Title A Case Study on the Need to Improve the Performance Requirement Level of the Military BTL Project
Authors Kim, Jongmin ; Shin, Yoonseok
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2024.25.6.003
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords RFP; Output Specification; Private Investment Project; BTL
Abstract Request for proposal (RFP) and Output specification for the notification of military barracks should be prepared so that the creativity and efficiency of the private project implementer can be maximized. However, these are cases in which Request for proposal (RFP) and Output specification is not specific or the content presented is inaccurate. Accordingly, the competent authority should study and supplement the contents of the Output specification for the quality level of facilities and services to be provided, and describe it in detail and accurately. We present procedures and standards so that changes in military culture can be reflected during construction. of the project, user requirements, and climatic requirements, and facility standards should be specified. The purpose of this study is to increase the degree of completion of project execution through a rational design that meets the needs of the times and considers the total project cost.