Title Developing a Project Management Information System for Construction Claims
Authors Wang, Hankyeom ; Park, Junil ; Choi, Jaehyun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2018.19.4.070
Page pp.70-81
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Claim ; Disputes ; PMIS ; Document Management ; Collaborative Management
Abstract Claims in the construction industry can have a serious impact on the profitability of the project or can even result in project failure if it fails to take appropriate prevention. In order to properly prevent and respond to the potential claims and legal disputes throughout the project execution, it is necessary to continuously accumulate informations and clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the important activities systematically. Based on these needs, this study develops and verifies the project information management system(PMIS) that can prevent and respond possible claims for construction projects. Developed system includes such management modules as schedule, cost, PM/CM, design, collaboration, and claims. The system was validated by adopting it to the practical projects. The results showed that information systems tailored to the construction claim need to elevate users' familiarity to be more useful. Besides, the system can be more functional when used by both owners and contractors.