Title A Study on the Investigation into Obstacles in Construction Budget Estimating
Authors Koo, Kyo Youn ; Kim, Han Soo
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2016.17.3.081
Page pp.81-89
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Construction Budget Estimating ; Obstacles ; AHP Analysis ; Cost Management
Abstract Under the circumstances where the profitability has become a more critical issue for general contractors, the objective of the study is to identify and discuss obstacles and their key characteristics in the construction budget estimating. Through the questionnaire survey and interviews with experienced estimators of general contractors, the study identified 18 obstacles by 6 groups. It discussed that although various obstacles exist, there are key obstacles to which general contractors should pay attention for the realistic construction budget estimating. In particular, improving subcontractors' estimating competency and incubating estimating experts are identified as the key issues to overcome obstacles in the construction budget estimating.