The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
An Analysis on the Curriculum of Interior Design Education by the Reform of the Educational System
A Study on the Characteristics of Korean Traditional Space through Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology
A Research of Shanghai Art Deco in the aspect of architectural decoration
A study on characteristics of the architectural debate of the eighteenth-century analyzed through 「Parere su Architettura」 of Piranesi
A Study on the Explanation of Placeness in Aldo Rossi's Architecture according to Space Sequences
A Study on the Comparison with Aldo Rossi and Rem Koolhaas about Collective Memory in Space Design
A Study on the Expressional Characteristics of Iconography in Modern Church Architecture
A study on the effect factor of architectural material expression
A Study on the typological characters and the expressive modalities of the architecture of ‘the natural construction’ of Frei Otto
The Concept and Analysis of Redundant Information in Space Perception