Title The Study on Evaluating the Policy Value of Public Projects fo rHousing Welfare - Focused on the Remodeling Projects for Long Term Rental Housnig -
Authors Cho, Yongkyung ; Lee, Sangyoub
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.5.082
Page pp.82-93
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords MAUT ; Public Project ; Policy Value ; Housing Welfare ; Remodeling ; MAUT
Abstract Long Term rental housing, which is supplied for performing housing welfare, has been aging from permanent rental housing. Therefore, variety housing welfare projects are planing and performing for improving aged facilities. However, although every welfare policy are necessary, we have to efficiently allocate and commit the funds, because the fund and resources is limited. And there is required the feasibility study before performing public project for housing welfare, because it needs large amount of financial supports by government. Meanwhile, because most of existed studies are focused on guide development, it has limitation to apply the result of existed studies in this study, which considers public remodeling project for housing welfare. But in reality, public project is been decided by willing of policy decision-maker. Therefore,. in this study, we suggest the evaluation method of policy value for two alternatives(remodeling and maintain) of a aged long term rental housing. To extract the attributes of policy value, we considered categorized items of preliminary feasibility study. Through extracting attribute factors of policy value for aged long term rental housing, we can calculate the policy value of remodeling and maintain alternatives by using MAUT. As a result of analysis, we can find that the utility value of remodeling is 0.6161 and the utility value of maintain is 0.2461 and also the utility of remodeling is higher than utility of maintain. Therefore, when we plan the public projects for performing housing welfare, we can choose remodeling alternative rather than maintain alternative using quantitive data.