KimJang Hyun2*
(School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Hankyong National University, Anseong
17579, Korea )
(School of Electrical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Instability mechanism in α-HIZO TFT, temperature effects on electrical properties in α-HIZO TFT
Recently, amorphous hafnium-indium-zinc oxide (α-HIZO) thin film transistors (TFTs)
have received lots of attention due to many advantages such as transparency, high
mobility (> 10 cm$^{2}$/V·sec), a good uniformity, possibility of low-temperature
process, and excellent bias-stress stability (1-6). Despite these advantages, α-HIZO TFTs suffer from the instability problems induced
by various stresses such as bias and light which is similar to the real circumstance.
Therefore, numerous researching groups have studied on the instability under light
and/or dc-bias stress (7-10). Especially, threshold voltage (V$_{TH}$) shift and hump occurrence after the stresses
have been considered as one of the most critical issues in real application. Thus,
in our group, the cause of these abnormal behaviors by various stresses has been analyzed
and revealed to improve the electrical instability of α-HIZO TFTs (11-13).
In this work, the hump characteristics generated by light irradiation and dc-bias
stresses are investigated in terms of the hump current components as well as the physical
mechanism. To figure out the current flowing mechanism, rigorously, the transfer characteristics
and source-to-drain currents with floated gate (S/D current) of α-HIZO TFTs are explored
at various temperatures. Moreover, to understand the origin of the hump current, the
changes of the S/D current by stress are experimentally evaluated and analyzed through
TCAD simulations.
II. Device Fabrication
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagrams of bottom gate TFT structure, (b) Cross-sectional TEM
image of the fabricated α-HIZO TFT along the channel length direction.
Fig. 2. I$_{D}$-V$_{G}$ characteristic after applying the negative gate bias of -20
V for 1000 s with the light irradiation.
The cross-sectional schematic diagram for the fabricated oxide TFT is shown in Fig. 1(a). The fabricated device has an inverted staggered structure. On a glass wafer, the
gate is formed with molybdenum. The gate insulators are deposited as a bi-layer consisting
of 250-nm thick SiN$_{x}$ and 50-nm thick SiO$_{2}$, where the SiN$_{x}$ layer is
contacted with the gate electrode. Active α-HIZO with thickness of 40 nm is formed
by radio-frequency (RF) sputtering on the gate insulator at room temperature, which
consists of In, Zn, O, and Hf. The 100-nm thick protective SiO$_{2}$ layer is deposited
to prevent the active α-HIZO from etching damage during S/D wet etching process. Then,
the S/D region is sputtered with 200-nm thick molybdenum on the active, followed by
S/D wet etching. For a passivation, the 200-nm SiO$_{2}$ film is grown. Finally, the
devices are annealed in the N$_{2}$ ambient for 5 h at 250 $^{\circ}$C. The cross-sectional
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image for the fabricated α-HIZO TFT is shown
in Fig. 1(b).
III. Experimental Results and Discussions
The electrical characteristics of the α-HIZO TFTs are analyzed by using HP4156 precision
semiconductor parameter analyzer and white LED for optical stresses.
In order to reproduce the effects of the practical stress for display operating conditions,
the -20 V of gate bias is applied to the gate electrode under an optical stress of
8000 cd/m$^{2}$ for 1000 s using a white LED. As can be seen in Fig. 2, two significant phenomena are observed after the simultaneous application of light
and negative gate bias: 1) the hump occurrence; and 2) the V$_{TH}$ shift to the negative
direction. These can be explained by the fact that photo-generated holes in n-type
channel are trapped in the gate insulator by the e-field enhanced by the optical energy
(12). Also, it is experimentally revealed that the hump gets induced by the particularly
trapped holes in the gate insulator at the edge regions along the channel width direction
(12). In other words, the current path starts to be formed from the edge regions since
the trapped holes can modulate the energy band of the TFT.
For the better understanding on this stress-induced current flowing, the conduction
mechanism of α-HIZO TFTs should be clarified. Hence, the I$_{D}$-V$_{G}$ characteristics
with temperature variations (273 K, 293 K, 313 K, and 333 K) are investigated with
V$_{D}$ = 0.5 V in the dark as shown in Fig. 3(a). As temperature goes up, the V$_{TH}$ gets reduced, and the subthreshold swing (SS})
becomes degraded as similar to the conventional silicon transistors. Fig. 3(b) describes the detailed SS and the on-current with respect to temperature, respectively.
Interestingly, it is observed that the on-current is gradually enhanced with the temperature
increase. This phenomenon is totally different from the conventional one which has
the on-current reduction by temperature increases due to mobility degradation (14).
Fig. 3. (a) I$_{D}$-V$_{G}$ characteristics measured at various temperatures (273
K, 293 K, 313 K, and 333 K), (b) Temperature dependence on the subthreshold swing
(SS}), and on-current.
Fig. 4. I$_{D}$-V$_{D}$ characteristics to characterize the J$_{TFE}$ dominant region
under a large reverse bias. Inset shows the I$_{DS}$-V$_{DS}$$^{1/2}$ characteristics
for the J$_{gen}$ dominant region under a low reverse bias.
In order to understand the origin of the distinguished temperature dependence in the
α-HIZO TFT, the S/D current is measured with grounded source by sweeping V$_{D}$ at
various temperatures. Fig. 4 indicates that the S/D current (I$_{D}$-V$_{D}$ characteristics) gets increased with
the elevated temperatures. This phenomenon can be understood as follows. Considering
the increase of the on-current with the higher temperature, it is expected that the
S/D metal contacted with the active α-HIZO forms the Schottky barrier diode (SBD)
(15). Furthermore, the α-HIZO TFTs can be modeled as two oppositely connected SBDs with
a resistor between them, which are modulated by V$_{G}$ (16-18). Thus, the S/D current is suppressed by the reverse biased Schottky contact and the
main current components consist of thermionic emission (J$_{TE}$), thermionic field
emission (J$_{TFE}$), and thermal generation (J$_{gen}$) currents (19). Notably, the trap-assisted generation current (J$_{gen}$) in the space charge region
(SCR) is dominantly observed under a low V$_{D}$ since the S/D current is proportional
to (1+ V$_{R,Schottky}$ / V$_{bi}$)$^{1/2}$ [inset of Fig. 4], whereas the thermionic field emission current (J$_{TFE}$) is mainly generated at
a large reverse bias because the S/D current is proportional to exp(qV$_{R,Schottky}$
/ E). Here, V$_{R,Schottky}$, V$_{bI}$, and E are the voltage across reverse-biased
Schottky diode, the built-in voltage, and the characteristic energy for the thermionic
field emission current, respectively. Therefore, it is confirmed that the significant
increases of J$_{TE}$ and J$_{TFE}$ with the higher temperatures in the reverse-biased
Schottky contact cause the V$_{TH}$ shift, the SS degradation, and the on-current
enhancement like a Schottky barrier FET.
Subsequently, the change of the S/D current by stresses is investigated at room temperature
by considering the reverse-biased Schottky diode characteristics. To simplify the
analysis, the -20 V of bias is applied to the gate and drain electrodes with the grounded
source under the light irradiation to trap the photo-generated holes in the gate insulator
only at the source-side edge region. As shown in Fig. 5, it is confirmed that the S/D current becomes increased after applying the stress
as compared to the initial state. This implies that the trapped holes by the stress
affects the source-side Schottky barrier, leading to the S/D current enhancement.
Fig. 5. I$_{D}$-V$_{D}$ characteristics between source and drain with floated gate
after the stress (V$_{G}$ and V$_{D}$ = -20 V with the source grounded under light
irradiation). It is to confirm the impacts of the trapped holes on the tunneling barrier
in the identical TFT.
Fig. 6. (a) Simulated device structure and location of the trapped holes uniformly
inserted in the gate insulator, (b) Simulated conduction band diagram of the SBD formed
between the source and the channel (A-A’). The dependence of the tunneling barrier
on the trapped holes was simulated.
Moreover, to verify the current enhancement by the trapped holes, TCAD device simulations
are performed using SILVACO$^{TM}$ ATLAS (20). In order to implement Schottky barrier characteristics at the interface between
S/D and α-HIZO channel, universal Schottky tunneling (UST) and surface recombination
models are used to consider tunneling and thermionic emission components with fermi
distribution. Based on the same experimental materials and dimensions, holes are locally
defined at the SiO$_{2}$/α-HIZO channel interface of the edge region along the channel
width direction to reflect the stress effects (V$_{G}$ = -20 V with the grounded S/D
under light irradiation) [Fig. 6(a)]. Then, to confirm the effects of the trapped holes on electrical characteristics,
the energy band diagrams are extracted (dashed yellow region) with/without the trapped
holes as shown in Fig. 6(b). It is clearly found that the Schottky barrier width between the source and the α-HIZO
channel becomes thinner by the trapped holes while the Schottky barrier height remains
almost unchanged. Consequently, the trapped holes located at the edge regions make
the enhancement of the S/D current by increasing J$_{gen}$ and J$_{TFE}$(thinner Schottky
barrier width) without the help of J$_{TE}$ (unchanged Schottky barrier height), which
is consistent with the results of Fig. 4.
In this work, the hump characteristics caused by bias and optical stresses are analyzed
through the electrical measurements and TCAD simulations. To verify the physical origin
of the hump current, the transfer characteristics and the S/D current are investigated
with temperature variations before the stress and then the change of the S/D current
by the simultaneous bias and optical stresses is measured. As a result, it is confirmed
that the S/D metals contacted with the active α-HIZO form the oppositely connected
SBDs. Also, it is revealed that the S/D current enhancement after applying the stresses
can be understood that the trapped holes make the Schottky barrier narrowing near
the source-side edge regions and the hump occurs by the increase of J$_{gen}$ and
This research was supported in part by INHA UNIVERSITY Research Grant, in part by
the Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program (20010847) funded by
the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Semiconductor Research
Consortium (KSRC); and in part by the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by
the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT under Grant Nos. 2020M3F3A2A01081670, 2020R1G1A1101263,
and 2020R1A2C2103059. The EDA tool was supported by the IC Design Education Center
(IDEC), Korea.
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received the B.S. degree from the Kyungpook National University (KNU), Daegu, in 2008,
and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University
(SNU), Seoul, South Korea, in 2010 and 2015, respectively.
From 2015 to 2021, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, South
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the School of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, Hankyong National University, Anseong, South Korea.
His current interests for research include low operating power CMOS devices, nano
fabrication developments, and ferroelectric memory applications.
received the B.S. degree in the Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology (KAIST), in 2009 and received the M.S., Ph.D. degrees in
the Department of Elec-trical Engineering from Seoul Na-tional University, Seoul,
Korea, in 2011, and 2016, respectively.
From 2016 to 2020, he worked as a senior researcher at SK hynix. He has working as
an assistant professor in the Pukyong National University, Korea.
His interests include low power CMOS, Oxide TFT and Power semiconductors.
received Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU),
Seoul, Korea, in 2017.
He was a senior engineer at Samsung Electroics from 2005 to 2014.
He was with University of California at Berkeley, USA, in 2017, as a Post-Doctoral
Fellow and with Intel, CA, USA, in 2019.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electric Engineering,
Inha University, Incheon, Korea.