Title Establishment of Room Based Database for Configuration Management in Nuclear Power Plant - Focusing on the Design Requirement and Facility Configuration Information -
Authors Shin, Jaeseop
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2018.19.6.034
Page pp.34-45
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Nuclear Power Plant ; Configuration Management ; Design Requirement ; Room ; Database
Abstract Nuclear power plant(NPP) is a large-sacle national infrastructure with total project cost of 77 billion dollars and period of 10 years or more. Moreover, since it is operated over 60 years, NPP is a facility closely related to national economy and public safety. Therefore, accurate information and consistent physical configuration should be maintained to enable accurate and economical decision making in NPP project process such as design, construction, operation, and decommission. Since NPP industry is more complicate and regulated than other industries, the importance of configuration management(CM) has been widely recognized in the early days. However, there were limitations in implementing systematic CM due to unclear purpose and subject. Therefore, this paper suggests a room-based database for CM in NPP reflects design requirements and facility configuration information.