Title Alternative Evaluation Model in the Development of Environment-friendly Residential Land
Authors Jung, In-Su ; Lee, Chan-Sik
Page pp.156-166
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Residential land development project ; Environment-friendly ; Fuzzy Inference ; AHP method ; Environmental Performance
Abstract Residential land development projects are tending upwards recently. However, an indiscreet residential land development has tended to damage environment by destroying existing green lands and trees of target lands and generating many cut slopes with transformation of its topography. There are Prior Environmental Review(PER) for district designation and Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) before approval on development plans. PER is implemented after developing a residential land development plan and EIA is implemented after completing a detail design. As the result, many of residential land development projects are passive to reduce potential environmental problems on the designated sites. Object of this study is to construct an evaluation system on alternatives in the early step of site designation for implementing residential land development projects with environment-friendly and sustainable way. For this, alternative evaluation model is constructed by using Fuzzy Inference and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method based on Environmental Evaluation Factors of residential land development project, which are proposed in the precedent research. If a decision maker evaluates environment damage by tenpoint method, the point is transformed Environmental Performance(EP) by Fuzzy Inference, and then, applying weight that is already calculated by AHP method, Total Environmental Performance(TEP) is calculated. After all, an alternative with the highest TEP is selected as the best one. Using this evaluation system, more than two alternatives of residential land development project site, which can hold location appropriateness in the early under undecided land use plan, can be evaluated quantitatively. As environmental damages, which can be generated by implementing a residential land development project, can be detected in the early step, environmental damages can be removed or reduced at the source.