Title Forecasting the Effects of the Claims in the Korean Constructino Industry
Authors Kim, Jihye ; Im, Haekyung ; Choi, Jaehyun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2016.17.5.035
Page pp.35-44
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Risk management ; Claim management ; Construction dispute ; Arbitration
Abstract Various risk factors are known to be the nature of construction project execution process. These factors lead to potential claims, dispute mediation, arbitration, and litigation which can result in huge loss of money and time. Therefore, it is necessary for construction companies in Korea to improve overall project management capability through the evaluation before entering into the overseas construction market. Also, after examination of the claim and dispute caused by construction project risks, a substantial degree of influence and active preparation for the claim and dispute management should be confirmed via the effect analysis of the each factors. Main claim causes were derived through claim and dispute cases involved with domestic construction projects. As a prediction result of the main claim, 16.1% of the construction change claim, 5.7% of the bad faith claim and 2.7% for the construction delay claim were found to be the portion of the total construction cost. As a result of this analysis, risk management methodology was suggested to improve a project management capability for domestic construction companies through analysis result of the main factors of construction claims.