Title Analysis regarding the Environmental Impact of the Life Cycle of Housing Complexes in Korea
Authors Choi, Doo-Sung ; Jeon, Hung-Chan ; Cho, Kyun-Hyon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.5.013
Page pp.13-21
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Life Cycle Assessement ; Input-Output Analysis ; Embodied Energy ; Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology
Abstract This study on condominium complex will adopt the quantitative assessment of the influence on the environment throughout the entire life cycle of buildings. This paper applies input-out analysis in order to analyse embodied energy regarding input of materials at material production phase. Also, it calculates environment load at use and demolition and destruction Phases of buildings as analysing energy consumption. The study categorises environment load as six impact categories and undertakes environmental impact evaluation. The consequence shows that the environment load of multi-unit dwelling takes up 88.2% out of the entire environment load of condominium complex. Also, as a result of analyzing the environmental impact of the life cycle of condominium buildings, it was found that such environmental impact comprised of about 11.96% of all industries in Korea that had an environmental impact.