Chapter 1 General
Article 1 (Subject and Scope)
This rule shall be applied to all people who contribute a paper to the KIPE and get financial support (labor cost) through the KIPE.
Article 2 (Researchers’ Honesty)
- ① Authors shall NOT steal ideas of others, in whole or in part by using them directly or modifying them superficially.
- ② Authors shall reveal the source of the ideas in the form of footnotes or references. Besides, the authors shall NOT use ideas learned from research proposals and manuscripts for paper review in their own research.
- ③ Authors shall NOT copy, modify or manipulate in part or in whole the materials by some else such as the texts, equations, figures, tables, photos without mentioning the original authors of the materials.
- ④ Authors shall NOT contribute the papers they have already published without mentioning their existence and try to publish them as new papers either.
- ⑤ If there is a possibility of unfair practice in accordance with Paragraphs 1 through 4 of this article, it shall be asked to the KIPE by fax, e-mail or other reasonable means.
- ⑥ If unfair practice in accordance with Paragraphs 1 through 4 of this article is found suspicious, a member of the KIPE shall report it to the KIPE in a reasonable manner.
Article 3 (Qualification as an author)
Author of a paper shall satisfy the following requirements.
- ① Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- ② Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- ③ Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- ④ Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Article 4 (Conflict-of-Interest policy statement)
- ① An author and any institution to which the author is affiliated, reviewers, or editor shall not exercise improper influence in relation to the publishing of a paper due to monetary relationship or personal relationship, etc.
- ② Anybody related to publishing of a paper shall not grant mutual benefit or monetary reward.
- ③ Employment relationship, providing consulting, owning shares, providing monetary reward, providing specialist’s paid witness statement, etc. can be included in monetary relationship.
- ④ In case of any conflict of interest between authors, it should be described in the paper, so that editor, reviewers and editor in chief would understand the background for the study that involves such conflict. Furthermore, the ethics committee shall be convened to mediate the dispute from such conflict of interest. The ethics committee shall mediate, after sufficient review on issues such as the cause and background of the conflict of interest, the explanation by the author, etc.
Article 5 (Allocation of Contribution)
- ① The authors published on the paper shall fully understand the detail with responsibility. Those who haven’t made any contribution to the publication shall NOT have the author’s right.
- ② Co-researchers and those who have involved in publications both directly and indirectly shall be properly compensated in accordance with the method mentioned in a paper.
Article 6 (Guidelines of Other Organizations)
- ① Researchers should be very aware of legal restrictions on their research activities.
- ② The KIPE may request researchers to follow the research guidelines proposed by a client or related organization in addition to the Code of Ethics for Research.
Chapter 2 Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee
Article 7 (Handling of Unfair Practice)
- ① If an unfair act is reported during the KIPE-related research, the Committee shall properly investigate and handle the case.
- ② The investigation on the unfair practice shall be kept confidential without causing any harm to the KIPE or client.
- ③ Those who have been on suspicion of the unfair practice shall have a right to reject the result of the investigation conducted by the Committee. The Committee shall properly guarantee this right.
- ④ The Committee shall make out the entire review process in documents and keep them at the KIPE for five (5) years after getting signature on the letter of decision from all review committee members.
- ⑤ If necessary, the Committee shall summon a person who is on suspicion on the unfair practice and give him/her a chance to defend himself/herself.
- ⑥ If the unfair practice is confirmed according to the result of the investigation, it could be officially announced, and the following corrective actions could be taken. A decision on this action shall be made by the resolution of the Board of the Directors:
- 1. Send the author the KIPE’s official warning letter of the unfair practice.
- 2. Cancel publication of the related paper
- 3. Prohibit the author from submitting papers for the next three years
- 4. Notify the unfair act to the institution in which the author is involved.
- 5. Accuse the author to law enforcement agencies.
- ⑦ If it is confirmed that there has been no unfair practice according to the investigation, the Committee shall take a proper action to help the accused or a person who has been on suspicion restore their honor.
Article 8 (Amendment of the Code of Ethics for Research)
The Code of Ethics for Research shall be amended in accordance with the revision procedure of the KIPE. If the Code of Ethics is revised, it shall be regarded that the members who have vowed to observe the current rules have also agreed to follow the new rules.
- 1. This rule shall become effective on October 12, 2007.
- 2. This rule shall be effective with some modification on May 12, 2012.
- 3. This rule shall be effective with some modification on September 15, 2012.
- 4. This rule shall be effective with some modification on October 25, 2017.
- 5. This rule shall be effective with some modification on February 27, 2019.
- 6. This rule shall be effective with some modification on March 14, 2020.