Title A Study on the Evaluation Framework to Analyze Construction Policy Performance
Authors Jang, Hyoun-Seung ; Sohn, Tae-Hong ; Lee, Kyo-Sun ; Lee, Du-Heon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2012.13.5.076
Page pp.76-83
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Master Plan for Improvement of Construction Technology ; Performance Index ; Measurement ; Target ; Appropriacy ; Policy Evaluation
Abstract The purposes of this study are both to identify suggestions regarding the evaluation framework of construction policy performance based on the analysis of the 4th Master Plan for Improvement of Construction Technology and to provide recommendations that can be used for developing the 5th Master Plan for Improvement of Construction Technology. In order to achieve this purpose, a questionnaire was distributed to construction industry-related professionals and makes them evaluate the performance of the 4th Master Plan for Improvement of Construction Technology by performance index appropriacy, measurement appropriacy, and target level. In addition, comprehensive literature review was implemented to extract important points, which are related to policy evaluation, that can be considered factors in developing the 5th Master Plan for Improvement of Construction Technology.