Title Strategy for Facilitating Old Aged Apartment Remodeling through Technology Analysis for Space Expansion
Authors Lee, Dong-Gun ; Cha, Hee-Sung ; Kim, Wan-Hyuk ; Shin, Dong-Woo
Page pp.147-155
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Remodeling ; Prefabrication
Abstract In the 1970s, increasing penetration of the housing co-housing policy, reconstruction be a great success to improve 1990‘s Old aged apartment's performance. However, in case of reconstruction, it causes the problem such as city environment destruction, resource waste, real-estate speculation etc. With the trend of sustainable construction and resource recycling, remodeling gets more attention than before. In case of country's remodeling, conventional method causes some problems such as delayed construction period and increased cost. Therefore, efforts that obtain economical efficiency are required to power remodeling through use of prefabrication method like PC technology that is useful for reduction effect of construction period, cost and site labor and excellent quality. This research indicates reduceing factor for facilitating prefabrication method and technology selecting framework through specific of Expanding Floor method and remodeling cases to increase the efficiency of remodeling, considers construction parties approaching plan for prefabrication as occasion that powers remodeling.