Some Doubts Concerning the Introduction of Anastylosis in Angkor Monuments - Earlier Conservation Activities of the EFEO in Angkor Monuments -
The Architectural Competition ‘Programme Architecture Nouvelle(PAN)’ and a New Direction in Collective Housing Architecture in France in the 1970s
A Study on Yu Gil-jun's Thought about Architecture and City in his Seoyugyeonmun ? In Comparison with Fukuzawa Yukichi's Seiyojijo -
A Study on the Improvement Direction of Height Limited for the Landscape Management in Height Limited District of Namsan in Seoul
A Proposal for the Neighborhood Unit and Neighborhood Scaled Infrastructure in the Deteriorated Residential Area
A Study on the Conflict Factors of Property Owner-led Development in Urban Renewal Project
A Study on the Improvement of Heating System through Experiment and Simulation in Apartment House
A Field Study on Improvement of Indoor Air Quality, Occupants' Perceived Air Quality, Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms, and Learning Concentration with Indoor Plants in University Classrooms
A Study on Urban Energy Consumption Estimation based on E-GIS DB
A Study on the Characteristic of Odor Diffusion through a Big Vertical Opening in a Building and its Control