Title Development of Electrical Construction Cost Index Applied Chain-Weighted Method
Authors Park, Houng-Hee ; Choi Seung-Dong ; Hyun, So-Young ; Park, Min-Young
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.5.049
Page pp.49-60
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Chain Method ; Link Index ; Electrical Construction Cost Index
Abstract Electrical construction cost index has been applied fixed-weighted method. But fixed-weighted method can't faithfully reflect industrial structure changes. Because the weighted value and price index of fixed-weighted method is fixed on the basic period. Electrical construction cost index is composed of the cost of labor and material. So it fluctuates sharply whenever the construction association of korea announces the laborer's wage of electrical construction. And it depends on only the producer price index changes that is related to electrical construction since then. So a study is focused on developing electrical construction cost index applied chain-weighted method. Because chain-weighted method can reflect the realities of the electrical construction and alleviate the sudden changes of labor cost with link index. We verify that chain-weighted method relieves the step states of electrical construction cost index applied fixed-weighted method.