Title A Study on the Development of Automated Gangform Climbing System for Apartment Housing Construction
Authors Yang, Sang-Hoon ; Cho, Jae-Yong ; Cho, Ji-Won ; Lee, Jeong-Ho ; Kim, Young-Suk
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2012.13.1.053
Page pp.53-66
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Gangform ; Form ; Climbing ; Towercrane ; Apartment Housing ; Automation Technology
Abstract Gangform compared with conventional wood and steel form is systemized form which has a capability to install and dismantle form at a time without repeating to assembly and disassembly small members. Gangform compared with ACS has some problems such as 1) Tower Crane load increase, 2) increase in safety incidence during climbing Gangform, 3) decrease in detachment operation productivity, 4) stop work due to climate impacts, and 5) decrease in labor cost, productivity, quality. A conceptual design model of automated Gangform climbing system is suggested for apartment housing construction to show its technical/economic feasibility and workers’safety while increasing operation productivity and concrete quality.