(Magnificent Memory Laboratory (M-square Lab.), Memory business, Samsung electronics,
Hwaseong, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Device characteristics, machine learning, compact model
Over the past decades, the continued scaling down of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors
(MOSFETs) has been driving dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) technology with high
performance and low power consumption [1]. However, with the scaling down of transistors reaching physical limitations, the
prediction of electrical characteristics in transistors has become challenging owing
to diverse unpredictable effects of new process technologies [2]. Especially, predicting the electrical characteristics of transistors used in DRAM
technology peripheral regions is very important because of the design of operations
in peripheral circuits [3]. Hence, the prediction of device characteristics used in compact models for process
design kit (PDK) development, which connects the process technology and circuit design,
is becoming increasingly important in reducing the product development period. This
compact model development is limited by various secondary effects induced by new process
technologies as well as the increase in number of model parameters. In particular,
the increase in number of model parameters contribute to the complexity of PDK models,
resulting in a long development time and reduced accuracy. Thus, the prediction accuracy
of PDK model device characteristics gradually decreased following an increase in model
complexity and development time [4]. Therefore, to improve the prediction accuracy for next generation device characteristics
using peripheral circuit in DRAM technology, we propose a prediction methodology based
on compact models using a machine learning algorithm.
In this study, we utilized BSIM version 4.8 to generate datasets for training and
validating the machine learning models. The BSIM model consists of physics-based numerical
equations for gate channel length and width in MOSFET, including secondary effects
such as short channel effect, narrow width effect, drain induced barrier lowering,
and gate induced drain leakage. Based on BSIM compact models for three present-generation
products and one next-generation product, we extracted seven electrical test (ET)
items using device electrical characteristics in $\textit{n}$-channel MOSFET, namely
threshold voltage ($\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{th}}$), saturation drain current (Idsat
and Idsat2), mid-region drain current (Idmid and Idmid2), linear region drain current
(Idlin), and off-current (Ioff), as listed in Table 1. Seven ETs were extracted from the guaranteed channel length (L) and width (W) for
1,000 points using Synopsys HSPICE (P-2019.06) [5], as shown in Fig. 1. Total 28,000 electrical characteristics were extracted using each compact model
for training and validating data. The seven ETs extracted from present-generation
and next-generation products were used as training and validating data, respectively.
As the device characteristics of present-generation products were used by a 17 nm
process compact model, 15 nm process compact models for next-generation device characteristics
were validated. Mature compact models for predicting device characteristics were used
in 17 nm and 15 nm process products, respectively. In our prediction algorithm, L,
W, and design rule are the input features, and the seven ETs are the outputs, as shown
in Fig. 2. The seven ETs extracted from present-generation products were trained by corresponding
$\textit{n}$-channel MOSFET in 17 nm process products using peripheral circuits. Then,
the input features of 15 nm process products, such as design rule, L, and W for validation
were provided, from which our predicting algorithm predicted seven ETs of 15 nm process
products. In addition, the SPICE simulator running time for each model was within
a minute and could be carried out in less than thirty minutes to generate a total
Fig. 1. Total dataset generated by compact models within guaranteed L and W.
Fig. 2. Machine learning framework used in this study.
Table 1 Measured conditions of seven ET items of $\textit{n}$-channel MOSFET compact models used in HSPICE simulation
Extracted seven ETs
Extracted by g$_{m}$ method
$V_{DS}$=$V_{GS}$= $V_{DD}$
$V_{DS}$ = $V_{DD}$, $V_{GS}$ = $V_{DD}$/2
$V_{DS}$ = $V_{DD}$/3, $V_{GS}$ = $V_{DD}$
$V_{DS}$= $V_{DD}$/2, $V_{GS}$= $V_{DD}$/2
$V_{DS}$= 0.05V, $V_{GS}$ = $V_{DD}$
$V_{DS}$ = $V_{DD}$, $V_{GS}$ = 0.0 V
Fig. 3 shows a comparison of the prediction accuracy with diverse learning methods in terms
of the coefficient of determination values (R$^{2}$) of seven ETs. We evaluated four
learning algorithms including linear regression, multiple layer perceptron, multitask
learning, and random forest regression. The results showed that random forest regression
had the highest R$^{2}$ in all ETs. It predicted $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{th}}$, Idsat,
Idsat2, Idmid, Idmid2, Idlin, and Idoff with an R$^{2}$ of 0.800, 0.971, 0.968, 0.976,
0.934, 0.975, and 0.976, respectively. In addition, all predicted ETs exhibited high
accuracies within 0.7% normalized root mean square error (RMSE). In this study, RMSE
was calculated using normalized data, as shown in Eq. (1) below:
Our predicting algorithm uses random forest regression, which is a supervised learning
algorithm, employs ensemble learning methods for regression to predict next-generation
device characteristics [6]. Ensemble learning method creates and classifies multiple classifier models with
decision trees, and then one with the higher probability of correct answer is selected
by a majority vote [6]. During the training time, several decision trees are produced. Afterwards, the majority
voting is executed by prediction of all the trees by means of the outputting.
Random forest regression is suitable in predicting device characteristics because
it is fast, robust and parallel [7]. Among the seven ETs, the $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{th}}$ is difficult to estimate the
length and width trends due to several effects, such as the short channel, narrow
width, and reverse short channel effects. Generally, drain currents such as Idsat,
Idmid, and Idlin do not vary considerably depending on the product, although the V$_{\mathrm{th}}$
varies greatly depending on the product. This is due to the variation in process parameters
and secondary effects. Nevertheless, our prediction methodology can achieve high prediction
accuracies and low error rates using random forest regression because of their robustness
compared to other learning methods such as a single decision tree in finite training
data, as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 4 shows the 3D mesh comparison of a validation set and prediction model of the channel
length and width variation. The seven ETs are well matched to validation sets, as
shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). In our prediction methodology, each design rule for products enables each product
to predict next-generation device characteristics. As transistors that use peripheral
circuits of DRAM products have few structural changes from generation to generation
and product line to production, our proposed methodology can be applied efficiently
in predicting next-generation device characteristics for circuit designs.
In this prediction methodology, simulation results show that random forest regression
can capture several small and importance features, such as the relationship between
the device characteristics and design parameters. Consequently, we are certain that
device physics is vividly captured using our prediction methodology with a high prediction
accuracy of R$^{2}$. Furthermore, our prediction time for generating electrical design
rule targets including seven ETs is \textasciitilde{}1000 times faster than conventional
methods generated using human resources [4]. In this study, our prediction methodology used device structures of peripheral circuits
in DRAM technology, which had fewer structural changes from generation to generation.
However, if we have a sufficient database, our prediction methodology can also be
applied to logic or NAND flash memory devices.
In this study, next-generation device characteristics including seven ETs were well
predicted using various device compact models with our prediction methodology. The
predicted device characteristics were used to establish next-generation device compact
models. Therefore, predicting device characteristics in our prediction methodology
with a high accuracy and reduced development TAT is one of the important areas in
design technology co-optimization for DRAM technologies.
Fig. 3. Comparison of the prediction accuracy (R$^{2}$) of various learning methods for predicting next-generation device characteristics.
Fig. 4. 3D mesh comparison of validation set and prediction model for seven ET items (a) Vth, (b) Idsat, (c) Idsat2, (d) Idmid, (e) Idmid2, (f) Idlin, (g) Ioff.
In this paper, we presented the possibility of predicting next-generation device characteristics
by using machine learning with PDK models. Random forest regression algorithm was
used to predict seven ET items using high prediction accuracy of R$^{2}$, within 0.7%
RMSE. Therefore, our predicting methodology provides a new perspective on predicting
next-generation device characteristics with high accuracy and reduced development
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Gwangnae Gil is a staff software engineer at Samsung electronics. Upon completion
of his degree in Electrical engineering at chung-ang university, Gwangnae has been
working in the Device Solution Division at Samsung Electronics, where he carried out
algorithm development for product engineering and metrology processes using deep learning
Sola Woo received M.S, and Ph.D in Electrical engineering from Korea University,
Seoul, in 2016 and 2020, respectively. Since 2020, she has been working in the Device
Solution Division at Samsung Electronics as a staff engineer. Her current interests
for research include nanoscale CMOS devices, compact model, and memory devices.