Aesthetic Complementarities of the East and the West Expressed in Ieoh Ming Pei's Architectural Language
The Western-Style Mansions in Seoul in the Late 1930's - Focusing on Three Mansions designed by Korean Architects -
A Study on the Using Behavior of the Foreigne Workers on the Street in Gimhae
A Study on Measures to Revitalize University Towns - Focusing on Image Analyses for District Unit Plan for University Towns in Seoul with the Use of Housing and Tenure Type -
Porosity of Walter Benjamin and Landscape of Urban Architecture
The Analysis of the Actual Situation of the Evaluation and Certification System of the Basic Plan Based on the Revision of the Law on Central City Revitalization of Japan
Response of Occupants to Indoor Environmental Information
A Study on Daylighting Performance Evaluation for the Green Building Certification and Daylight Prediction According to Design Elements
Evaluation of Antifungal Performance of Wallpapers According to Sorption Properties
A Study on the Characteristics of the Energy Performance in Curtain Wall Building - Focused on the Glazing Type, Window to Wall Ratio and Internal Gains -