The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on the Characteristics of the Interior Space of Philips Exeter Academy Library by Louis I. Kahn
An Interpretation of Deleuze's Other Geometry in Terms of Liquid Space : Focused on Works Published since 2000
A Study of imagification of space laying emphasis on representation
A Study on the Characteristic of the Light in Louis I. Kahn's Architectural Space
A Study on Applying the Value Innovation to Space
A Study on the deconstructionist feminist architecture of Zaha Hadid
A Study on The Housing Condition and Planning for The Suburban Housing Complexes
Comparative Study of Interior Environments in the Elementary Children's Rooms between the Lower and the Higher Grades
Analysis of Preference of Residential Space on Residers of Public Rental Hosing in Jeju
Preference of Interior Finishing Materials and Colors in Senior Congregate Housingaccording to Pro-senior people