The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
Sensibility Estimation Analysis about Treatment Circumstance of Children with Autism
A Study on the Windows and Doors of Jecheon Park Dosu's House and Jeong Wontae's House
A Study on Integral System of Public Design in the Context of Local Identity - Focusing on the Landscape Plan and Color Plan of Chungbuk Metropolitan Area -
The Development of Sensibility Evaluation Tools for User-Oriented Housing Interior Space
An Analysis on Rural Housing Standard Plans for the Elderly based on Case Studies of Elderly Housing in Rural Area
Spatial Elements Characteristics of Urban Hotels with Concours Composition Type in the Public Sector - Focusing on Medium-sized Urban Hotels of Korea and Japan -
Analysis of Satisfaction Surveys in Accordance with the Characteristics of the Components of Trick Art Experience Exhibition Space During - Around Seoul Trick Art Exhibition of Three Cases-
A Study on the Exhibition?Education?Operation?Regional Linkage Program of the National Museum of Ethnology
A Study on the Area Planning of Data Area and Reading Area and User Satisfaction in Subject Specialization of University Libraries
A Study on the Architectural Characteristics and Its Implications in Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck