The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on Hygienic Spatial Composition of Self-Service Restaurants by Applying HACCP
The Design Characteristics of Spatial Organization Elements Observed in Malaysian Hotel Lobbies
A Study on the Design Guidelines for the Spatial Planing of Conservation Area in Museums
A Study on Strategies Elements(4Cs) of Space Marketing Comparative Analysis for Housing Culture Center
A Study on the Analysis of Relational to Using Status and Connection with Space in Public Space of Platoon Kunsthalle
A Study on the Major Awareness and the Career Preparation of University Students Majoring in Interior Design - Focus on the students majoring in interior design at Daegu?Gyeongbuk State of University -
A Study on the Network and Space Planning of the Public libraries in Daegu City for Construction of Knowledge-Information infrastructure
A Study on Natural Element Application Method for Creating Healing Environment in Hospital's Interior Space
Case Study for Revitalization of Abanoned Nordstern Mine as Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties in Germany
[학회뉴스] KIID News