Title Classifying Strategic Types Through Strategic Group Analysis In Construction Industry
Authors Jeong, Dae-Ryung ; Yoo, Byeong-Gi ; Kim, Jae-Jun
Page pp.102-110
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Strategy ; Strategic Management ; Resource Based View ; Strategic Group Analysis
Abstract After the IMF bailout, the Environment of Domestic Construction Industry had changed dramatically. Before the IMF, Domestic Construction Firms are secured by the government regulations and some traditional practices. However, due to the following reasons: a decrease in public works, an increase in uncertainty of market prediction, the change of bid system, and increase in construction firms, recently the competition among construction firms has became keen. Under the serious competition, in order that medium-size construction firms survive in the construction market, it is need to establish the strategy that could increase productivity. In order to establish the strategy, firstly, construction firms should set up an appraisal standard of construction firms. Consequently, this study will introduce companies' objective appraisal in domestic construction market as well as basal data for setting-up strategy through adaptation industry structure analysis of business administration for strategic group analysis and a company which has lagged behind competitive power among the competitive companies can choose a target strategic group which should be pursued it in the future through being classified according to a group taken analogical strategy.