Title A Study of Pre-assessment Framework for Business Environment for Delivering Projects in a New Overseas Market
Authors Oh, Jungkeun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2015.16.3.078
Page pp.78-90
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Global Construction ; New Market ; New Project ; Investigation Items ; Framework
Abstract Due to a significant decrease in the number of construction projects in the domestic market of Korea, overseas expansion of the Korean construction companies has been accelerated in recent years. However, the practice of bidding at a low price and lacking information about foreign new markets caused many companies to fail in their entries to these markets. As a measure to prevent such failures, this study has developed a framework which first defines the key research items that must be identified beforehand and then classifies them into a structured way so that the construction companies can actually use this framework to be better prepared for their forays into the new markets. The framework was actually applied for a construction project in Morocco, and its usefulness was proven by the user’ s successful participation into the project, nevertheless the application and result was limited. Although perhaps this framework should be applied to many more construction projects for its validity to be verified and for its structure to be better standardized, the framework still has its value due to the following two reasons: first, it has systemized the esearch items that had been only conceptually defined but had never been organized, and second it can be utilized as a investigation tool at the marketing stage.