A Study on Design Methods to Save Cooling Load for Small Glass-Skin Office Buildings on a Case By Case Basis
The Conceptual Contemplation and Evaluation Variables For the Development of the Model to Evaluate the View in the Apartment Unit
Research on Thermal Environment in Apartments' Living rooms and Residents' Control Behaviors of a Thermostat
A Study on the?Investigation of the Amount of City Gas Use?for the Location of?a Major Apartment Building and House Holds
A Study on the Characteristics of Natural Airflow Through Single-sided Openings with Variable Position and Geometry
A Study on Improvement Effect of Indoor Air Quality throughout the Photocatalyst Coating on the Indoor Finishing Material in Newly Apartment Building
A Study on the Economic Evaluation by Introducing Facility to Use Rainwater in Daegu Worldcup Stadium
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Electric Heat Pump and Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump