The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
한국실내디자인학회 논문집 v.18 n.5(통권 76호) 목차
A Study on the Identity Design Factors of Housing Cultural Center
A Study on the Aldo Rossi's Architectural Design Characteristics based on his 'Autobiographical Concept' and Schema
A Study on the way of a montage in the compact shopping space - Focused on the city 7
Emotion Space through the Viewpoint of Transaction - Centering on the Dewey's Theory of Experience
A Study on Characteristics of Stage and Auditorium Space of Modern Performing Arts Centers in America
The Study on Robert Venturi's Contextual Approaches in his early theories and works
A Study on the Intertextuality of John Cage's Music and Bernard Tschumi's Architecture in the viewpoint of Finnegan's Wake - Focusing on the Presentation Aspects of Indeterminacy
A Study on the possibility of various Interpretation of Poetical Signification in Space Design - Focus on the Semantics generative conversion of construction Factors in Interior Design
A Study on Definition and Role of ‘USER’ in Contemporary Architecture