Gallium nitride-based high-electron mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs) are tailor-made
for applications requiring high power and high frequency operations because of the
desirable intrinsic properties of GaN [1-4]. Spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization fields within the AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
result into a default presence of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) [5], which serves as the current carriers between the drain and source terminals that
can be modulated by an external applied voltage on the gate terminal. This inherent
presence of 2DEG in the channel even without applied gate voltage renders AlGaN/GaN
HEMTs to be normally-on devices. In most power applications, however, normally-off
(or enhancement-mode) operation is more desirable considering fail-safe design and
requirements. The standard recessed-gate devices are fabricated using the conventional
top-down approach of selectively etching the AlGaN layer in the channel to below sub-critical
thickness to deplete the underlying 2DEG [6]. For the standard recessed-gate MIS-HEMTs, aside from the difficulty of controlling
the remaining AlGaN barrier thickness (3 nm in our case), the insulator is usually
deposited on dry-etched-damaged AlGaN surface, which has undesirable impact on device
performance [7,8]. On the other hand, for the proposed devices with ultra-thin regrown barrier, the
original AlGaN layer in the channel region is completely removed, and replaced it
with a 3-nm-thick regrown AlGaN layer using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
(MOCVD) growth technique. It is to be noted that applying this bottom-up approach,
the etched surface is completely buried by a regrown AlGaN layer. Moreover, it is
relatively easier to control and obtain a uniform 3-nm-thick AlGaN layer using MOCVD
growth than thinning the AlGaN barrier in the channel by dry-etching. Meanwhile, Yamamoto
et al. [9] developed a technique of regrowing AlGaN layer on dry etched surface. Using this
technology, which involves dipping the dry-etched surface to hot HCl solution, annealing
in NH$_{3}$ and H$_{2}$ atmosphere, and growing at 950 $^{\circ}$C, Yamamoto and co-workers
were able to obtain 2DEG density and mobility values nominally similar to commercial
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of this regrowth
technology in healing the damage induced by dry-etching. In a recent report, we have
proposed and demonstrated normally-off GaN-based metal-insulator-semiconductor HEMTs
(MIS-HEMTs) with superior performance including record combination of threshold voltage
(V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$) and maximum drain current (I$_{\mathrm{Dmax}}$) employing recessed-gate
structure and ultra-thin ex-situ regrown AlGaN barrier [10]. To obtain a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanism contributing to the
excellent performance of these devices, it is imperative to have a comparison of their
electrical characteristics with conventional recessed-gate GaN based MIS-HEMTs. In
this work, we compare the electrical performance of the proposed devices with those
of conventional recessed-gate GaN-based MIS-HEMTs for the first time and demonstrate
the far more superior attributes of the proposed devices.
Fig. 1 compares the fabrication process flow for proposed (Device A) and reference devices
(Device B). The reference device was fabricated using the standard top-down fabrication
process, where the 3-nm-thick AlGaN barrier layer was formed by thinning the original
25-nm-thick Al$_{\mathrm{0.25}}$Ga$_{\mathrm{0.75}}$N layer in the channel region
by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) using Cl$_{2}$ and BCl$_{3}$
mixture gas of the ICP power of 5 W. For the proposed device (Device A), using a bottom-up
approach, the channel region was firstly selectively etched to completely remove the
original AlGaN layer in the channel region using the same dry etching process recipe.
Then, following pre-annealing of the substrates under H$_{2}$ + NH$_{3}$ flow at 850
$^{\circ}$C for 15 min, an approximately 3-nm-thick Al$_{\mathrm{0.25}}$Ga$_{\mathrm{0.75}}$N
layer was regrown using Yamamoto regrowth technique [9,11,12] by MOCVD at 950 $^{\circ}$C using trimethylaluminium (TMA), trimethylgallium (TMG),
and NH$_{3}$ as sources. For both devices, Ti/Al/Mo/Au metal stack was deposited by
electron beam evaporation and then followed by rapid thermal annealing at 880$^{\circ}$C
to form ohmic drain and source electrodes. As the gate dielectric, 24-nm-thick Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$
was then deposited by atomic layer deposition using TMA and ozone as aluminium and
oxygen sources, respectively. The device fabrication was completed by evaporating
a gate metal stack of Ni/Au as gate electrodes. For both MIS-HEMT devices A and B,
channel length (L$_{\mathrm{ch}}$), channel width (W$_{\mathrm{G}}$), gate-to-source
spacing (L$_{\mathrm{GS}}$), gate-to-drain spacing (L$_{\mathrm{GD}}$), gate length
(L$_{\mathrm{Metal}}$) were 3, 100, 4, 10 and 5 ${\mu}$m, respectively. Furthermore,
we fabricated the circular-shaped MIS-Capacitors with gate diameter ($\phi $$_{\mathrm{G}}$)
and channel diameter ($\phi $$_{\mathrm{ch}}$) of 100 and 80 ${\mu}$m, respectively
(see Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Simplified fabrication process flow for (a) proposed device A; (b) reference device B.
Fig. 2. Schematic cross sectional illustration of MIS-HEMTs and MIS-Capacitors of (a) proposed device A; (b) reference device B.
Fig. 3 shows the C-V curves comparison of devices A and B measured under the frequency of
1 MHz using an Agilent 4284A LCR meter. The circular symbols represent the measured
data while the solid lines represent the C-V characteristics calculated using one-dimensional
simulator including self-consistent Poisson-Schrodinger solver developed by Nishiguchi
et al. [13]. Both C-V profiles showed two plateaus: one related to the field-plate (FP) accumulation
capacitance and the other related to channel accumulation capacitance. The extracted
FP and channel capacitances for devices A and B are illustrated in Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. Compared to device B, device A showed a bit lower accumulation capacitance
in the FP region due to the additional 3-nm-thick regrown AlGaN layer. On the other
hand, both devices showed equal accumulation channel capacitance evidencing equal
thickness values of AlGaN layer in the channel. Fig. 5 compares the extracted interface states density D$_{\mathrm{IT}}$ along the Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN
interfaces, showing suppressed D$_{\mathrm{IT}}$ formation for device A. Examining
Fig. 4(a) and (b), device A exhibited a more negative V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$ of the FP region and spill-over
Spill-over is the sudden increase in capacitance at positive gate bias due to the
to the ``spill-over'' of 2DEG from AlGaN/GaN to Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interface, and
only manifested in high-quality Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interfaces [4]. This observation is consistent with the previously reported effect of regrown AlGaN
layer on planar-type MIS-HEMTs [14], which can be explained by highly reduced acceptor-like interface states density
D$_{\mathrm{IT}}$. Interestingly, considering the channel region, device A exhibited
about 4 V higher positive V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$ than that of device B. It is widely known
that dry-etching of AlGaN surface generates defect complexes related to nitrogen vacancy
V$_{\mathrm{N}}$ [15], which can generate positive charges along the Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interface [16-18], limiting the movement of V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$ towards the positive voltage direction.
For the device A, since the dry-etched surface was subjected to pre-annealing under
H$_{2}$ + NH$_{3}$ flow in the MOCVD chamber and subsequently buried by the AlGaN
regrown layer, we believe that the density of V$_{\mathrm{N}}$-related defects in
this device was highly reduced. We therefore anticipate that corresponding device
A three-terminal transistor will also demonstrate a high positive V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$
shift relative to reference device B. On the final note, we believe that it also beneficial
to study the effects of pre-annealing of dry-etched AlGaN surface under NH$_{3}$ and
H$_{2}$ atmosphere and study whether the AlGaN surface can be healed by this process
using optimized condition.
Fig. 6 compares the transfer curves of devices A and B at applied drain-to-source voltage
V$_{\mathrm{DS}}$ of 15 V. From linear extrapolation of the transfer curves, while
device B exhibited a V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$ value of +1 V, device A showed a V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$
value of +5 V, congruent to those observed from corresponding MIS-Capacitors. Moreover,
while the maximum drain current of device B is limited to about 300 mA/mm that of
device A reached about 450 mA/mm. Furthermore, comparison of the semi-log double-sweep
transfer characteristics (see Fig. 7) indicates that our proposed device has smaller hysteresis of 0.8 V versus 3 V of
the reference device, evidencing better quality of Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interface,
and therefore suggesting highly reliable operation. The marked hysteresis loop for
the reference device is hallmark of presence of high density of Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN
interface states, most likely due to etching damage sustained during dry etching.
Furthermore, the semi-log transfer curve of device B showed inflection points in subthreshold
characteristics probably due to dry-etching induced damage on the side-walls and/or
non-uniformity of remaining AlGaN barrier thickness. Interestingly, even using the
exact dry-etching recipe, these inflection points vanished in device A, further corroborating
our claim of improved Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interfaces in our proposed devices. The
proposed device offers not only ease of controlling the channel thickness by regrowth
but also provides fresh AlGaN surface, healing the dry-etching damage and leading
to suppressed generation of unwanted Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interface states.
Fig. 3. Comparison of C-V characteristics of devices A and B.
Fig. 4. Comparison of calculated C-V characteristics of (a) device A; (b) device B.
Fig. 5. Extracted interfaces states density distribution of devices A and B.
Fig. 6. Transfer characteristics comparison of devices A and B.
Fig. 7. Subthreshold characteristics comparison of devices A and B.
We have performed comparative investigation of electrical performance of proposed
normally-off GaN-based MIS-HEMTs using recessed-gate and ultrathin regrown AlGaN barrier
and conventional recessed-gate GaN-based MIS-HEMTs. The proposed device exhibited
much less density of interface states extracted from the measured capacitance-voltage
characteristics, evidencing highly improved Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interfaces. For
corresponding three-terminal transistors, the conventional reference device exhibited
poor gate control of drain current with about 3 V hysteresis in the transfer curves,
while the proposed device showed well-behaved subthreshold characteristics with only
0.8 V hysteresis. Furthermore, the proposed device showed a much higher V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$
of +5 V compared to +1 V of the conventional reference device. The comparison of the
measured C-V and I-V characteristics of proposed and conventional devices had shed
light on the critical and important underlying mechanism of high V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$
and I$_{\mathrm{Dmax}}$ for the proposed device. The high V$_{\mathrm{TH}}$ of the
proposed device is highly likely to reduced positive donor-like defects due to nitrogen
vacancies along the Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interface while the high I$_{\mathrm{Dmax}}$
as well as reduce hysteresis, are due to reduced interface states density along the
Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$/AlGaN interface. These assertions are made possible by the comparative
study of the C-V and I-V characteristics of proposed and conventional devices.
This work was partially supported by JSPS Kakenhi Grant No. JP23K03971 and Toshiba
Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation.
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Shogo Maeda received the B.S. degree in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
from University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan in 2022 and immediately joined the Graduate
school of Engineering of University of Fukui as a Masters student. His research interests
include fabrication and characterization of GaN-based MIS-HEMTs with regrown layers.
Shinsaku Kawabata received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering from Fukui University, Fukui, Japan, in 2018 and 2020,
respectively. He is currently a control Engineer at KAKIMOTO Co., Ltd., Japan.
Itsuki Nagase received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering from Fukui University, Fukui, Japan, in 2019 and 2021,
respectively. He is currently an Engineer in Visualsoft Co., Ltd, Japan.
Ali Baratov received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical and Electric Engineering
from University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan in 2019 and 2021, respectively. He is currently
pursuing Ph.D. in the Graduate school of Engineering of University of Fukui. His recent
research interests include characterization and control of insulator/AlGaN interfaces
for GaN-based MIS-HEMTs applications.
Masaki Ishiguro received the B.S. degree in Electrical, Electronic and Computer
Engineering from University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan in 2022 and immediately joined
the Graduate school of Engineering of University of Fukui as a Masters student. His
research interests include regulation of electron states on (Al)GaN surface via plasma
treatment processes.
Toi Nezu received the B.S. degree in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
from University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan in 2022 and immediately joined the Graduate
school of Engineering of University of Fukui as a Masters student. His research interests
include ex-situ AlGaN regrowth, high-k insulators and their applications to GaN-based
Takahiro Igarashi received the B.S. degree in Electrical, Electronic and Computer
Engineering from University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan in 2023 and immediately joined
the Graduate school of Engineering of University of Fukui as a Masters student. His
research interests include formation of ohmic contact on AlGaN using low temperature
Kishi Sekiyama received the B.S. degree in Electrical, Electronic and Computer
Engineering from University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan in 2023 and immediately joined
the Graduate school of Engineering of University of Fukui as a Masters student. His
research interests include MOCVD growth and investigation of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
and their applications to GaN-based MIS-HEMTs.
Suguru Terai is currently pursuing the B.S degree in the Department of Electrical,
Electronic and Computer Engineering of University of Fukui since 2020. His research
interests include application of nanolaminate insulator structures for GaN-based MIS-HEMTs.
Keito Shinohara received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Engineering from Osaka University
in 2019 and 2021, respectively. Starting in 2018, he has been affiliated with the
Institute of Laser Engineering at Osaka University. He has been conducting research
in a Ph.D. program at Osaka University and holds a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young
Scientists. His research interests include rare earth-doped scintillators, ultraviolet
optics, and ultraviolet multispectral imaging.
Melvin John F. Empizo received his B.S. degree in Physics from the University
of the Philippines Baguio in 2009, his M.S. degree in Physics from the University
of the Philippines Diliman in 2012, and his Ph.D. degree in Engineering from Osaka
University, Japan in 2016. He previously worked as a research assistant and instructor
at the University of the Philippines National Institute of Physics (NIP) from 2012
to 2013 and a post-doctoral researcher and assistant professor at the Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE) from 2016 to 2022. Currently, he is both an Academic
Staff of ILE and an Adjunct Professor of NIP whose research interests include optosemicon-ductors
and luminescent fluoride and oxide glasses as well as their potential LED and scintillator
Nobuhiko Sarukura received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from
the University of Tokyo, Japan in 1987, 1989, and 1999, respectively. He was a Research
Associate at the NTT Corporation from 1989 to 1992, a Researcher at the Institute
of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) from 1992 to 1996, and an Associate Professor
at the Institute of Molecular Science from 1996 to 2005. In 2006, he joined the Osaka
University Institute of Laser Engineering as a Professor leading a laboratory focused
on materials science and engineering, optics, and laser physics research.
Masaaki Kuzuhara received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University,
Kyoto, Japan, in 1979, 1981, and 1991, respectively. He was with the research laboratories,
NEC Corporation, Japan, from 1981 to 2004. In 2004, he joined the Faculty of Electronics
and Electrical Engineering, University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan. Since 2020, he has
been a professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan. His research interests
include GaN-based heterojunction FETs and their integrated circuits for high-voltage
and high-frequency applications. He is a Fellow of IEEE.
Akio Yamamoto received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University
of Fukui in 1969 and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from Osaka University.
During 1969-1988, he was with the NTT Electrical Communication Laboratories, where
he was involved in the study of bulk and thin-film crystal growth and device applications
of III-V compound semiconductors. During 1988-2012, he was with the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Fukui, where he was involved
in the study of growth of III-nitride thin films and their device applications. From
2012, he has been a Professor Emeritus and a Visiting Professor with the University
of Fukui.
Joel T. Asubar received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Nagaoka University of
Technology, Niigata, Japan, working on molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) growth of III-V
semiconductors. In 2010, he joined as a Post-doctoral fellow the Research Center for
Integrated Quantum Electronics (RCIQE) of the Hokkaido University, where he was engaged
in the design and fabrication of state-of-the-art AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility
transistors (HEMTs). From 2014, he is with the University of Fukui, where he has been
involved in the research and development of highly efficient and safe GaN-based HEMTs.
His research interests include growth of heterojunctions and device physics of III-nitride-based