Title A Simulation Model for the Application of Concurrent Engineering to Design Phase in Construction
Authors Han, Jin-Taek ; Lee, Jae-Seob
Page pp.102-110
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Concurrent Engineering ; Simulation ; Overlap ; Sensitivity ; Evolution
Abstract Although several research efforts have been directed to fast-tracking to reduce the total delivery time, few researches have been studied on concurrent engineering in construction projects. The focus of fast-tracking is primarily on overlapping independent activity pairs. In comparison, the focus of concurrent engineering is on overlapping dependent activity pairs. Dependent activities are much harder to overlap successfully. This paper presents a simulation-based Concurrent Engineering methodology to optimize the overall duration of a set of design activities in a project by modelling key factors that determine the duration of individual activities and overlap between dependent activities. This methodology involves determining how much to overlap activities, how to decide which activities to overlap and the corresponding cost and time tradeoffs using a discrete event model solution. This simulation model, therefore, can be used as a reference on decision-making to define optimum point between time and cost.