Title An Analysis on the Safety Networks in Construction Site and Its Improvement Measures
Authors Shin, WonSang ; Son, ChangBaek
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2018.19.5.101
Page pp.101-110
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Construction Site ; Safety Organization ; Safety Management ; Social Network Analysis ; Improvement Measures
Abstract Safety-related accidents are continuously increasing in the construction field. In order to prevent or minimize such accidents, a systematic and active safety activities of on-site managers and workers are required. However, preexisting advance research is lacking on how the safety organization systems are built in construction sites varying in sizes, and how well-trained the related personnel are in safety knowledge and task performances. Especially, a research on the analysis of the formation of their safety knowledge sharing and safety performance cooperation and their visualization is virtually nonexistent. In this regard, this research was conducted with a purpose to study the generalized safety organization method of domestic construction sites, analyze the safety knowledge and cooperation system of the members based on the SNA method and ultimately provide a hands-on data that could be effectively utilized in building an effective safety management system in the future.