Title Construction Safety Management Using FMEA Technique for Selecting Priority order
Authors Yu, Jung-Ho Song ; Ji-Won Kim ; Chang-Duk
Page pp.185-193
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords FMEA ; priority order ; safety management ; risk factor Evaluation
Abstract As buildings become higher and larger, the possibility of accident also increases, and recurrent accidents and serious accidents are also increasing. However, it is not possible to control all the hazardous activities in construction site. Therefore, hazardous activities with higher possibility should be identified and prioritized in advance so engineers and managers can control the activities in safe manner. For this purpose, this research adopts FMEA technique, which has been widely utilized in manufacturing industry. In order to apply FMEA technique in construction safety management, the process of construction work is divided into sub-processes or activities. Then FMEA technique is applied to quantitatively analyze the importance of each activity from the safety perspective.