Title A Study on the Analysis of Current Situation of Safety Inspections cost in Apartment houses
Authors Go, Seong-Seok ; Song, Do-Heom ; Yun, Yeong-Chae
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.2.062
Page pp.62-70
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Apartment Houses ; Costs of Safety Inspection ; precision inspection reports
Abstract An apartment house, a private facility, is a house built for many persons to live independently in a building. An apartment house is a building where life damage can happen most in case of a safety accident due to insufficient inspections. However, formal inspections are being realized due to awareness shortage of managing bodies about safety inspection and low-price order-receiving of diagnosing enterprises via the lowest bidding method. This is because it is judged that remarkable costs are inputted in repairs and reinforcement such as maintenance of a structure and that there is a large possibility of human damage in case of a safety accident in a structure. So, this paper aims to derive the points to improve in the current criterion to execute an efficient detailed inspection. As its method, the design price and execution price situation of 66 buildings inspected in detail for recent 3 years for the class 2 facilities in Gwangju Metropolitan City and Jeonranam-do are examined and analyzed. The state2 object buildings to inspect are selected through this. And this paper aims to present the points to improve through the analysis of current problems by evaluating the detailed inspection report and the detailed inspection execution price calculation criterion for the selected 10 apartment houses.