Title Modular Building Construction Process Development by Benchmarking International Best Practices
Authors Shin, HyunKyu ; Ahn, YongHan
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2016.17.6.003
Page pp.3-12
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Modular Construction ; Construction Process ; Risk Management
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a domestic applicable modular building construction process by benchmarking international best practices. In this study, we derive the risk factors that may occur in performing a modular construction projects and the modular construction management factors through case analysis. In order to effectively respond to risks in performing a modular building projects, we propose the modular building construction process which is separated by a transportation, lifting, assembly steps based on the unit module construction sequence. It is the key to providing management information and guidelines for the design, production, construction participants by reflecting the information for each step in the process. This study would prevent a potential hazard which may occur in the construction process. Consequently, It could result in saving the entire cost of modular construction project as shortening the project schedule and could improve workability of modular construction.