Title Evaluation on Performance Level of Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build(Focused on Bridge Construction Projects)
Authors Cho, Kyu-Man ; Kim, Hee-Wook ; Hyun, Chang-Taek ; Koo, Kyo-Jin
Page pp.75-83
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Contingency ; Risk ; EVM ; EAC ; Performance Index
Abstract Recently, the Design-Build (DB) delivery method in public sector makes some argument by reason of the initial cost which is more higher than those of Design-Bid-Build (DBB). According to the results of pervious researches related to the performance evaluation of delivery method, DB can lead the reduction of project cycle time and also is superior to the traditional DBB in terms of construction quality. The performance on each delivery method could be generally evaluated by a project cost and a project cycle time as one of quantitative analyses, and also by construction quality as one of qualitative analyses. In most
researches, the evaluation of performance level based on delivery methods has been evaluated by the degree of their satisfaction through the interview with owners.

Therefore, this paper analyzed the design documents of construction projects delivered by traditional DBB and DB in bridge construction projects in order to measure design quality, constructability, maintainability, and etc. As an above-mentioned analyses, finally, this research shown that how much the difference of performance level is by each delivery method.