현대 교회건축에 나타난 상징적 표현에 관한 연구
주변지역을 고려한 소규모 공동주택의 외부공간계획에 관한 연구
임금근로자와 비임금근로자의 주택소요 차이점
A Study on the Psychological Boundary and Physical Boundary of Housing Space in Korea, China and Japan : Focused on the UPPER-CLASS HOUSE(班家), QUADRANGLE(四合院), WARRIOR'S HOUSE(武家)
An Analysis of Street Behavior on Different Types of Streets in Apartment Housing Sites
다세대 주택의 일조확보에 관한 문제점 및 개선방안
경관에 영향을 주는 색채 실태 조사에 관한 연구
The Validity of Experimental Methods for the Evaluation of the Color Environment in the Interior : Focused on the Experimental Methods by Using Scaled Model, Computer Graphic and Slide
Performance analysis of BACnet-based fire detection/monitoring system in the high-rise building
Characteristics of Heat Transfer in the Apartment with Ondol Heating System