Title Nexus based Quality Inspection Support Model for Defect Prevention of Architectural Finishing Works
Authors Lee, Hye-Rin ; Cho, Dong-Hyun ; Park, Sang-Hun ; Koo, Kyo-Jin
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2017.18.5.059
Page pp.59-67
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Apartment ; Quality Inspection ; Defect Prevention Information ; Information Management
Abstract At the completion of the construction, various finishing processes are concentrated. This imposes a burden on the on-site manager and imposes on experience based quality control, thereby causing deviations in the quality of construction depending on supervisor or worker's individual competence. In addition, the information related to quality control is frequently scattered in various types of documents such as specifications and drawings, and checkpoints are frequently omitted. It is necessary to provide a tool that can effectively provide the practitioner before or during the inspection work by systematically storing the information related to the defect prevention and linking them in a mutually referential state. This paper proposes an quality inspection support model that can systematically store necessary information on activity or room basis for the quality check of the apartment house finishing work. Establish a defect prevention information base and a information nexus by linking specifications, design standards, checklists, regulations, defect cases, and drawings to the finishing process and the rooms. Based on this, information registration and search interface are presented. It can contribute to securing a certain level of construction quality or more by suggesting a frame that can be utilized by linking various defects prevention information with the focus on closing activity and room.