The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
An analysis on the Elements of Servicescape and its Characteristics of Hotel Facilities - Focused on the case of 1st Tourist Hotels in Seoul -
Creating Cultural Cluster through Reuse of Industrial Heritage in the Inner city - Case Studies of M50, BankART1929, ARTPlatform -
Evaluation of Complexation Suitability of Leisure Facilities for the Elderly in Elementary School - Focused on the Current Condition of Facilities of Elementary School -
A Study on Outward Design Strategies to Enhance Publicity into Contemporary Libraries
A Study on The Space Depth For Hospital Architecture Planning Focused on System
A Study on Haptic Presentation Methods in the Experience Exhibition Spaces - With Experience Exhibition Space -
[행사] 추계학술발표대회
[행사] 제25회 정기총회
2015 한국실내디자인학회 논문집 총목차