Title Development on Breakdown Structure of Construction Site centered Construction Temporary Technology Index
Authors Park, Junmo ; Kim, Okkyue
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.4.077
Page pp.77-85
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Construction temporary work ; Architectural temporary facilities ; Temporary transfer equipments ; Construction temporary technology index
Abstract A construction temporary work is main process and importance trade section. It has many works and facilities such as temporary transfer equipments which tower crane, and lift, and architectural temporary facilities which temporary office, temporary warehouse, and site test laboratory, and construction temporary equipments which scaffoldings, work plates, construction supports, and forms to set and to use in under construction and to remove in the end. A technology system of construction temporary has very low availability of field works and needs improvements in Korea as construction site has a quick response about new requirements. This study is organized existing technology systems and new technologies for field works, and developed breakdown structure of construction temporary technologies to be a basic of temporary technologies as review with site managers. For this, it will improve to be a knowledge and information system as a research of a performance and an availability about a construction temporary technology index.