Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) [1] have attracted a great deal of research interest since they are expected to provide
inexpensive security primitives as digital fingerprints. By definition, a PUF is an
original function mapping challenges to responses, which is determined by the unique
physical characteristics most often resulted from manufacturing process variation.
Major applications of PUFs include device authentication and cryptographic key generation
for various kinds of digital rights management (DRM) [2-7]. PUFs are considered as one of the key technologies in internet of things (IoT) environment.
Since billions of devices need to identify and communicate to each other over unsafe
public networks, PUFs as lightweight hardware security primitives under the resource-constrained
conditions are required.
Previous work has presented various structures to make ideal PUFs. They are fallen
into one of the two primary categories of weak PUFs and extensive PUFs. A weak PUF
supports a small number of challenge response pairs (CRPs) linearly related to its
hardware resource. It is also known as an obfuscating PUF or physically obfuscated
keys (POKs) since the primary application is data obfuscation for key generation.
Recently, PUFs exploiting memory-based cell arrays [8-14] have been presented with very high reliability performance. One of the limitations
of weak PUFs, however. is that they accompany computation overhead to implement high-complexity
encryption and decryption algorithms for authentication. For each low-cost device
over IoT networks, it is not feasible to use computational resource and energy for
heavy hash functions. And also, weak PUFs are vulnerable to invasive attacks because
it is possible to read out the entire CRPs in relatively short time. For instance,
a semi-invasive, single-trace, backside readout of logic states has been successfully
applied to obtain the responses of SRAM PUFs [15]. Physical attacks such as probing, destruction, and reconstruction are very high
threats particularly to weak PUFs [16]. It is expected that adversaries can break the other various types of weak PUFs using
the similar techniques. Further research on tamper evidence is necessary to withstand
such invasive attacks.
An extensive PUF, on the other hand, supports a large enough number of CRPs exponentially
scalable with the amount of circuit components or the number of challenge bits. Attempts
to read out the entire CRPs in a limited time simply cannot be successful. Extensive
PUFs are considered as an excellent choice for IoT devices since they can implement
low-cost authentication without additional hash functions. Most extensive PUFs, however,
suffer from defending modeling attacks using machine learning (ML) technology. Previous
works showed that the responses of several types of PUF are exactly predicted with
probability higher than 90% [17-19]. In recent years, various techniques for extensive PUFs have been proposed to strengthen
ML attack resistance. Most of them employ arbiter PUFs, ring oscillator PUFs, or bistable
ring PUFs as basic elements and apply the proposed obfuscation techniques. Unfortunately,
the common problem has been that adversaries can make a linear model from even a small
amount of correlative information between CRPs. This means that it is interesting
and necessary to exploit nonlinear circuits and operations to eliminate or drastically
reduce the correlations.
This article presents a new extensive PUF with the secure structure using a feed-forward
(FF) chain of bistable rings (BRs) as a parallel PUF. We employ feed forward operations
to every challenge bit not only to make each bit nonlinear but also to lengthen the
response time. The proposed PUF with 64-bit challenge and 32-bit response has been
implemented on an FPGA device with the suggested optimization and automation process.
We also built a support vector machine (SVM) to apply ML modeling attacks on the PUF.
Experimental results show that the prediction accuracy remains around 50% after training
104 CRPs. Note that the proposed PUF is a promising candidate for a new extensive
PUF with enhanced ML attack resistance.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II explains the overall lightweight
secure architecture of the proposed PUF as nonlinear circuit components of interconnect,
input, and output networks. Section III describes the detailed circuit implementation
of parallel PUF using feed-forward chain structure of BR PUFs with actual optimization
methods. Section IV provides the major metrics and hardware setup for performance
evaluation with the results that shows the enhanced ML attack resistance. Section
V concludes the paper.
The proposed PUF has an overall architecture as depicted in Fig. 1, which consists of four components: interconnect, input network, BR FF chains, and
output network. Along the path from an n-bit vector challenge C[n-1:0] to an r-bit
vector response R[r-1:0], each component functions as follows. First, the interconnect
generates different challenges for parallel rows to reduce direct controllability
on the internal operations. After the input network applies nonlinear transform, each
BR FF chain then takes n-bit challenge to generate a 1-bit response. The output network
then transforms the intermediate response into the final r-bit response.
Fig. 1. Overall architecture of the proposed PUF.
We adopted the design methodology introduced in Lightweight Secure (LS) PUF [20] since it has multiple nonlinear operations so that it is shown to be more resistant
to ML attacks. While an arbiter PUF is used as the parallel PUF in [20], the proposed PUF employs a feed forward chain of bistable rings as discussed in
section III. Note that we present circuit implementation in Verilog hardware description
language (HDL) instead of general theoretical notions. To be clear and easy to understand,
all the expressions and equations are written in Verilog code throughout this paper.
We will explain each component in more detail.
Interconnect conducts circular shift operation to make each row have unique characteristics.
It generates shifted challenges for q rows, D[0][n-1:0], D[1][n-1:0], D[2][n-1:0], {\ldots}, D[q-1][n-1:0], or a q-element array of n-bit vectors, D[q-1:0][n-1:0].
This is to distribute unique local challenge for each row. It is remarkable that such
a simple operation improves security a lot since it prevents adversaries from bypassing
all the input network easily. One-to-one permutation function can be expressed formally
as follows.
where D[j][i] is the i-th challenge bit in the j-th row and % denotes the modulus
operator. Even if an attacker tried to bypass input network using an inverse transformation,
only one input network is bypassed, but the others cannot be bypassed.
Input network transforms n-bit input D[j][n-1:0] into n-bit output E[j][n-1:0] using
XOR gates. The input network is derived to guarantee strict avalanche criterion (SAC)
such that whenever a challenge bit flips, another challenge bit at n+1/2 locations
apart also flip. When one challenge bit flips, each output flips with a probability
of 0.5.
Fig. 2(a) shows an input network implementation for the abovementioned operation.
Fig. 2. (a) Input network implementation using XOR gates; (b) Output network example for q=5, r=4, x=4, s=1.
A parallel PUF calculate a 1-bit output Q[j] from the n-bit local challenge input
E[j][n-1:0]. Actual PUF operation that transforms physical characteristics into a
digital data is done here. Detailed circuit implementation and FPGA optimization are
presented in section III. The parallel PUFs on the q rows make a q-bit result vector
Output network generates the r-bit final response R[r-1:0] by a lossy transformation
from Q[q-1:0] as shown in Fig. 2(b) with an example. Each bit of R is generated by XORing x-adjacent inputs where sets
are circularly shifted by s bits with respect to each other. The mapping is defined
where ^ denotes the unary reduction operation, which performs a bit-wise XOR operation
on every bit to produce a single bit result. {Q,Q} gives a 2q-bit concatenated result
so that we can express the circular shift operation easily. Note that r and x are
equal to or less than q. The example for q=5, r=4, x=4, s=0 is demonstrated in Fig. 2(b). This means that Q[4:0], 5-bit response output from 5-row parallel PUFs, are mapped
into R[3:0] by XORing 4-adjacent responses circularly shifted by 1-bit.
Arbiter PUF is one of the most popular types of extensive PUFs implemented in silicon.
The reasons are that it only takes minimum hardware resource of delay elements to
provide exponential scalability on number of CRPs and that it generates very reliable
responses. Also, it is easy to understand and analyze its behaviors with a simple
additive delay model. This is, unfortunately, why arbiter PUF is inherently vulnerable
to modeling attacks. Previous works showed that the entire CRPs can be predicted with
99% probability through machine learning algorithms using just a small number of CRPs.
An extensive PUF based on pure arbiter PUFs can be an easy victim for ML attacks.
To make arbiter PUFs resilient to ML attacks, plenty of variants has been proposed.
Feed-forward arbiter scheme [21] is one of the attempts to add unpredictable nonlinearity to fortify the security
of the original arbiter PUF. Racing computation results in previous stages are forwarded
to arbitrary next stages to replace the original challenges with the new nonlinear
ones. Note that this technique also lengthens response time to prevent adversaries
from massive CRP gathering in a short time.
BR PUF [22] is one of the extensive PUFs based on cross-coupled memory structures including SRAM
PUF [23], butterfly PUF [24], and flip-flop PUF [25]. BR or cross coupled inverter pairs are one of the smallest circuits that provides
a form of challenge response pair. It also is easy to understand the behavioral model.
Fig. 3 depicts the schematic of a basic BR PUF and the proposed implementation in a practical
FPGA device. The smallest BR can be built with 2 cross-coupled inverters as shown
in Fig. 3(a). To make it a PUF with 2-bit challenge, inverters are replaced with NAND gates with
one input of a common negative reset. The other input of each NAND is connected to
a MUX output so that one challenge bit selects which one out of the two identical
inputs is chosen. To implement the BR PUF onto an FPGA device, a NAND and a MUX can
be mapped into a single LUT4, which is a logical look-up table with four inputs. Each
output of LUT is fed back to the 2 inputs of the other LUT, so that they work as a
BR PUF. A unique response Q[j][0] is determined by 2-bit challenge E[j][1:0]. A negative reset, rstn forces NAND gates
to output logic 1 whenever the PUF needs to be restarted.
Fig. 3. (a) The smallest BR; (b) A basic BR PUF with 2-bit challenge; (c) A practical implementation of the BR on 2 LUTs in a Xilinx FPGA device.
Since BR PUF exhibits extensive and inherent nonlinearities, it requires much more
complex model to emulate its behaviors. In addition, BR PUF oscillates for a long
period of time before settlement under specific conditions. It usually takes relatively
long period of time to read out responses due to non-uniform distribution of settling
times. That makes collection of enough number of CRPs for modeling attacks in timely
manner very hard or impossible. As a result, we can consider BR PUF as more secure
type of extensive PUFs inherently.
A parallel PUF is implemented as a feed-forward chain of BR PUFs. Fig. 4 shows a parallel PUF with an n-bit challenge and its variation using a feed-forward
XOR chain. A BR PUF consists of two LUTs as depicted in Fig. 3(c). BRs on the top and bottom respond with 1-bit response of Q[j][0] from 2-bit challenge of E[j][1:0] and with Q[j][n/2-1] from E[j][n-1:n-2], respectively.
First, n-bit PUF can be built simply by making an array of n /2 ${\times}$ q BRs.
In order to add more nonlinearity, we then propose a new PUF with feed-forward XOR
gates as shown Fig. 4. BR on the leftmost column gets 2-bit XORed challenges of E[j][1:0] ^ Q[j][n/2-1]
instead of the original challenge of E[j][1:0]. BR on the next column gets E[j][3:2]
^ Q[j][0] as the same way. The PUF feed-forward response from the previous stage to the next
stage to XOR the original challenges. As a consequence, the last stage BR PUF responds
as a final 1-bit response. The parallel PUF is working with n-bit challenge E[j][n-1:0]
to make 1-bit response Q[j].
Fig. 4. A parallel BR PUF with feed-forward XOR chains.
We implemented the proposed PUF on a Xilinx Spartan 7 device, which is one of the
most popular cost-efficient FPGA products. Fig. 5 shows the placement of the PUF cells and detailed components inside each logic slice
and look-up table (LUT). A PUF with 64-bit challenge and 32-bit response occupies
2,144 LUTs. We can estimate the equivalent gate count of 8,576. Since the proposed
circuit consumes 36.82 nJ to generate a 32-bit response, the energy per bit is 1.15
nJ approximately. Note that 1,024 BRs are regularly placed along the form of a 32x32
array on the bottom left corner of the FPGA as highlighted with blue dots. As a consequence,
routing wires between adjacent BRs have similar length to result in evenly distributed
delays. We can see the wires connecting two inverter pairs are routed symmetrically
in the logic slice. A design constraint has been generated automatically to apply
on the placement and routing phase. As we zoom in one blue dot, a logic slice contains
various components including 4 LUTs, two of which are allocated to build up a BR.
Zooming again in one LUT, two inverters, a MUX, and an AND gate are implemented into
a 4-input LUT.
Fig. 5. Device utilization of the PUF cells and logic elements.
A lot of publications have discussed performance metrics of PUFs [26-28]. Among them, uniqueness and reliability are the two most common figures of merits
to characterize PUFs in general. We evaluate the proposed PUF with the two characteristics
at first, and then with ML attack resistance as one of the most critical characteristics
for an extensive PUF. Uniqueness represents how different the responses of a PUF instance
are from the responses of the other PUF instances with the identical design for the
same challenge. Average inter-die Hamming distance or simply inter-HD is used to quantify
the uniqueness, which is expressed as follows.
where m is the number of PUF instances and n is the number of response bits. For 8
instances and 32-bit responses, the proposed PUF shows the inter-HD of 48.31%. Each
response was measured 10 times.
Reliability represents how consistent the responses of a PUF are over varying temperature,
voltage, and time for the same challenge. Average intra-die Hamming distance or intra-HD
is used to quantify the reliability in general, which is expressed as follows.
where k is the number of n-bit response samples, Ri is the reference response, and R’i,j is the j-th sample of R’i in a different operating condition. As the temperature changes from 0℃ to 50℃ and
as the supply voltage changes from 90% to 110% of the nominal, reliability of 98.15%
was measured for the samples taken from each operating condition.
ML attack resistance represents how difficult for adversaries to build a model based
on ML technology. An extensive PUF should guarantee that any attempts allowed by available
state-of-the-art resources to predict the responses with significant accuracy is not
feasible. We run a support vector machine (SVM) classifier [29] with a linear kernel as an arbitrary ML attack. SVM has been proven to be very efficient
for classification and regression analysis with representative works in computer vision,
natural language processing, neuroimaging, and bioinformatics. Note that SVM can perform
powerful modeling attacks against extensive PUFs with non-linear operations using
kernel tricks which are mapping the challenge inputs into high-dimensional feature
spaces. After training periods with different numbers of random CRPs from 101 to 104, the SVM attempts to mimic the operation of the proposed PUF. We evaluate ML attack
resistance of the proposed PUF as prediction accuracy for the test set of 105 CRPs. Intel Quadcore Q9300 was used as a commercial processor to run SVM.
Table 1. Comparison of prior arts of extensive PUFs
This work
= inter-HD
= 100 – intra-HD
or randomness
Fig. 6 shows the prediction accuracy versus the number of CRPs for training. Note that we
trained the SVM with up to 104 CRP instances and tested its prediction to the entire 105 CRPs. While an ideal PUF stays completely unclonable with prediction accuracy of
0.5, practical PUFs show increasing prediction accuracy as the number of CRPs increases.
Prediction is correct when the entire 32-bit value predicted perfectly match to the
actual PUF response. We can see that the accuracy for XOR PUF reaches 93.19% with
103 training instances, FF PUF shows 92.88% with 102 training instances. Note that BR reaches 95.71% for even 10 training instances, which
means not secure at all. On the other hand, it is remarkable that the prediction accuracy
for the proposed PUF remains around steady 50% regardless of the number of CRPs.
Fig. 6. Prediction accuracy vs. training CRP instances.
Bit error rate (BER) and unstable bit ratio (UBR) are 1.85 % and 9.17 %, respectively.
Those metrics are not as good as state-of-the-art PUFs. Since heavy use of XOR gates
are known to be the cause of degradation on the stability of PUF responses, it is
necessary to study the quantitative impact of XOR gates and to find out the optimized
architecture with minimum use of XOR operations. We also expect the stability or reliability
to be improved by applying simple techniques such as temporal majority voting (TMV)
in the future work.
Randomness represents how close the proportions of ‘0’s and ‘1’s in the response bits
are. For the ideal PUF, this must be 50%. Percentage Hamming weight is used to quantify
the randomness in general, which is expressed as follows.
where Ri,l is l-th bit of an n-bit response from a i-th PUF.
When the two LUTs in a BR have a significant difference in their load conditions,
the BR state will be biased to one direction. While we cannot guarantee the pair of
LUTs have exactly the same routing nets as implemented in an FPGA device, we can see
the wires between them are routed symmetrically as shown in the logic slice of Fig. 5. The feed-forward paths and output XOR network also improve the randomness of the
final response. As a consequence, the randomness of 49.49% was observed for 105 responses. Table 1 summarizes uniqueness, reliability, and randomness data to compare
the proposed PUF and prior arts of extensive PUFs.
We have introduced a new extensive PUF, which builds up a secure architecture of multiple
rows of BR feed-forward chains. According to the experimental results, the proposed
PUF shows uniqueness of 48.31%, reliability of 98.15%, respectively. It also remains
secure against ML attack with training 104 CRPs. Note that ML attack resistance has been enhanced compared to the existing PUFs
including arbiter PUF, feed-forward, BR, and Lightweight Secure. While we applied
one of the most efficient ML attacks using normal computation resources and basic
algorithms, ML attacks are on their own evolutions. Thorough study on state-of-the-art
attacks including reliability-based CMA-ES is necessary. Several parameters in the
proposed PUF will also be optimized in the future research.
This work was supported by the Sun Moon Research Grant of 2021.
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Jiho Han received the BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engi-neering and Computer
Science from Seoul National Univ. in 2002, 2004, and 2009, respectively. From 2009
to 2014, he was with Samsung Elec-tronics. He has been an associate professor in Sun
Moon Univ. since 2014. His research interests include hardware security and clock
Changyong Shin received the BS and MS degrees from Yonsei Univ. in 1993 and 1995,
respectively, and the PhD degree from the Univ. of Texas at Austin, in 2006, all in
Electrical Engineering. From 1995 to 2001 and from 2007 to 2014, he was with LG Electronics
and with SAIT, respectively. Since 2014, he has been with the Department of Smart
Information and Communications Engineering at Sun Moon Univ. His research interests
include wireless communications and signal processing for communications.