Title A Study on the Estimation Method of the Repair Rates in Finishnig Materials of Domestic Office Buildings
Authors Kim, Sun-Nam ; Yoo, Hyun-Seok ; Kim, Young-Suk
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2015.16.1.052
Page pp.52-63
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Office Building ; Repair rate ; Long-term Maintenance Plan
Abstract Business facilities among domestic architectures have rapidly been constructed along with domestic economic development. It is an important facility taking the second largest proportion next to apartment buildings among current 31 building types of fire department classification of 2012 year for urban architectures. The expected service life of business facilities is 15 years, but 70% of those in urban areas have surpassed the 15 year service life as of the present 2014. Thus, the demand for urgent rehabilitation of such facilities is constantly increasing due to the aging and performance deterioration of the facilities'main finishing materials. Especially, the business facilities are being used for the lease of company office or private office, and such problems as aging and performance deterioration of the facilities could cause less competitive edge for leasing and real estate value depreciation for the O&M (Operation & Management) agent and the owner, respectively. Therefore, an effective planned rehabilitation as a preventive measure according to the standardized repair rate by the number of years after the construction is in need in order to prevent the aging and performance deterioration of the facilities(La et al. 2001). Nonetheless, domestic repair/rehabilitation standards based on the repair rate are mainly limited to apartment buildings and pubic institutions, resulting in impractical application of such standards to business facilities. It has been investigated and analyzed that annual repair rate data for each finishing material are required for examination of the applicability of the repair rate standard for the purpose of establishment of a repair plan. Hence, this study aimed at developing a repair rate computation model for finishing materials of the facilities and verifying the appropriateness of the annual repair rate for each finishing material through a case study after collecting and analyzing the repair history data of six business facilities. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the planning and implementation of more efficient repair/rehabilitation budget by preventing the waste of unpredicted repair cost and opportunity cost for the sake of the business facilities' owners and O&M agents.