Title A Case Study on Delay Analysis Methods in the Construction Projects
Authors Kim, Young-Jae ; Lee, Woo-Chang ; Hong, Jung-Suk ; Kim, Kyung-Rai ; Shin, Dong-Woo
Page pp.129-137
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords As-planed versus as-built comparison method ; What-if method ; But-for method ; CPA method
Abstract When we consider the present state of construction delay claim analysis, the delay analysis methods generally used from the abroad construction industries are not applied to our industry. By reviewing the existing methods of delay analysis, this study investigated the important concepts and characteristics of the delay analysis methods. Selection of the delay analysis methods could be decided among 1)As-planned versus as-built comparison method, 2)What-if method, 3)But-for method, 4)CPA method, and 5)DAMUDS method. In order to make clear the characteristics and mechanisms of the analysis methods, this study performed a case study.