Title Critical Factors Influencing on the Level of Service for Proacitve Maintenance in Educational Facilities
Authors Shin, SeungWoo ; Yi, JuneSeong ; Son JeongWook
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2015.16.3.024
Page pp.24-35
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Educational Facility ; Facility Management ; Level of Service ; Factor Analysis
Abstract Aging educational facility shall be managed and maintained through integrated service perspectives, in consideration of functions of each facility to provide safe and comfortable environment, rather than temporarily fixing/ repairing problems. For doing this, it is a must to firstly understand the limitation of highly biased performance-based maintenance practice, which is a most common type applied at present, and therefore to establish maintenance system that reflects the functions and characteristics of maintenance service that a facility was designed with. Therefore, the objective of this study is to find items that have an influence on service level recognition in order to fairly evaluate service functions of educational facilities, and subsequently to use these factors as ingredients of establishing a consistent and efficient maintenance system. Therefore this study proposed explanatory variables to measure influential factors for each major maintenance category. Then appropriate statistical verification was carried out on questionnaires that collected from a number of industry experts to test its fe asibility.