 nm
90 nm
Area [mm2]
*FoMW = Power/(2ENOB·2·BW) **FoMS = DR + 10·log10(BW/Power)
After calibration, the performance improvement is more limited than expected. The
statistical analysis process to reflect the capacitor trimming by analyzing the capacitor
mismatch error is insufficient. In particular, the trimming resolution of the calibration
is low, which limits the improvement of ADC performance. By increasing the trimming
resolution of the correction and supplementing the statistical algorithm, the expected
target performance can be obtained in the proposed structure.
The performance of the prototype ADC is summarized and compared with previous calibrated
13- to 14-bit ADCs in Table 1.
This paper presents a calibrated 14-bit 10 MS/s 28 nm CMOS SAR ADC. The proposed ADC
employs a C-R hybrid DAC with only 520 unit capacitors, a simple 5-bit resistor string
for 14 bits and a noise-reduction capacitor-based comparator, while improving linearity
with the proposed calibration scheme that reuse segmented reference voltages from
the resistor string. With the proposed calibration, the prototype ADC achieves a measured
DNL and INL within 1.59 LSB and 2.92 LSB, respectively, with a maximum SNDR and SFDR
of 70.0 dB and 85.0 dB at 10 MS/s, respectively, consuming 351 μW at a 1.0 V supply
This work was supported by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (IO201210-08008-01), the IDEC
of KAIST, and the MSIT under the ITRC program (IITP-2021-2018-0-01421) supervised
by the IITP.
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received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engi-neering from Sogang University,
Seoul, Korea, in 2014 and 2016, respectively, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree. His research interests include high-speed and high-performance analog-to-digital
converters. He was a recipient of a scholarship sponsored by Samsung electronics.
received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Sogang University, Seoul,
Korea, in 2017, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His current research
interests include analog and mixed-signal circuits, data converters, and sensor interfaces.
received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Sogang University, Seoul,
Korea, in 2020, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His current interests
are in the design of high-speed, high-resolution data converters, and high-speed mixed-mode
integrated systems.
received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Sogang University,
Seoul, Korea, in 2012, 2014, and 2020, respectively. He is currently with the Samsung
Electronics Co., Ltd. and is developing high-speed data converter (ADC/DAC) circuits.
His research interests include high-speed low-power data converter and mixed-signal
received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from University of Seoul, Korea,
in 2007, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Sogang University,
Korea, in 2013 and 2019, respectively. From 2007 to 2011, he was with Luxen Technologies,
where he had developed various power-management and analog integrated circuits. Dr.
An has been with the Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and is developing low-power high-speed
high-resolution data converters.
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, in
2014 and 2016, respectively. He joined Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, South Korea,
in 2016. Currently, he is an engineer in Samsung Foundry, where he is researching
the high-speed CMOS data converters.
received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea,
in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He joined Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, South Korea,
in 2010. Currently, he is a principle engineer in Samsung Foundry, leading data converter
development. His major fields are high-speed data converters and application specific
analog front-ends for various applications such as digital TV, 5G network, touch controller,
CIS and automotive wired/wireless communications.
received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles,
CA, USA, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. He joined Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong,
South Korea, in 2006. Currently, he is a Master in Samsung Foundry, leading analog
IP development. His expertise includes high-speed data converters and various analog
front-ends for UHD digital TV, WiFi & 5G connectivity, automotive V2X, touch controller,
and CMOS image sensor.
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engi-neering from Sogang University,
Seoul, Korea, in 1994 and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Oregon State University, Corvallis, in 2005. From 1996 to 2001, he was a Design
Engineer at Samsung Electronics, Kiheung, Korea, working on mixed analog-digital integrated
circuits. From 2005 to 2008, he was with Broadcom Corporation, Irvine, CA, working
on AFE for digital TV. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electronic
Engineering, Sogang University. His research interests include high-speed, high-resolution
data converters and low-voltage, low-power mixed-signal circuits design.
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from Seoul National University,
Korea, in 1984 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer
engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1991. He was with
Analog Devices Semiconductor, Wilmington, MA, from 1990 to 1993, as a Senior Design
Engineer. Since 1993, he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang
University, Seoul, where he is currently a Professor. His current research interests
include design and testing of high-resolution high-speed CMOS data converters, CMOS
communication circuits, integrated sensors, and mixed-mode integrated systems.