(The School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu
41566, Korea)
(Department of Computer Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Approximate computing, approximate adder, energy efficiency, machine learning
Nowadays, data is being produced anywhere and anytime at an alarming rate, and energy
consumption for processing the data also increases very quickly. Also, with the rapid
growth of the internet, various types of battery-dependent smart devices have become
more and more common. These devices are running many applications that process vast
amounts of data that are computationally demanding for machine learning and multimedia
(e.g., audio, image, video) processing [1-4]. As the use of battery-dependent devices increases and the energy consumed by them
continues to grow, today’s computing technologies face the challenge of low-power
and energy-efficient system design. The key observation of these applications is that
although an insignificant error occurs in processing the data, it is difficult for
human beings to recognize if an error occurs due to the human’s cognitive ability.
For example, when the quality of the image is marginally degraded (e.g., salt and
pepper noise), the human may still be able to understand what the image represents.
Therefore, applications that process these data related to the human sense allow for
some degree of error in their data processing. This leads to a power and energy reduction
in the operations by sacrificing the marginal accuracy, which is known to approximate
computing that trades power and energy for accuracy [5,6].
Among the arithmetic for data processing, the addition is one of the most frequently
used operations. Hence, applying approximate computing to the addition will be able
to achieve significant energy savings [7-11]. Splitting an entire adder into two of an accurate and inaccurate parts is a representative
approximate adder design principle [12-26]. This architecture places a precise adder in the accurate part (i.e., upper bit positions),
including the most significant bit (MSB) that has a relatively large effect on the
addition result for accuracy. Here, any of traditional adders, such as ripple carry
adder (RCA) and carry look-ahead adder (CLA), can be applied to the precise adder.
On the other hand, the inaccurate part includes various approximate addition techniques
for lower bit positions using their own 1-bit full adders (FAs). We will review some
approximate adders based on this structure in Section II.
This paper proposes a novel approximate adder design based on the split architecture
using an efficient carry speculation technique and a truncation scheme. While our
preliminary work has been presented in [27], in this work, we improve our adder architecture and performance by systematically
analyzing it and addressing several key issues. Our earlier adder in [27] has a good accuracy performance, while it shows a poor hardware efficiency and no
scalability of the design. Hence, we propose a scalable approximate adder design by
introducing a nonzero truncation scheme. Additionally, we perform a mathematical analysis
to characterize the design and extensively compare the proposed adder with others
to prove the competitivity of the proposed design. The main contributions of this
paper are as follows:
• We propose a novel approximate adder design based on modified FA and nonzero constant
truncation for good tradeoff between the accuracy and hardware.
• We systematically examine the hardware and accuracy of the proposed adder both by
mathematical analysis and experimental validation and compare it with other ten adders
• We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed adder in real-world applications by
adopting various adders in machine learning and digital image processing.
A significant number of approximate adder has been presented to reduce power and energy
consumption of digital systems. Fig. 1 illustrates the operation of the approximate mirror adder 5 (AMA5), one of the mirror
adders in [12]. The n-bit AMA5 consists of a k-bit accurate part that includes a precise adder and
an (n-k)-bit inaccurate adder part where the adder outputs one of the input pair,
and the MSB of the other pair is propagated as a carry prediction signal for the precise
adder. This design does not require any computation between two input pairs in the
inaccurate part, leading to good hardware efficiency. Fig. 2 demonstrates the block diagram of the lower-part OR adder (LOA) [13]. Its inaccurate adder part outputs the OR computation results of two input pairs.
In addition, the LOA performs an AND-based carry prediction from the MSB input pair
of the inaccurate adder part to the precise adder to improve an overall accuracy.
Some modifications of the LOA have been proposed to further enhance the performance.
The optimized lower part constant-OR adder (OLOCA) sets some output bits of the inaccurate
part to a constant ``1'' rather than the result of OR operations [14]. Similar to the OLOCA, the lower-part OR truncation adder (LOTA) has a part that
outputs the OR operation results and a part that outputs ``1'' [15]. However, instead of AND-based carry prediction, the LOTA performs carry prediction
similarly to the AMA5. The error tolerant adder I (ETAI) performs a modified XOR operation
in the inaccurate part [16]. Unlike the AMA5 and LOA, it does not have any carry prediction scheme. This slightly
degrades the accuracy while improving the delay and power consumption. The simplified
ETAI (SETA), which is a variant of the ETAI, was presented to improve the hardware
performance of the ETAI [17]. While the ETAI checks all input pairs in the inaccurate part to examine if the values
of an input pair are both ``1'', the SETA only checks a specific position of a pair.
This makes the SETA provide better hardware performance than the ETAI without significant
accuracy degradation. The error-tolerant constant adder (ETCA) is also a variant of
the ETAI and sets some output values to ``1'' [18], like the OLOCA. The energy quality scalable adder (EQSA) can dynamically change
the design as needed in consideration of the trade-off between energy and accuracy,
and it adopts a structure that sets the output to ``1'' regardless of the input in
the inaccurate part [19]. In [20], the hardware optimized and having a near-normal error distribution adder (HOAANED)
that optimizes hardware performance and improves error characteristics of an approximate
adder has been proposed.
Fig. 1. Operation of the AMA5.
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the LOA.
1. Proposed Approximate Adder Architecture
Fig. 3 demonstrates the block diagram of the proposed approximate adder, termed AND-based
carry prediction and constant truncation approximate adder (AC$^{2}$A). We denote
a pair of n-bit inputs and an n-bit output of the adder as A$_{n-1\colon 0}$, B$_{n-1\colon
0}$, and S$_{n-1\colon 0}$, respectively, and (i)$^{th}$ least significant bit (LSB)
of the A, B, and S as A$_{i}$, B$_{i}$, and S$_{i}$, respectively. The n-bit adder
is divided into a k-bit accurate and an (n-k)-bit inaccurate part. To ensure an overall
accuracy, the k-bit precise adder is placed in the upper position containing the MSBs
since it significantly impacts on the overall addition result. Note that any of the
conventional adders (e.g., RCA and CLA) can be used for the precise one. Also, the
proposed adder adopts an AND-based carry prediction scheme from the inaccurate part
to the accurate part to improve the accuracy (see C$_{in}$). The inaccurate part is
divided into two parts: 1) the modified FA part that includes an AND-based carry and
an OR-based sum generation logics, which perform the approximate addition for A$_{n-k-1\colon
l}$ and B$_{n-k-1\colon l}$ and 2) the constant part, which sets each output bit to
``1'' regardless of the corresponding input pair for the lowest l-bit containing LSBs.
In the former part, the summation is basically conducted by ORing of the two input
bits A$_{i}$ and B$_{i}$ and the carry predicted from the previous bit position C$_{i-1}$
and thus its Boolean equation becomes S$_{i}$= A$_{i}$+ B$_{i}$+ C$_{i-1}$. While
the earlier works do not include bit-by-bit carry speculation logic [12-20], the proposed design offers the AND-based carry signal C$_{i}$= A$_{i}$· B$_{i}$
for each bit position to improve overall accuracy performance. Here, it is important
to note that the MSB position of the inaccurate part (i.e., (n-k-1)$^{th}$ bit position)
exploits XOR instead of OR to approximately add the two input A$_{n-k-1}$ and B$_{n-k-1}$
since the XOR forms the exact half adder structure with an AND gate, resulting in
a higher accuracy. The OR gate is relatively cheaper than the XOR in terms of hardware
cost, but the XOR and OR gate yield the same output except for the case of A$_{i}$
= B$_{i}$ = 1 out of the four possible input combinations of the input pair. Therefore,
to reduce hardware cost without any significant accuracy loss, we leverage the OR
gate to produce the approximate summation of A$_{n-k-2\colon l}$ and B$_{n-k-2\colon
l}$. In the latter part, the hardware cost reduction can be expected by simply setting
the part that has a relatively small effect on the result of the addition (i.e., LSBs)
to ``1'' without using any logic gate. Particularly, it reduces the error distance
by setting the output to ``1'' rather than ``0'' because the carry prediction from
the inaccurate part to the accurate part (i.e., C$_{in}$) may not be correct compared
to the precise adder due to cut of the carry chain from the LSB, and the overall approximate
summation could become smaller than the correct one. It is worth noting that the length
of the constant part can be adjusted to obtain the good tradeoff between the computation
accuracy and hardware efficiency. For example, a longer length of the constant part
will improve the hardware efficiency but degrade the overall accuracy performance.
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed approximate adder.
2. Error Rate Analysis
The error rate is one of the most important metrics when evaluating the accuracy of
approximate adders. In this paper, we analyzed the case where errors occur by deriving
a formula for the error rate of the proposed adder. We assume that two input operands
A and B are bitwise independent. To derive the error rate in a simplistic way, we
first take into account the input cases where no error is introduced. Then, we can
obtain the error rate by the probability of a complementary event of the cases. Note
that the analysis of the accurate part is excluded here since the exact adder does
not generate any error. From (n-k-2)$^{th}$ bit to (l)$^{th}$ bit with OR gates applied
instead of XOR gates, if each input pair of the bit position from (n-k-2)$^{th}$ to
(l)$^{th}$ is both ``1'', then an error occurs because the corresponding output bit
becomes ``1'' due to the OR operation. In other words, the output value is always
correct when the input pair is not both ``1''. In addition, if A$_{n-k-2}$ ${\neq1}$
and B$_{n-k-2}$ ${\neq1}$ , the carry to $S_{n-k-1}$(i.e., C$_{n-k-2}$) is not propagated.
Then, the error at the (n-k-1)$^{th}$ bit position can be excluded for the error rate
analysis since this bit position forms a half adder structure. For the l-bit constant
part, no error occurs when each bit of the input pair is different from each other.
In other words, when each bit of the input pair is equal (i.e., A$_{i}$ = B$_{i}$),
an error occurs with the corresponding bit output of ``1'' although the correct sum
is ``0''. In short, the proposed adder always produces correct output under the following
two conditions: 1) the input pair is A$_{i}$ ${\neq1}$ and B$_{i}$ ${\neq1}$ where
n-k-2 ${\leq}$ i ${\leq}$ l and 2) each bit of the input pair is different from each
other in the position from (l-1)$^{th}$ to (0)$^{th}$ bit. Considering both, we can
define an event E$_{correct}$ that the adder yields correct additions by:
Then, the error rate of the proposed adder can be derived by the complementary probability
of the event as follows:
To verify the adder’s error rate analysis, we conducted a simulation to obtain the
error rate values by applying 10 million uniformly distributed random input pairs
and compare them with the derived equation. Here, the lengths of the entire adder
n and the precise one were set to 16 and 8, respectively. Also, the size of the constant
part l was swept from 1 to 7. Table 1 shows the error rate values obtained by the simulation and formula. As can be seen,
the derived error rate well matches the simulation results over the various parameter
Table 1. Simulated and calculated error rates with various lengths of constant part
Calculated (%)
Simulated (%)
To evaluate the performance of the proposed adder in terms of the hardware performance
and computation accuracy, we adopt a 16-bit adder and configure it by setting the
size of the accurate part and inaccurate part to both 8 bits (i.e., n=16, k=8). Here,
it is noteworthy that earlier works suggested that 7-bit to 9-bit sizes would be suitable
for the inaccurate part, and a 16-bit adder is commonly used in these applications
to achieve a good tradeoff between accuracy and power savings for practical applications
such as image processing and machine learning, [12,28]. Therefore, we chose the design parameter n=16 and k=8. Particularly, two different
constant part’s lengths of 0 and 4 (i.e., l=0 and l=4) are considered to examine the
tradeoff of the accuracy and hardware according to the parameter l. We also take into
account ten existing adders for performance comparison. We apply the same design parameter
values to these adders. Here, the proposed adder structures according to l are represented
by AC$^{2}$A (l=0) and AC$^{2}$A (l=4), respectively. Also, an RCA is adopted as the
precise adder of the accurate part. The summary of the hardware and accuracy performance
of the proposed and existing adders is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Performance summary of various adders
Error Rate
AMA5 [12]
LOA [13]
OLOCA [14]
ETAI [16]
SETA [17]
ETCA [18]
LOTA [15]
EQSA [19]
AC2A (l=0)
AC2A (l=4)
1. Hardware Performance Analysis
For hardware performance analysis, all twelve adders in Table 2 were designed in Verilog HDL and synthesized with a 32-nm CMOS technology. As metrics
of hardware performance evaluation, area, delay, power, and energy, which is the product
of power and delay, were extracted. The RCA shows the largest area, the longest delay,
and the largest power consumption due to the long carry chain from the LSB to the
MSB by the FAs. The CLA has a quite shorter delay than the RCA thanks to the carry
look-ahead generator while it occupies a larger area because its carry generator requires
a considerable number of logic gates. The CLA consumes less energy than the RCA due
to its significantly shorter delay than the RCA’s despite its marginally larger power
consumption. The AMA5 and LOA predict the carry signal by one of the input pair and
the AND operation result of the input pair, respectively. Therefore, the AMA5 goes
through one logic gate less than the LOA, resulting in a marginally shorter delay
than the LOA. The LOA, OLOCA, and AC$^{2}$A (l=0) show the same delay since they utilize
AND-based carry prediction. The OLOCA demonstrates a smaller area and less power consumption
than the LOA. Its energy is also smaller than that of the LOA because some output
bits are set to ``1'' regardless of the input. The LOTA, which has a simpler structure
than the OLOCA, shows superior performance in area and power consumption compared
to the OLOCA. The ETAI has a shorter delay than the LOA due to a lack of carry prediction
logic. The ETAI’s variants, such as the SETA and ETCA, also have the same delay as
the ETAI. The SETA and ETCA, which are simplified versions of the ETAI, have better
area, power, and energy performance than the ETAI. The EQSA has a delay that equals
to the AMA5 since they perform carry prediction similarly. However, the EQSA has a
larger area than the RCA due to its relatively complicated structure to adjust the
computation accuracy dynamically according to the control signal. The HOAANED predicts
a carry signal based on AND operations but has a longer delay than the LOA because
the signal is also applied to the comparator of the inaccurate adder part, which leads
to a larger fanout. The AC$^{2}$A (l=4) has the same delay as the LOA because it predicts
a carry signal based on AND operation. In order to improve the hardware performance,
the proposed adder adopts the nonzero constant truncation scheme. Therefore, the AC$^{2}$A
(l=4) has a smaller area and less power consumption than the AC$^{2}$A (l=0). Specifically,
the area and power of AC$^{2}$A (l=4) are reduced by 12% and 8%, respectively, compared
to the AC$^{2}$A (l=0). The two designs have the same AND-based carry signal prediction,
so they have the identical delay, but the AC$^{2}$A (l=4) reduces the energy consumption
by 8% more than that of the AC$^{2}$A (l=0). Moreover, the proposed AC$^{2}$A (l=4)
can reduce the area, power, and energy by 48.9%, 45.6%, and 45.4%, respectively, compared
to the EQSA.
2. Accuracy Analysis
As the accuracy evaluation metrics, error rate, mean error distance (MED), mean relative
error distance (MRED), and normalized mean error distance (NMED) were obtained by
a software-based simulation using 10$^{7}$ uniformly distributed random input pairs,
and these metrics are defined by the following equations:
where n is the number of inputs, ED$_{i}$ is the error distance for the i$^{th}$ item
of input data, S$_{i}$ is the accurate output for the i$^{th}$ item of input data,
and D is the maximum output of the accurate design [29]. The AMA5, which outputs one of the input pair as a summation result, lags behind
in terms of accuracy compared to the LOA, OLOCA, ETAI, and SETA that adopt OR or modified
XOR operations. Also, the LOTA has similar accuracy characteristics to the AMA5. Since
the OLOCA is a design that improves the hardware performance of the LOA by exploiting
the truncation scheme, it shows a marginally lower accuracy performance than the LOA
in terms of MED, MRED, and NMED. The proposed designs AC$^{2}$A (l=0) and AC$^{2}$A
(l=4) offer two of the most accurate approximate adders in terms of the error rate,
MED, MRED, and NMED and, as expected, the AC$^{2}$A (l=0) shows slightly better than
the AC$^{2}$A (l=4) in these metrics. In short, the proposed AC$^{2}$A (l=0) demonstrates
the best accuracy performance in all the error metrics and has a very competitive
accuracy performance among the adders considered here.
3. Joint Metric Analysis
In order to observe the tradeoff between hardware performance and accuracy collectively,
we consider a joint metric. Here, we adopt the energy-MRED product obtained by multiplying
the energy representing hardware performance by the MRED representing accuracy one.
The energy-MRED product values were normalized based on the LOA and are shown in Fig. 4. Note that the smaller the value, the better the accuracy compared to the energy
consumed by the adder. The EQSA shows the largest energy-MRED product because both
the energy and MRED of the EQSA are the largest compared to other approximate adders
(see Table 2). The LOTA shows the second largest energy-MRED product because its MRED is the second
largest value, although its energy is above average. The proposed two adder designs
show the top two energy-MRED performance among the adders, and the AC$^{2}$A (l=4)
is the best. Specifically, the product value of the AC$^{2}$A (l=4) is 83% smaller
than that of the EQSA. Therefore, considering both energy consumption and accuracy,
the proposed adder AC$^{2}$A (l=4) has the best performance.
Fig. 4. Normalized energy-MRED products of various approximate adders.}
To examine that the proposed adder can produce good results in the practical applications,
its performance was evaluated and compared with the other adders in machine learning
and image processing applications. Specifically, we considered k-means clustering
and Gaussian filtering.
1. Machine Learning
K-means clustering is an unsupervised learning used for clustering, such as image
classification, and is one of the most widely used machine learning applications.
The purpose of k-means clustering is to find similarities in the given data and divide
them into k clusters. The addition is heavily used in k-means clustering, and we replace
the accurate addition with the approximate ones. The constant k, which means the number
of clusters, was set to 5 in our experiment. The performance of k-means clustering
can be expressed as the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS). The WCSS means the distance
of data belonging to the cluster from the center of each cluster, and the shorter
the distance, the better the clustering. Fig. 5 shows the visualized results of k-means clustering with the accurate and approximate
adders, and the WCSS value of the corresponding adder is indicated next to the name
of each adder. While the proposed AC$^{2}$A (l=4) demonstrates the best clustering
performance in terms of WCSS, which means that its output is closest to the one by
the error-free adder, the HOAANED and AC$^{2}$A (l=0) have similar WCSS values to
the AC$^{2}$A (l=4). The AMA5, ETAI, ETCA, and EQSA are some of the poorest clustering
performances among the adders, and the LOA, OLOCA, SETA, and LOTA are in-between.
Particularly, the WCSS by the AC$^{2}$A (l=4) is 56% smaller than that by the ETAI.
This proves that the proposed adder is well suitable for the machine learning application.
Fig. 5. Output images of k-means clustering using various adders.
2. Digital Image Processing
To demonstrate that the proposed adder is applicable for image processing applications,
the Gaussian filtering was performed using various adders. Specifically, we used a
7${\times}$7 Gaussian filter in [30]. This application also mainly utilizes the addition, which can be replaced by the
approximate counterparts. The performance of the filtering can be represented by the
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR). Fig. 6 shows the output images of Gaussian filtering, and the PSNR value of the corresponding
adder is indicated next to the name of each adder. Note that the PSNR was calculated
against the image produced by the error-free adder RCA. The LOA and its variant OLOCA
produce the images with the same PSNR value. The ETAI, its variants (SETA and ETCA),
and EQSA are also the same. The AMA5 is in-between them. The AC$^{2}$A (l=4) and AC$^{2}$A
(l=0) produce the images with the same PSNR value, which is the best value that exceeds
40 dB. This means that the proposed adders yield the output images closest to the
one produced by the RCA. Therefore, we can expect the processing quality to be similar
to those using the error-free adders with significantly reduced hardware resource
Fig. 6. Output images of Gaussian filtering using various adders.
In this paper, we proposed an approximate adder design based on the modified FA and
nonzero truncation scheme. The proposed adder showed the better accuracy and hardware
performance compared to the other approximate adders considered in this paper. Specifically,
the AC$^{2}$A (l=4) reduced MED and MRED by 44% compared to the LOA. In terms of hardware,
the AC$^{2}$A (l=4) improved area, power, and energy by 48.9%, 45.6%, and 45.4%, respectively,
compared to the EQSA. Considering both accuracy and hardware performance, the proposed
adder showed the best result, specifically 83% better than the EQSA. Moreover, the
proposed adder was adopted in the real-world applications, particularly, k-means clustering
and Gaussian filtering, and showed the best processing quality compared to the other
adders. This confirmed that it can reduce energy consumption without significant accuracy
degradation while similar output quality to that by the error-free adder. Hence, excellent
hardware and accurate performance can be expected when the proposed design is employed
in various error-tolerant applications, such as machine learning and multimedia processing.
This work was supported in part by Institute of Information & communications Technology
Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2021-0-00310,
Development of SW Framework for Server to Improve AI Training/Inference Efficiency)
and in part by the Basic Science Research Program through National Research Foundation
of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2019R1I1A3A01061266).
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Hyoju Seo received her B.S and M.S. degrees at the School of Computer Science and
Engineering from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea, in 2020
and 2022, respectively, where she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. Her research interests
include approximate computing, neuromorphic computing, deep learning accelerator,
and image processing.
Hyelin Seok received a B.S. degree from the School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Kyung-pook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea in 2022, where she is pursuing
an M.S. degree. Her research interests include computer architecture, approximate
arithmetic, and new computing systems.
Jungwon Lee received a B.S. degree from the School of Computer Science and Engineeraaing,
Kyung-pook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea in 2021, where she is pursuing
an M.S. degree. Her research interests include deep learning, approximate arithmetic,
and approximate DRAM.
Youngsun Han received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engi-neering from
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2003 and 2009, respectively. He was a senior
engineer at the System LSI, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea, from 2009 to
2011. He was an assistant/associate professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering,
Kyungil University, Gyeongsan-si, South Korea, from 2011 to 2019. He is currently
an associate professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, Pukyong National
University, Busan, South Korea. His research interests include quantum computing,
high-performance computing, compiler construction, and microarchitecture.
Yongtae Kim received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Korea
University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2007 and 2009, respectively and a Ph.D. degree
from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX, in 2013. From 2013 to 2018, he was a software engineer with Intel
Corporation, Santa Clara, CA. Since 2018, he has been with the School of Computer
Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, where
he is currently an assistant professor. His research interests are in energy efficient
integrated circuits and systems, particularly, neuromorphic computing and approximate
computing, and new memory devices and architectures.