The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on the Characteristics of Traditionality Expression at TM Style Chinese Restaurants - Focused on Chinese Restaurants in Hong kong -
Influences on customers' decision-making by strategy for space design of a coffeehouse
Sensitivity Factors of Kitsch Expression in Food and Beverage Space - Focused on The Correlations with Characteristics of Kitsch and Design Methods -
A Study on the Design Characteristics of Traditional and Modern design converged Hotel - Focus in Prague boutique hotel facade and lobby -
A Study on the implementation of public in Herman Hertzberger's cultural space
A Study on Effects of Performance Stage through Direction - With a focus on stage musicals performed in Korea -
A Study on the social implications of changes in the spatial structure of the Chinese museums since 2000
A study on the correlation between exhibition space configurations and visitors’ viewing behavior in museums - From a Viewpoint of Visitor Density in Public History Museums in Seoul Metropolitan Area of Korea -
A Study on Attribute of Water and Exhibition Composition - Focused on Four-major River Water Culture Pavilion in Korea -
A Study on Ma Gok Sa Space through Thought of Zhuangzi